Mary Potts

Bio for 2023

Mary is a social worker who grew up in Lexington, now living in Versailles with her 9 year old enthusiastic daughter. She loves being in nature, trips to the beach, laughing and watching her daughter play soccer. Mary's adoration for words started from the time she could speak, eventually putting together words in form of poetry before she knew of the term. Mary has worked with a vast array of individuals in the community through social work related fields, but maintained a dream to pursue writing beyond hobby and personal outlet purposes. She has used written words to ground herself when facing adversity and turmoil throughout her life. After various forms of confirmation over the last few years, that the blank pages are holding space for her outside of her little notebook, she is pursuing means of sharing her filled pages with the public.

Reason for signing up:

The timing of stumbling upon this challenge is undeniably star-aligned. I set a goal for 2023 to share my writing publicly; whether it be spoken or otherwise. Recently, I have experienced many life changes that have brought about grief and turmoil and words have flowed from within me like never before. I was reflecting on how I can help myself heal, and perhaps share with others to provide support to those in the community who may be hurting as well... And boom! I found this website. I am very grateful.

Poems Submitted This Year:


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NOTE: Because poets have the ability to hide their badges and because registrations on only started in 2017, this may not represent an accurate portrayal of poems published by their associated poets, badges assigned to a poet, a poet's participation in the Writing Challenge, or anyone's relationship to Lexington Poetry Month, the Writing Challenge, or any other events, organizations, or persons.

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