LexPoMo Participants

Total poets:
Katerina Stoykova
Reason for signing up:
How could I not?
Bianca Bargo
Reason for signing up:
Because of Chris McCurry and the Gauntlet!
Bobby Steve Baker
Reason for signing up:
pure rascality, to unleash the creative volcano held in check only by procrastination and intellectual sloth, immersion in the creative community of Lexington and Kentucky
Lennart Lundh
Jeremy Paden
Reason for signing up:
No reason to stop now.
Bernard Deville
Reason for signing up:
Tradition. And breaking it.
Kate Fadick
Reason for signing up:
Swam across the river, walked south and participated 2 or 3 years ago. would love to do it again.
Mary Allen
Reason for signing up:
LexPoMo has become a June tradition that I don't want to miss.
Joseph Nichols
Reason for signing up:
Nichols is in perpetual need of the proverbial fire lit near his nether regions to keep his writing (and life) on track; the last two years of LexPoMo held incredible chances to meet other local writers, read outstanding pieces every day, and remind him why he does what he does (and must do).
Jessica Swafford
Jessica Swafford
Jay St. Orts
Reason for signing up:
I need to push myself harder this year. At everything. For everything. With everything.
Dennis Preston
Reason for signing up:
I signed up in order to be challenged in my writing.
Jordan Quinn
Reason for signing up:
After participating in last year's LexPoMo, I couldn't let a year go by without signing up. I'm excited to see what this June brings!
Karen George
Reason for signing up:
I signed up because a poet friend nudged me, and because writing a poem-a-day for a month, along with other inspiring poets, enriches me.
Maggie Brewer
Reason for signing up:
This is my third Lexington Poetry Month. Each summer my poetry has expressed different emotions. I'm curious to see what comes up this year.
Reason for signing up:
I've been writing poetry for a while but I've never had an outlet to publish. It be nice to make some connections this way
Jonel Sallee
Reason for signing up:
I still have issues with guilt...
Tina Parker
Reason for signing up:
I signed up for the kick in the pants AND for the writing camaraderie.
Susie Slusher
Reason for signing up:
Using artistic expression through words is something that is so immaculate and profound. It's a way in which lines and stanzas are something that can represent a little bit of you within each syllable.
Reason for signing up:
Peer pressure, stress relief after a horrible spring semester
james wheeler
Reason for signing up:
To share my simple poems and perhaps meet a few of the poets and discuss poetry, of course.
Rebecca Cavendish
Reason for signing up:
I have always wanted to try my hand at getting one of my poems published. There are so many great writers in this state and I don't pretend to be on the same level. I want to use this avenue of communication to express my gratitude and love for Central Kentucky, and Lexington in particular.
Rebecca Cavendish
Reason for signing up:
I have always wanted to try my hand at getting one of my poems published. There are so many great writers in this state and I don't pretend to be on the same level. I want to use this avenue of communication to express my gratitude and love for Central Kentucky, and Lexington in particular.
Carole Johnston
Reason for signing up:
I write at least one poem almost every day, all year. I enjoy reading the diverse poems of the LEXPO community and sharing my words.
Debbie Cooper
Reason for signing up:
This is my 4th year participating in LexPoMo writing a poem a day. I love the challenge - I cannot imagine a better way to spend my June days!
Amy Camuglia
Reason for signing up:
Being a part of Lex Po Mo is like starting a road trip with a tank full of gas....... You're on an adventure, you meet people along the way, you grow and change, and you end up somewhere different than where you began. Poetry is freedom and an open road!
Alex Simand
Reason for signing up:
Did it last year, and it was a phenomenal experience. Thanks for having me.
Shelda Hale
Reason for signing up:
I want to be part of an amazing community of poets and to incorporate LexPoMo into my daily writing schedule.
Rae Cobbs
Reason for signing up:
I have looked forward to this all year!
Rae Cobbs
Reason for signing up:
I have looked forward to this all year!
