LexPoMo Participants

Total poets:
Zoya Abbas
Photo of Zoya Abbas
Zoya Abbas is the Lexington Youth Poet Laureate and a graduate of Lafayette High School and the SCAPA Literary Arts program. She will be attending American University in the fall to major in Political Science.
Reason for signing up:
To work towards creating a chapbook!
Z.Z. Van Tappan
Z.Z. is holding on for dear life.
Reason for signing up:
At my (great) granddaughter's insistence.
Photo of YvoArcher
Yvonne loves needlework, nature, and words and is always trying to figure out ways to combine the three.
Reason for signing up:
To gain inspiration and share in the gift of words of this community.
Photo of wendyjett
Wendy tries to do her best everyday. Some days her best is better than other days. But at least she tries her best.
Reason for signing up:
Wayne Willis
Photo of Wayne Willis
Wayne is a retired professor of education, a painter and art teacher, and a writer who is experimenting with poetry.
Reason for signing up:
Virginia Lee Alcott
Photo of Virginia Lee Alcott
Virginia Lee Alcott has served in leadership roles in the field of domestic violence, homelessness, trauma, and social justice. She worked closely with families of domestic violence homicide victims. Virginia is a self-taught artist and a Kentucky Licensed Professional Art Therapist. She has exhibited her art statewide. Her current interest is in photography and capturing images that reflect justice and equity. Virginia tries to capture images in her poetry that relate nature to healing.
Reason for signing up:
To challenge myself to write more and to read more poetry.
Photo of Violet
Kia Rayburn is a writer in Troy, North Carolina and works in the Queen City.
Reason for signing up:
The inspiration of poetry month helps me get closer to a finished Chapbook
Victoria Woolf Bailey
Photo of Victoria Woolf Bailey
Victoria Woolf Bailey has been writing poetry since high school She used to buy spiral-bound notebooks by the case at back-to-school sales. Now she composes mostly on a keyboard and has Siri make many strange notes on her phone which occasionally turn into something.
Reason for signing up:
I have been feeling very frustrated with my writing lately. I almost decided not to sign up this year but maybe it is what I need to get my brain back in poetry mode.
Victoria Gross
Victoria is doing her best for the 29th year in a row. She moonlights as an author and is a little bit y'allternative by day. She is raising 5 kids--four of them have four paws and the other is a teenager. You can find her napping in her favorite chair when she isn't working the graveyard.
victoria cruz-falk
Victoria is originally from Washington DC but has spent the last 7 years in Lexington. You can find her bebopping around town at Native Cafe, the Kentucky Theater and the Government Center. She is most proud of her work and contributions to Campus Candor: Students’ Stories Unmasked by Dr. Rosie Moosnick.
Reason for signing up:
poetry gauntlet!
Vickie Moriarity
Photo of Vickie Moriarity
Vickie is a middle school English teacher. Her passion is helping her middle school students discover who they are becoming while growing as readers and writers.
Reason for signing up:
I signed up because so many other Kentucky Writing Project fellows have joined. If I expect my student to write and publish, then I need to walk the talk.
Tony Wheary
Reason for signing up:
Motivation to create a few words in a busy life and enjoy the talent from this group.
Toni Menk
Photo of Toni Menk
As an Air Force Brat, Toni had to move a lot. She was born on Guam and lived in England, Ohio, North Carolina and Massachusetts. She eventually settling in Kentucky. Toni has been writing poems as long as she can remember. In middle school her parents told her that if she wrote 100 poems they would buy her a guitar. She wrote the poems and got her guitar. Toni attended the University of Kentucky where she earned a BA in Anthropology. As a sophomore in college, needing a summer job, she hired on as a telephone operator at GTE in Lexington. Thirty years later she retired as an Equipment Technician. In 1981 she moved to rural Casey County Kentucky where she raised children, blackberries and shiitake mushrooms. After retiring Toni grew organic vegetables and sold them at the farmers market. Needing a new creative outlet, Toni taught herself the ancient art of Lampwork and eventually started doing craft shows as Cyrilda’s Torch. She is a member of KGAC (Kentucky Guild of Artist and Craftsmen) and the Sheltowee Artisans.
Reason for signing up:
Kim Shaver made me do it.
Tom Hunley
Photo of Tom Hunley
Tom C. Hunley is the author of eight full-length poetry collections, eight chapbooks, and two textbooks. He has also written and co-directed two short films, and he and Dr. Alexandria Peary co-edited Creative Writing Pedagogies for the Twenty-First Century (Southern Illinois University Press, 2015). Tom holds degrees from University of Washington (BA), Eastern Washington University (MFA), and Florida State University (Ph.D.), where he held the Kingsbury fellowship. He is a professor of English and Creative Writing at Western Kentucky University, where he has taught since 2003. He has been married to Ralaina since 1996, and they raised four children together.
Reason for signing up:
This is my third summer with Lexpomo. It's a great community of writers.
Terry Gabardine
Terry Gabardine, using her autocorrect name, will be writing in haiku, senryu, and tanka formats - the least she could do.
Reason for signing up:
My brain needs the work.
