Victoria Woolf Bailey

Bio for 2022

Victoria Woolf Bailey’s work has appeared in a number of publications including: The Heartland Review, Kudzu, Alchemy Spoon and the Tipton Poetry Journal. She is the author of a chapbook, Dragging Gunter’s Chain, published in 2014 and her first full-length collection, Cannibalism and the Copenhagen Interpretation: a Love Story, was released by Finishing Line Press in March 2022. Her chapbook Under Glass is scheduled to be released in January 2023.

Reason for signing up:

I’ve heard about this in the past and always thought it would be fun to participate.

Poems Submitted This Year:


Participated in the 2022 Lexington Poetry Month Writing Challenge
Participated in the 2022 Lexington Poetry Month Writing Challenge

NOTE: Because poets have the ability to hide their badges and because registrations on only started in 2017, this may not represent an accurate portrayal of poems published by their associated poets, badges assigned to a poet, a poet's participation in the Writing Challenge, or anyone's relationship to Lexington Poetry Month, the Writing Challenge, or any other events, organizations, or persons.

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