Jennifer Barricklow
Reason for signing up:
Because anything that gets me to write is a good thing. And the LexPoMo Challenge is a *very* good thing.
Maggie Prater
Reason for signing up:
I heard about this opportunity at a writing retreat for the Morehead Writing Project. I think it sounds like a neat way to encourage myself to meet my writing goals this summer.
Leigh Anne Hornfeldt
Reason for signing up:
To generate enough material for a full length (finally).
Black Sunshine
Reason for signing up:
Susan McDonald
Reason for signing up:
A long time ago I wrote every day. I am remembering that it was not a luxury, but a necessity. Sometimes we write ourselves right.
Gaby Bedetti
Reason for signing up:
The challenge will enable me to stretch my writing limits.
Maya Pemble
Reason for signing up:
I signed up because I want to be a part of bringing more awareness of the awesomeness of poetry and writing.
K. Bruce Florence
Reason for signing up:
The discipline of regular writing will work for me. Finding time is a great barrier and this demand will begin to work itself into my schedule, I hope.
Elizabeth Sands Wise
Kathleen Gregg
Reason for signing up:
My fellow poets have urged me to participate, and I have accepted that challenge!
Lori Taylor
Reason for signing up:
The world needs more people willing to pay attention and appreciate life's details.
Elizabeth Burton
Reason for signing up:
This is my last summer in Lexington before I move to the Midwest, and so I wanted to go out the same way that I've spent my last two summers here: writing poetry.
K. Ka`imilani
Reason for signing up:
As a transplant to Kentucky, I have been going to as many literary readings as possible. It is important for me to immerse myself in the culture of Creative Writing here in Lexington. It is an enrichment to me, and in the process, an enrichment for my students. I don't function well without poetry. Signing up with LexPoMO is a challenge I would like to take.
Simon Boes
Reason for signing up:
When I found myself writing poetry in Chemistry and Politics classes, I knew I needed to become more organized in this craft.
Nettie Farris
Reason for signing up:
I've spent the last year writing critical prose. I'm afraid of losing my poetry voice.
Philip Corley
Reason for signing up:
I have been writing for ten years now, and aside from a handful of poems shared through Facebook, I haven't put my work out there yet. This challenge seems like a great jumping off point to start making these dreams a reality.
Rona Roberts
Reason for signing up:
It sounded like the best kind of fun.
J. Wise
Reason for signing up:
Sometimes Chris McCurry tells me to do things and I say 'okay.' He's really never steered me wrong.
Sean L Corbin
Reason for signing up:
I need more poems for all the manuscripts I'll never send out.
Reason for signing up:
Nothing makes me more passionate than writing. That feeling of butterflies in your stomach normally reserved for a lover is how I feel whenever I write.
Linda Caldwell
Reason for signing up:
I enjoyed being part of LexPoMo in 2014
Melva Sue Priddy
Reason for signing up:
The challenge of writing a poem every day is a joy. Reading participants' poems is such a pleasure.
The Philosophical Physicist
Reason for signing up:
Ive been living in Maine for the past six years and am returning to Lexington in June. I feel like this would be a good way to reconnect with the local arts community.
Michelle Knickerbocker
Reason for signing up:
My wife is very excited about LexPoMo and asked me to sign up with her again. This year I'm looking forward to writing about food and cooking.
Jesus is Victory
Mary Owens
Reason for signing up:
I read poetry every day, and welcome another avenue to discover new poems and poets.
Chuck Clenney
Reason for signing up:
I signed up because poetry captures little bits of magic and I want to read and feel those and share my power with others.
Beatrice Underwood-Sweet
Reason for signing up:
In all my wandering, Lexington has always been the place I call home, the constant in my life. If I write, let me write with those I call neighbors!
Pat Owen
Reason for signing up:
Motivation and community
Colette Crown
Reason for signing up:
To try a form of creativity that I have not done since school - so many years ago. And because showing this to others is a huge leap of faith over a mountain of fear.