Ted Higgs
Photo of Ted Higgs
Ted Higgs currently teaches Latin, Italian, and literature classes at Maryville College in Tennessee. He is a retired Army officer and linguist. He has published four books of poetry: Archipelago (2016), Plank by Plank (2019), Scoring the Darkness (2022), and A Love Embargo (2023).
Reason for signing up:
This was recommended to me by a friend, who is a poet and a mentor to many others.
t.m. thomson is co-author of Frame & Mount the Sky (2017), a chapbook of ekphrastic poetry, as well the author as Strum and Lull (2019) and The Profusion (2019). She loves walking in autumn rains, feeding wild birds in winter, playing in spring mud, & bat-watching in summer. Her first full-length collection of poems, Plunge, was published by Uncollected Press in 2023.
Reason for signing up:
For the encouragement & for the ability to see what other poets are writing
Tania Horne
Photo of Tania Horne
Tania is navigating the life curveballs of middle age and trying to maintain a sense of humor and gratitude.
Reason for signing up:
Feels like the thing to do in June every year! I enjoy this group and this challenge.
Tabitha Dial
Photo of Tabitha Dial
Tabitha interprets the rainbow sprinkles on donuts and does a lot of other silly things LIVE on Tiktok. She is an established Tarot and Tea Leaf Reader.
Reason for signing up:
This community is amazing and poetry is good for body, mind, and heart.
I love Lexington. Always.
T.C. Phillips
A transplanted Lexingtonian, T.C. Phillips is a native of Maywood, IL, who has lived in Central KY for over a decade. He is a dedicated father of two boys, an avid fan of social service opportunities, remote work, basketball, writing, and black-owned anything. T.C. is also the second most famous member of Iota Phi Theta Fraternity, Inc., with the same initials.
Reason for signing up:
I want to be just like Jude McPherson when I grow up :) You inspire me greatly, brother.
T. Robinson
t. andry
Photo of t. andry
i am a different person everyday.
Reason for signing up:
Sylvia Ahrens
Sylvia Ahrens (writing as Allison Thorpe) recently won a Poetry Box chapbook contest. She has published several books of poems as well as cozy mysteries (The Family Tree Mystery Series). Check out her website https://www.allisonthorpe.com. She works as a writing mentor at The Carnegie Center and lives in Lexington.
Susie Slusher
Photo of Susie Slusher
roasting coffee by day, writing poetry by night
Reason for signing up:
who doesn’t need a creative outlet?
Photo of Sunny
Sunny has been a writer for as long as they can remember. They have found freedom and life in writing anything from short stories, poems, and fanfiction. They've grown up in an intolerant, rural town, where creativity and expression had hard limits. They strive to find people like themselves, who support, love, and respect others unconditionally.
Reason for signing up:
I was recommended LEXPOMO by someone I respect. They thought I would benefit by having a safe space and community to share my work because it can get dark. I appreciate you taking the time to read my works, and maybe they can inspire you!
Sue Neufarth Howard
Photo of Sue Neufarth Howard
Sue Neufarth Howard: Published poet and visual artist, past member of Greater Cincinnati Writers League (GCWL), Linton Street Writers. Received Third Prize and/or Honorable Mention in several Ohio Poetry Day Contests. Poetry chapbooks: TreeScapes, EarthWords, In and Out of the Blue Zoo and Haiku Moments, available on amazon.com
Reason for signing up:
Challenging me to write some new poems to enter in this May event.
Sue Leathers
Photo of Sue Leathers
Sue has worked with words as a copy editor, reporter, blogger, middle and high school teacher, and college adjunct, but she still has a lot to learn about writing. She lives in Casey County, Kentucky.
Reason for signing up:
Community beyond county lines and the headrush of deadlines
Photo of storm
storm is a Kentucky poet.
Reason for signing up:
I love the idea of a month dedicated to poetry. My goal is to be more mindful of the world I'm in, documenting the beauty, the pain, and everything between.
Steve Daugherty
Steve was born at home in 1943 in Hamersville, Ohio. Runner of marathons, poet, philosopher, lefty, and fighter for the Common Person. Lover of tress and all of Earth's creatures.
Reason for signing up:
A friend insisted.
Steve Cummings
Still standing on the mountain top yelling into the wind
Reason for signing up:
I like it here
Stephanie Mojica
Photo of Stephanie Mojica
Stephanie Mojica, who works a full-time job for a Fortune 10 tech company and does mentoring, teaching, writing, PR, and editing on the side, is a published poet and non-fiction writer. A former Lexington, Harrodsburg, and Louisville resident, she spent a few years in Suriname, Trinidad, French Guiana, Canada, and Boston. Though she currently lives in Los Angeles, she hopes to make her way back to her Old Kentucky Home.
Reason for signing up:
I haven't done LexPoMo in a few years.
stefani heller
Stefan Delipoglou
Photo of Stefan Delipoglou
Stefan Delipoglou creates avant-garde poetry under conceptual characters such as Creoda, Daedalus, and Yersinia P.
Reason for signing up:
To find any semblance of fulfillment in my compulsive habit of creating English-based art
Photo of SpitFire1111
SpitFire interprets life through the poems she writes therefore life is a poetic journey.
