LexPoMo Participants

Total poets:
T. Robinson
Photo of T. Robinson
Tomasz, more commonly referred to as Tony, is a poet who focuses on inner conflict, war, and the interconnectivity of love and violence. Student at Lafayette High School, he as a love for the macabre, beauty, and tech.
Reason for Signing Up:
Friends :)
Z.Z. Van Tappan
Photo of wendyjett
Victoria Woolf Bailey
Photo of Victoria Woolf Bailey
Victoria Woolf Bailey is the author of two chapbooks, "Dragging Gunter's Chain" (2014), "Under Glass" (Finishing Line Press 2023) and a full-length collection, "Cannibalism and the Copenhagen Interpretation, a Love Story" (Finishing Line Press 2022) She has been a member of Green River Writers for a number of years and is thankful for all she has learned during her time with the group.
Reason for Signing Up:
I have been having trouble with my writing practice lately and need the challenge of writing a poem everyday this month. I participated last year and it was great.
Victoria Gross
Photo of Victoria Gross
Mostly I am just three raccoons in a trench coat. But I also write and stuff.
Reason for Signing Up:
I'm a regular!
Photo of Anesa
Photo of upfromsumdirt
i write & i art.
Reason for Signing Up:
to write some art?
Trish Lindsey Jaggers
Photo of Trish Lindsey Jaggers
Trish Lindsey Jaggers is a Kentucky-born feminist poet, educator, amateur photographer, and vintage/antique/primitive collector. She earned her two undergraduate degrees (AS and AB) at WKU and an MFA in creative writing (poetry emphasis) from Spalding University.
Her work has appeared or is upcoming in Kentucky Monthly Magazine, Pirene's Fountain; New Millennium Writings (winner of the NMW Poetry Award #26); 'Merica Magazine; The Briar Cliff Review; The Louisville Review; The New Southerner; The Red Rock Review; Clackamas Literary Review, and other journals and anthologies.

Her chapbook, De-Composition: Rigor Mortis (a finalist in the NaPoWriMo contest) was published in 2019 by Local Gems Poetry Press, NY, and Holonym, Poems, was published by Finishing Line Press in 2016.
She’s currently working on Birdshot: The Pellet Poems, narrative poems in her mother’s voice: poems that retrace the woundings from many, many little pellets—injuries that had her redirecting her pain (physically) onto her adopted daughter—woundings that culminated in a fatal self-inflicted gunshot.
Trish Lindsey Jaggers’ “Crazy Eights” writing motto insists on intricate simplicity:
“Write so an eight-year-old can read it,
an eighteen-year-old can understand it,
and an eighty-year-old will have lived it.”
Reason for Signing Up:
I signed up because, while writing is indeed a solo occupation, words should never exist in solitary confinement.
Tony Wheary
Photo of Tony Wheary
Tony Wheary is still an aspiring poet learning from other amazing poets that meet in the dark of night to bare their souls through laughter and tears.
Reason for Signing Up:
LEXPOMO is an amazing community that encourages artists to develop through mutual support. The chance to be a small part of this endeavor echoes long after the month has ended.
Tom Hunley
Photo of Tom Hunley
T.C. Phillips
Thomas Phillips III is a native of Maywood, IL, and a resident of Lexington, KY for 10 years this August. He is the father of two amazing boys, the founder of the non-profit organization BrownOwl, and, last but not least, a writer to his heart.
Reason for Signing Up:
Because if Jude is in it, it's gotta be fun.
Also haven't written in a while.
the bluegrass warbler
just hope i can help the ball club..
Reason for Signing Up:
because it is fun and fun is good.
Photo of teja
Tania Horne
Photo of Tania Horne
Tania lives in Ohio with her husband, two surly but occasionally sunny teens and an embarrassing array of cats.
Reason for Signing Up:
I like the challenge of seeing how much I can pull from the ether each June, and I love the community, and reading all of the entries. I feel blessed by this opportunity.
Tabitha Dial
Photo of Tabitha Dial
Tabitha Dial encourages you to create your fate. She believes everyone has the gift of poetry and intuition. She reads tarot and tea leaves, is a published author and now substitutes for various classes and grades at Princeton Public Schools.
Reason for Signing Up:
Lexington reignited my poetry career, through the vibrant community here, along with Carnagie Center/Poetry Gauntlet, and Accents Publishing. I grayefully return to the practice.
t.m. thomson is co-author of Frame & Mount the Sky (2017), a chapbook of ekphrastic poetry, as well the author as Strum and Lull (2019) and The Profusion (2019). She is a lover of animals, art, trees, surrealism, black and white movies, walking in autumn rains, feeding wild birds in winter, playing in spring mud, & bat-watching in summer. Her first full-length collection of poems, Plunge, comes out in 2023.
Reason for Signing Up:
I appreciate the encouragement to write, write, write, & I love reading other people's poetry.Ju
t. andry
Photo of t. andry
tina andry is a poet with delusions of grandeur. she’s from outer space.
Reason for Signing Up:
fame and fortune.
Sylvia Ahrens
Photo of Sylvia Ahrens
Susie Slusher
Photo of Susie Slusher