Dakota Himes
Reason for signing up:
I enjoy creative outlets.
Sue Churchill
Reason for signing up:
I love the idea of working together toward the creation of a large body of poetry, alongside people I don't even know. And, last year's poems gave me threads to follow into this year's work.
Jennifer Curtis
Reason for signing up:
I am looking forward to a challenge.
Marta Dorton
Reason for signing up:
I've enjoyed participating in past LexPoMos. This year I need a writing jump start. I hope the daily goal of producing a poem will entice me back into writing consistently. I enter this challenge rusty and ready to work.
meadow dawn
Reason for signing up:
all the cool kids are doing it ;]
Reason for signing up:
I enjoy each LexPoMo and see each event as a way to focus on poetry (reading and giving feedback) and writing poetry.
Reason for signing up:
I enjoy each LexPoMo and see each event as a way to focus on poetry (reading and giving feedback) and writing poetry.
Jennifer Beckett
Reason for signing up:
I signed up because I appreciate being part of this community of writers.
Pamela Gibbs Hirschler
Reason for signing up:
I love the community and the inspiration to write more poetry. The world needs more poets and more people who read poetry!
Victoria Gross
Reason for signing up:
I adore poetry, and I believe that poetry is an art that doesn't get the attention it deserves, particularly among young people.
HB Elam
Reason for signing up:
I want to learn to write like I'm running out of time.
Amanda Holt
Reason for signing up:
Teaching takes away most of my time, so I am out of the practice of poetry. I would like to become an active poet again.
Jamie Mann
Reason for signing up:
I am wanting to challenge myself and give myself some direction and goals with my writing.
Stephanie Mojica
Reason for signing up:
Because writing is in my bone marrow.
Pauletta Hansel
Reason for signing up:
This is my third year. The thrill of productivity always outweighs the guilt of not quite managing the daily part. I love reading other people's poems and seeing encouraging comments on mine. Let's get busy!
Misty Skaggs
Jim Lally
Reason for signing up:
For the challenge to write everyday - a habit worth pursuing.
michelle johnson
Reason for signing up:
Jim Lally mentioned Lexington Poetry Month at our local writer's group meeting. I thought it would be a nice way to write again everyday.
Aaron Reding
Patrick Miles
Reason for signing up:
to write more
t. andry
Reason for signing up:
because i need more pressure in my life.
Reason for signing up:
As I wrote last year, when I was first challenged to take part in LexPoMo, I hope a foreigner's perspective would be interesting to American fellow-writers, and it would also add some different color to the whole picture. Besides, it's so much fun and such a great adventure!
M. Wells
Reason for signing up:
To write more, full stop.
Serena Devi
Reason for signing up:
to keep myself in the habit of writing daily without Liz Prather beating me over the head with Joan Didion quotes every day
Samantha Ratcliffe
Reason for signing up:
I am interested in receiving feedback on my work and gaining the courage to submit this unpublished poetry to literary reviews. I’d also like to connect with other poets and publishers. If you have a press and need volunteers, I am passionate about helping how I can ratcliffesr@gmail.com
Samantha Ratcliffe
Reason for signing up:
I am interested in receiving feedback on my work and gaining the courage to submit this unpublished poetry to literary reviews. I’d also like to connect with other poets and publishers. If you have a press and need volunteers, I am passionate about helping how I can ratcliffesr@gmail.com
Sarah Marie
Reason for signing up:
A friend encouraged me to sign up.
Katrin Flores
Reason for signing up:
To help words that exist for a reason find their reason for existing
mari leet
Reason for signing up:
At the encouragement of friends and the opportunity to share words from an internal voice!
Tania Horne
Reason for signing up:
I have been meeting with the Old Washington Wordsmiths for a few years now and was encouraged by Jim Lally to join.
stefani heller
Reason for signing up:
to try and force myself out of a rut
T. D. Worthington
Reason for signing up:
Potential publishing power