Reason for signing up:
I signed up to challenge myself to write a poem everyday,
Sophie Watson
Photo of Sophie Watson
Sophie Watson is a 17-year-old poet born in Lexington, Kentucky. She is a member of the SCAPA Literary Arts program at Lafayette High School.
Reason for signing up:
To write a poem a day until death. This is just a monthly snapshot.
Sonya Pavona
Photo of Sonya Pavona
Sonya is a writer from Lexington, Kentucky who is trying to rediscover her love for poetry again. She is an English Major at Georgetown College and is headed to Oxford University in January.
Reason for signing up:
It's June!
Shery Zimmermann
Shery is new to writing poetry.
Shelda Hale
Sheena Roller
Photo of Sheena Roller
Often a day late or a dollar short (as she is for this year’s LexPoMo), Sheena nevertheless finds joy in showing up. Poetry has often been cathartic for Sheena - both the writing and the reading. And always joy-filled. A mother, wife, educator, and lifelong learner, as well as lover of words.
Reason for signing up:
Because I want to write
Shawn Justice
Photo of Shawn Justice
Shawn Justice is a life long learner, writer and change agent. She has spent 34 years as a Ky. educator and believes in the greater good of writing as an exercise in civil discourse.
Reason for signing up:
I want to challenge myself to be more intentional with writing daily.
Shaun Turner
Photo of Shaun Turner
Shaun Turner is the Fiction Editor for Stirring: A Literary Collection. His poems and stories have been published in journals such as The South Carolina Review, Bayou Magazine, Still: The Journal, and The Appalachian Review, where he was awarded the Denny C. Plattner Award in Fiction.
Reason for signing up:
I love this community: sharing poetry and talking about poetry with folks every June.
Sera L.
Sera is an avid lover of the arts with a passion for writing. Outside of work, she can be found curled up with her cats, a note pad, and a pen.
Reason for signing up:
I love poetry
Sean L Corbin
Photo of Sean L Corbin
Sean L Corbin is the Poetry Gauntlet Coordinator for the Carnegie Center for Literacy and Learning. He is the author of THE LEPER DREAMS OF SNOW (Finishing Line, 2018).
Reason for signing up:
Scott Wilson
Photo of Scott Wilson
Reason for signing up:
To share in this community of poets and try to write a few!
Sawyer Mustopoh
Sawyer Mustopoh is a full time heretic, part time hater, and a student at the University of Kentucky.
Reason for signing up:
I want to challenge myself
Sav Noël Hoover
Photo of Sav Noël Hoover
Sav is an Appalachian poet living in Ravenna, Ky with her two kids, two cats, and two dogs. She only has one husband.
It is her hope that her work can offer comfort and provoke thought in a world that isn’t always comfortable.
Reason for signing up:
Sanida Palavra
Photo of Sanida Palavra
Sanida Palavra is an aspiring writer and poet from Bosnia and Herzegovina, who currently lives in the Bluegrass state. By day, she works within the finance department of a sustainability advocacy non-profit, but by night, she delves into the world of fiction.
Samuel Collins Hicks
Photo of Samuel Collins Hicks
MFA Creative Writing student at UK. Author of Ekphrastic Trek. Proud downtowner. Sober 3+ years; bipolar for a lifetime. Reformed theatre kid.
Reason for signing up:
I signed up in the hopes that my ability to write poetry has improved somewhat since last year.
Samar Jade
Photo of Samar Jade
Reason for signing up:
To allow space for me to be creative.
Samantha Ratcliffe
Photo of Samantha Ratcliffe
Samantha Ratcliffe is proud to be the July Feature Poet at Kenwick table, along with Elizabeth Beck @Poetry at the table (July 3rd). She will also be featured at Teen Howl 2.0 July 11th at Third Street Stuff. She’s a first-year MFA student at the University of Kentucky. She's an editor for Broadstone Books, a performing songwriter, and a high school educator. She runs a Frankfort writing group called Hill Writers (Join us on Facebook!). You can find her music under the name Fields May. She’s excited to attend the Hindman School’s Appalachian Writers’ Workshop this summer. For more, go to samantharatcliffe.com where she challenges herself to write a “first attempt” unedited poem everyday.
Reason for signing up:
I've been doing LexPoMo for years. I took a few years off, but this year I plan to be really intentional.
Samantha R.R
Reason for signing up:
Sam Arthurs
Photo of Sam Arthurs
Sam is a Kentucky native, born and raised in the hills and hollers of EKY. She's a horror author and poet, and sometimes the two cross-over in various projects.
Reason for signing up:
I did it last year and it was really inspiring!
Saikrish Kolli
S lax
Ryan Oppegard
Ryan is a lover of his only son, only dog, and bacon… lots of bacon. He also avoids cholesterol tests, enjoys gardening and working in his yard.
Reason for signing up:
To improve, to vent, and to connect with a community that enjoys writing.
Ryan Eby
Hey! My name is Ryan Eby, and I am an incoming senior at Lafayette High School. I write, sew, and take pictures for fun. I haven't updated my website in a while, but I have had a lot of fun working on it.
Roberta Schultz
Photo of Roberta Schultz
Reason for signing up:
Come for the accountability. Stay for the fun.
Reason for signing up:
River Alsalihi
Photo of River Alsalihi
River is eighteen years old & will never stop writing.
Rithika Chopra
Photo of Rithika Chopra
Rithika Chopra is a high school poet that enjoys to explore the themes of adolescence and love.
Reason for signing up:
Challenging myself to continue writing through blocks.
Renee Rigdon
Rena Nutt
Reid Goins
Photo of Reid Goins
Reid Goins lives in Lexington and plays guitar for local band Naptaker.
Reason for signing up:
I like writing poems but never seem to do it anymore without some kind of motivation.
Rayny Palmer
Rayny Palmer is alive.
Reason for signing up:
This is how I stay alive.
Philip Corley
Photo of Philip Corley
Philip is currently enjoying a state of pseudo-retirement, having left his job in April after working night shift for way too long. In all this new free time, he is focused on re-centering himself as a person on a normal schedule while also tending to long neglected dreams of writing poetry and novels. Can he make something worthwhile out of this period of voluntary unemployment? His eighth Lexpomo is a wonderful place to start.
Reason for signing up:
I can't imagine going into June without this challenge encouraging me to dig deeper into myself and the stories I long to tell.
Peggytress is a poet and writer, as well as a visual artist. Opening her artist's heart to the world is a current challenge. This after teaching visual arts with children for 30 years ❤
Reason for signing up:
I am signing up in hopes of extending my creative efforts in sharing my vision with others 💛✍
Photo of PBSartist
Trish is an artist, author, and instructor. She's lived in Lexington for 9 years now, on East Loudon in the big limestone 'castle' where artist studios and retreats exist!
Reason for signing up:
To share and enjoy the community of writing!
Pauletta Hansel
Photo of Pauletta Hansel
Pauletta Hansel’s ten poetry collections include Will There Also Be Singing? (Shadelandhouse Modern Press, 2024) poems of witness about Hansel’s native Appalachia and this nation, and Heartbreak Tree (Madville Publications, 2022), which won the Poetry Society of Virginia’s 2023 North American Book Award, exploring gender and place in Appalachia. Her writing has been featured in Oxford American, Rattle, American Life in Poetry, and Poetry Daily, among others.
Reason for signing up:
Because it is June. Even when I fail at daily poems, I always write something I would not have. And to quote Sharon Olds, "I think, to a poet, the human community is like the community of birds to a bird, singing to each other. Love is one of the reasons we are singing to one another, love of language itself, love of sound, love of singing itself, and love of the other birds."
Patti Miller
Photo of Patti Miller
Patti is a lifelong Kentuckian and writes poetry when the cat leaves her alone.
Patrick Miles
Photo of Patrick Miles
Reason for signing up:
I love lexpomo and I don't wanna break my streak
Patrick Johnson
Photo of Patrick Johnson
Patrick Johnson lives and writes in eastern Kentucky. He currently teaches at Morehead State and has started a literary consultant agency of one.
Reason for signing up:
Currently, I'm writing a poem a day for a year and this will keep me motivated. I love receiving feedback on the poems I produce for LexPoMo.
Pat Owen
Pat Owen divides her time between Louisville and Sarasota. She is the author of three collections of poetry: Crossing the Sky Bridge (Larkspur Press), Orion's Belt at the End of the Drive and Bardo of Becoming (Accents Publishing)
Reason for signing up:
It's June and it's what I do.
Pam Campbell
Nollie Palmer
Nollie is a visual artist based in Lexington Ky
Nettie Farris
Nettie Farris is the author of four chapbooks of poetry, most recently, The Alice Poems, published by dancing girl press.
Reason for signing up:
I've participated since 2013 and don't want to break my record.
nel a
Photo of nel a
nel loves poetry and reading! nel thanks this community for sharing their work so graciously! nel can only muse about themselves in third person for so long!
Reason for signing up:
love, joy, community, poetry!!!!!
Natasha Lee
Reason for signing up:
Continuing to expand my creativity.
Nancy Jentsch
Photo of Nancy Jentsch
Nancy has been writing poetry since 2008 and is currently participating in the Stafford Challenge by writing a poem a day. Her work can be read in numerous on-line and print journals, in her collection "Between the Rows" and in her chapbooks.
Reason for signing up:
I have great respect and admiration for this writing community and the support for poets it provides.
Nancy Gourde
N. D
Photo of N. D
Part time poet, full time creative. Most often seen with her head in the clouds dreaming up a storm.
Reason for signing up:
A friend participated for the past few years and advised this was coming up again so why not be brave and give it a try
A poet who missed the entire year of Poetry month. He was expected to die, but he has fooled even his doctors.
Reason for signing up:
I am alive again.
Mrs Ladybug
Photo of Mrs Ladybug
Christina loves all things that involve creativity. She loves to be outdoors on her urban farm and in her garden where she finds so much inspiration.
Reason for signing up:
I thought it would be fun to try something new. I enjoy writing and have written a few poems and hoped this would encourage me to write more.
Morgan Evans
Photo of Morgan Evans
Morgan is an Appalachian Poet and folk artist. They love words and paint. Gritty Confession Poet Bukowski and Anne Sexton obsessed. 3 Books they're proud of 2 not so much
Reason for signing up:
Morgan Black
Photo of Morgan Black
Morgan is a geologist, circus artist and writer. She lives with her basset hound, Caesar, and escapes to the woods whenever she can. Ohio born, but a Kentuckian to her bones.
Morgan Adams
Morgan lives in Lexington, Ky., and works and lives around books.
Misty Skaggs
Photo of Misty Skaggs
artist, activist, barefooted backwoods poet.
Miles Reding
Miles is a sometimes-poet trying to make it all make sense.
Reason for signing up:
It's June.
Mike Wilson
Photo of Mike Wilson
Mike Wilson’s work has appeared in many magazines and in Mike’s book, Arranging Deck Chairs on the Titanic. His awards include the League of Minnesota Poets Award, the Maine Poets Society Award, and the Chaffin/Kash Prize of the Kentucky State Poetry Society
Reason for signing up:
To read the work of others and share my own.
Mick Kennedy
Kennedy has poetry and prose published in New Madrid, The Louisville Review, Pikeville Review, Cut-Thru Review, Willow Review, Indiana English, Pegasus, Mid-West Poetry Review, Old City Cool, decomP, Skylark, PoetryRepairs.com,Windless Orchard, IUS Review, Poets Pen Quarterly, and Reaching the Summit.
Reason for signing up:
Because Libby told me to.
Michele LeNoir
Photo of Michele LeNoir
Michele is a new poet—but forever a creative—depicting truths through mixed-media memoirs of refugees and mysteries to ruminate. Her philosophies all center on being kind and being ever-cognizant of humanity.
Reason for signing up:
For community, for inspiration!
Meredith McCurry
Photo of Meredith McCurry
Meredith lives in Lexington with her husband, daughter, and doggies. She’s expecting a baby boy and looks forward to a hot summer of poetry.
Reason for signing up:
Because I love Christopher McCurry and the communities he creates.
Melva Sue Priddy
Photo of Melva Sue Priddy
Melva Sue Priddy has participated in LexPoMo since its inception. Her book The Tillable Land, poems, was a finalist for The Weatherford Award. She lives outside Lexington, Kentucky, with her husband and has a small farm of rocks and hills in Hardin County that she uses as a writing retreat.
Reason for signing up:
It's the challenge and the community.
Photo of Melp
Melp is an artist of various forms and is not starving aside from his hunger for creating new pieces for the world to enjoy.
Reason for signing up:
Megan Wethington
Megan is a Kentucky poet looking to rekindle the feeling of words.
Reason for signing up:
Encouragement of a friend! But also looking to get back the feeling of how poetry felt when I was a teen.
Maya Pemble
Maya is a college student who loves writing, cooking, and being in the forest.
Reason for signing up:
Gotta keep tradition.
Mary Potts
Photo of Mary Potts
Mary is a Lexington native, mother and social worker.
She brings her inner battles, perspectives and experiences to the pages before her, to connect, ground and express herself.
Mary is entering her second year of participating in LexPoMo. Last year's participation changed her life and perspective.
The 2024 year has already brought about grief and heartache like no other. With new challenges, she is ready to fill these pages.
Reason for signing up:
To experience another year of growth and challenge my ability to think and write outside the box and connect with such a beautiful community. Ready to pour it on the page!
Mary Nichols
Mary is a Kentucky poet who currently writes from Frankfort, Ky. She lives with her husband, two kids, and a border collie.
Reason for signing up:
I signed up for motivation to write more and for the inspiring community.
Mary Allen
Mary Allen lives in Lexington, where she reads, writes and celebrates June each year with Lexington Poetry Month.
Reason for signing up:
June arrives in a few days.
Marta Dorton
Photo of Marta Dorton
Marta Dorton is a Lex-based author of poetry and memoir. In her EncaustiCastle visual arts studio she creates acrylic paintings, printmaking and mixed media. Her writing and artwork explore themes of connection, color and contrast.
Reason for signing up:
I signed up for LexPoMo to gift myself inspiration and incentive for daily poem writing.
First time poet, Karen Bashford is searching for balance.
Reason for signing up:
Because Madonna challenged me and I loved the previous books.
Marianne Tefft
Marianne Tefft is a poet and voice-over reader who daylights as a Montessori teacher in Toronto. Her poems and short stories appear online, in print and on air in North America, Europe, Asia and the Caribbean. She is the author of the poetry collections Full Moon Fire: Spoken Songs of Love and Moonchild: Poems for Moon Lovers.
Reason for signing up:
I'm looking forward to creating more ekphrastic poems and returning to my usual writing rhythm this month.
mari leet
Mari is a member of Ole Washington Wordsmith with Jim Lally as the leader! She says being a member is a wonderful way to develop the inner voice through the written word. The experience is much like letting a bird out of a cage!
Reason for signing up:
Mari is interested in what is being written by the up and starting poets as well as the many accomplished poets. What better place to satisfy that curiosity than at Lexpomo?
Marguerite Floyd
Marguerite is a writer, editor, poet, and parrot behavior consultant.
Her current publications, including poetry, are available on amazon.com.
Reason for signing up:
More writing discipline
Manny Grimaldi
Photo of Manny Grimaldi
His currency is his word.
Reason for signing up:
I signed up for #LexPoMo because National Poetry Month in Lexington is not in April, but reigns in June.
Makia Adkins
Makia is a quiet poet. She is originally from Detroit, MI. She started writing at a very young age. She loves to write in different genres. Poetry and Children's Literature are her favorite. She has a cat named Promise that has influenced a few of her writing pieces.
Reason for signing up:
I wanted to challenge and push myself with my writing.
Maira Faisal
Photo of Maira Faisal
Maira Faisal is the 2024 Kentucky Youth Poet Laureate and a rising junior at Northern Kentucky University. She enjoys painting, drinks too much chai and coffee, and hopes to be a physician in the future.
Reason for signing up:
After the three previous Junes, it's tradition.
Photo of Magnolia
Magnolia enjoys small moments in small places.
Reason for signing up:
creative writing is a form of therapy.
Maggie Ruth
Photo of Maggie Ruth
Maggie Ruth is a junior criminal justice and anthropology major at Bellarmine University. She enjoys cooking for the people she loves and spending time in the great outdoors.
Reason for signing up:
Tis the season
Maggie Brewer
Maggie is a teacher in Lexington. She lives in Frankfort with her wife and menagerie of pets.
Reason for signing up:
I missed not writing poetry last summer.
MadLove is just a weird-- dare she say quirky-- little nugget who's just trying to figure out what she wants to do with her life. She loves theatre, writing, and reading- basically anything that she can do to show what she's passionate about. <3
Reason for signing up:
I signed up because my love for poetry is recent but yet full of passion so I'd love to challenge myself with this!
Madison Miller
Photo of Madison Miller
Madison is a feral being, dog parent, and therapist in Lexington, KY. They spend most of their time trying to understand and explore how we hold space for all these big ole’ feelings.
Reason for signing up:
It’s that time again.
Maddie Coleman
Just here to live
M.A. Miranda
M.A. Miranda is a quiet adventurer, a reluctant poet, and a Kentucky native.
M R Heltzel
Photo of M R Heltzel
Maggie Heltzel would not call herself a writer. The practice of writing has always just… been? It has been an act of self-exploration, of processing global happenings, of playing with new words, and of screaming quietly. She is a journalist turned third-grade teacher, a lover of all things art and outdoors, and an aspiring extrovert (because being introverted has stifled opportunities to experience the world).
Reason for signing up:
LexPoMo is, and always will be, the highlight of her year. Maggie loves the opportunity to hear from talented writers and to engage with them in small, but mighty, ways.
m greenfield
Mary is a Kentucky native who enjoys poetry. She believes poetry is a unique channel that takes the human experience and rinses it over and over until it has reached a pure definiteness. This final resting state conveys the felt experience to anyone who reads it. Everyone is an artist, and therefore everyone, by virtue of being alive, performs the alchemy of poetry.
Reason for signing up:
I am part of the 2024 poetry gauntlet cohort at the carnegie center
Luke Brannon
Photo of Luke Brannon
Raising a family in the Pacific Northwest, Luke Brannon keeps a hand writing in his spare time. Influenced by language poetry, his micropoetry focuses on capturing the moment and its interplay with the reader’s own experiences where meaning is then derived between the two. When not writing, Luke codes and illustrates line-art inspired by the American Southwest.
Reason for signing up:
Lucy Jayes
Lucy Jayes is an essayist and poet residing in the horse capital of the world. She received her MFA from the University of Kentucky where she won the Betsy Owen Combs Recruitment Scholarship in 2021 and the MFA Award in Creative Nonfiction in 2022.
In 2023, she won Fourth Genre’s Multimedia Essay contest for her essay exploring her choices in relationships in the form of a Choose-Your-Own-Adventure game. Her poem “Preparing for Hibernation” was selected as a winner for the 2024 Kentucky Monthly Penned contest.
Lucy was awarded a residency from Foundation House in Greenwich, Connecticut, in 2024 to work on her memoir about her experiences with domestic violence. Her work has also been published in Sad Goose Co-Operative, Vast Chasm, Deep Overstock, Bombfire, and The Big Windows Review. She serves as a board member for the Kentucky State Poetry Society.
Reason for signing up:
Accountability and community!
Lucy James
Lucy James writes from a little hilltop in Eastern Kentucky.
Reason for signing up:
I like the challenge of writing every day. It motivates me to write.
Louise Tallen
Photo of Louise Tallen
Gobsmacked by the natural world, Louise is a lover of all things wild and furry. She believes in magic, mystery, and mischief.
Reason for signing up:
Here I am doing this for a fourth year. I am a glutton for self-doubt.
Lori Taylor
Photo of logan
logan ward is a nineteen year-old writer, poet, frat bro, budding Christian existentialist philosopher, Taco Bell rewards member, and top 0.5% listener of alex g worldwide.
Reason for signing up:
peer pressure
Liz Prather
Photo of Liz Prather
Liz Prather is a writer and teacher.
Reason for signing up:
It is June.
Photo of LittleBird
LittleBird gazes into the abyss of the existential challenge before her as she tries to write her biography. At midlife, that seems fitting. She lives in Austin, TX with her two kids and dog. She has a job she loves and she is working toward a Masters degree. She's saving up for her farm dream back in KY, and likes to write poetry to release the words that bounce around in her heart.
Reason for signing up:
I love the challenge of writing something each day and enjoy reading the contributions from my creative peers.
Lisa Woods
Lisa Woods is a poet, playwright, and theatre artist from Woodford county KY. She holds a BA in Theatre from The University of Kentucky, and an MFA-Acting from The Asolo Rep Conservatory/Florida State University. Her original one woman play, Thread and Bone, won the volunteer choice award at The Chicago Fringe Festival, 2018.
Reason for signing up:
My friends in the poetry gauntlet at the Carnegie Center recommended LexPoMo.
Lisa M. Miller
Photo of Lisa M. Miller
Lucky in Kentucky since 1997, Lisa M. Miller is happy to be here. Woe & Awe: https://accents-publishing.com/woe_and_awe.html
Reason for signing up:
1) I love this groovy writing community 2) Poetry is groovy 3) Kentucky smells good
Linda Freudenberger
Linda is back to learn and share with other poets. She just published her first chapbook, The other side of the bed and beyond by Finishing Line Press.
Reason for signing up:
To join the community of poets on here.
Linda Bryant
Photo of Linda Bryant
I live in both Lexington and Berea. I moved to the area from Nashville five years ago. I love the writing community in Kentucky and LexPoMo has become a tradition. Support your local poets!
Reason for signing up:
Writing poetry is my first love. I'm devoted to it.
Linda Angelo
Photo of Linda Angelo
Linda had a hunch she would like writing, and when her professional life as a psychologist slowed down, she was ready to give it a try. Now she can’t stop. Her fondness for nature, painting, dance, jazz, and people’s idiosyncrasies find expression in her work, with a bit of humor thrown in.
Reason for signing up:
To keep at it and enjoy our community of writers.
Lillian I. Bay
Lillian is a young adult interested in both the ocean and poetry
Reason for signing up:
Gillis mentioned it in aplit
Lillian Bramble
Lillian Bramble is a young Lexington poet who is interested in exploring the boundaries between page and performance.
Libby Falk Jones
Libby Falk Jones' recent poetry books include For Your Good Health, Drink Flowers (Bass Clef Books, 2023) and Yakety Yak (Don't Talk Back) (Workhorse, 2022). A book of her poems and photographs is scheduled to appear in 2025. A past president of Kentucky State Poetry Society, she lives and writes in Berea, KY.
Reason for signing up:
It's a good space to share and get inspired.
Lisa is a retired (6 yrs ago) 8th grade ELA teacher, reading specialist and librarian. Lisa is a writer who finds solace and grounding in writing and talking about writing.
Reason for signing up:
I want to try to write 20 poems this year--one day I will get to 30........
Lennie Hay
Photo of Lennie Hay
Reason for signing up:
Lennart Lundh
Photo of Lennart Lundh
Lennart Lundh is a poet, photographer, historian, and short-fictionist. His work has appeared internationally since 1965.
Reason for signing up:
It’s become a habit.
Lee Chottiner
Photo of Lee Chottiner
Lee Chottiner is a poet and journalist living in Louisville, Kentucky. His poetry has appeared in several print and digital journals. An alumnus of the Poetry Gauntlet, Lee is currently working on his first chapbook, which he hopes to have out later this year. This is Lee’s second LexPoMo.
Reason for signing up:
SOBs like me need a swift kick at times to keep writing.
Leah Tenney
Photo of Leah Tenney
Leah Tenney has been writing songs and poems since childhood. Her words seek to find & share solace and chronicle her journey of healing. She resides in northern Kentucky and is currently working on her first book.
Reason for signing up:
Excited to share my words and read the work of other poets!
Photo of Laverne
Laverne Zabielski is a writer, artist, designer, publisher, Mother of five, Grandmother of five.
Reason for signing up:
To take the risk, day by day, of writing my truth, no matter how painful,
Lauren Myfelt
Photo of Lauren Myfelt
Lauren is a poet!
Reason for signing up:
Been doing LexPoMo for a few years now and I always like the spontaneity it inspires in me.
Lauren Lax
Lauren is a poet living in Maysville, Kentucky.
Lauren Lax
Laura Foley
Photo of Laura Foley
Laura was born, this time, in the far reaches of the Virgo Supercluster in a cute little galaxy locals call "The Milky Way". She practices readin', writin', and 'rithmatic while absorbing local culture and nutrient-rich substances.
Reason for signing up:
Because I refuse to sign down.
Photo of laney
a leo sun aries moon gemini rising that loves to express themselves through writing
Reason for signing up:
i love to express myself in any way i can and see others’ do the same
l. jōnz
Photo of l. jōnz
Reason for signing up:
To write in beloved community❤️
L. Holbrook
My name is Lauren Holbrook and I am 35 years old. I am the mother of 2 teenagers, and I have custody of my niece. My children are my world. I love spending time with my family, reading, and enjoying the small things in life.
Reason for signing up:
I love to write and it's a way to express myself. I have recently started writing again and found the joy I once had writing my thoughts down.
Back again to further hone my poetry, challenge myself to daily writing and hopefully, to share something that may resonate with others. I am a mother, a teacher, a writer, a daughter and a friend.
Reason for signing up:
Learning is growing and practicing is mindfulness.
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆟 𓆝
Reason for signing up:
Kristina Johnson
Photo of Kristina Johnson
Kristina Johnson is a writer and poet who explores themes of resilience and the human experience. As a single mother with a Bachelor of Arts in Administration and a Juris Doctorate, her poetry reflects her personal journey and offers insights into life's complexities. Through her evocative imagery and heartfelt storytelling, Kristina's poetry captures the essence of the human spirit.
Reason for signing up:
My son was in your class and told me about this. It's something we are going to do together.
Kris Gillis
Kris teaches high school English and lives near a river.
Reason for signing up:
At this point, this is what I must do in June.
she/they KJ likes to write sometimes.
Reason for signing up:
I always need more practice writing.
Kim Kayne Shaver
Photo of Kim Kayne Shaver
Kim Shaver lives in Louisville, Kentucky, where she continues to expand her perennial garden and life—never certain what will pop up from year to year or who will build a nest using tiny bits of neighborhood laundry lint on the back deck. She earned a poetic license from the MFA program at Spalding University. However, had been writing for years before, but was never pulled over for a broken headlight or a far-fetched mixed metaphor.
Reason for signing up:
Doing this every June keeps me observant of the poems that happen each and everyday and brings forth the poems that have been bubbling about all year long.
Kiitan Adedeji
Photo of Kiitan Adedeji
Kiitan Adedeji served as the 2023 Lexington Youth Poet Laureate. She is a rising junior at Lafayette High School as a SCAPA Literary Arts Major and in the Pre-Engineering Program. She engages in her schools, Black Student Union, Multi-Cultural Association, and is the president of Y-Club. When Kiitan is not writing, you can find her staring at the fish in her aquarium, raving about matcha tea and thinking about something new to write.
Reason for signing up:
I love poetry
Kevin Nance
Photo of Kevin Nance
Kevin Nance is a poet, journalist and photographer in Lexington. His new book of photographs, GENEVA'S GARDEN: FOUR SEASONS OF BEAUTY IN LEXINGTON'S GRATZ PARK, is just out. His poetry collection SMOKE is forthcoming from Accents Publishing in 2025.
Reason for signing up:
I love giving and getting feedback!
Someone like you
Reason for signing up:
For the push to write daily and to read/share with others
Kendall Brooke
Photo of Kendall Brooke
Kendall Brooke is a poet residing in Lexington, KY. In her free time you will find her lounging with her partner, Michael and their two dogs, Lola and Goose.
Reason for signing up:
I have signed up the last few years and always look forward to participating again!
Kelsey Woods
Photo of Kelsey Woods
Kelsey (she/they) is a multi-published poet; fan of naps; big fan of the color blue; and wears a lot of cardigan sweaters.
Reason for signing up:
I feel like I've been in a rut with my writing recently and need to push myself out of my comfort zone.
Kel Proctor
Photo of Kel Proctor
Kel is an undergraduate student at Bellarmine University majoring in English and minoring in both Creative Writing and Women and Gender Studies. Kel is published in Ariel Literary Magazine and The White Squirrel and was runner up in the Annette Allen Poetry Contest.
Reason for signing up:
Some of my friends mentioned LexPoMo to me and I figured this was the best way to ensure that I write poetry over the summer!
Katrina Rolfsen
Photo of Katrina Rolfsen
Katrina is a writer of anything and everything. Sometimes she’s an aspiring novelist, other times a wanderlust poet, and still others a theme park blogger. What remains the same is her love for the written word. When she’s not writing in an embossed notebook at her sunroom window or furiously tapping out a poem in a Disney World queue, Katrina loves to read, dream, and spend time with friends and family.
Reason for signing up:
This is my third year of LexPoMo! I loved the first two, and I’m excited to write and read more poetry!
Katrin Flores
Photo of Katrin Flores
Katrin works in substance use disorder research; loves crochet, thrifting, and naps in the sun; and is a writer coming out of hibernation!
Reason for signing up:
Because it's June! And also I made a goal to write 10 poems I'm proud of this year :-)
Katie Hassall
Photo of Katie Hassall
Katie enjoys writing poetry in her spare time and loves participating in Lexpomo. This will be her fourth year participating and she can't wait to get started.
Reason for signing up:
I love writing poetry and this gives me a reason to sit down and write every day.
Photo of Katie
Katie has always enjoyed poetry and looks forward to writing poetry daily.
Reason for signing up:
I’ve heard incredible things about the LexPoMo community.
Kathleen Bauer
Photo of Kathleen Bauer
Kathleen Bauer is a Lexington native poet who is currently a Creative Writing and Advertising & Public Relations double major at Susquehanna University. She is an alum of the SCAPA Literary Arts program. Kathleen is excited to be returning for her second Lexington Poetry Month.
Reason for signing up:
Why not?
Katerina Stoykova
Photo of Katerina Stoykova
Katerina Stoykova is the author of several books, most recently Between a Bird Cage and a Bird House (University Press of Kentucky, 2024) and The Poet's Guide to Publishing: How to Conceive, Arrange, Edit, Publish and Market a Book of Poetry (McFarland, 2024).
Reason for signing up:
I need to write a few new poems, y'all!
Karen George
Photo of Karen George
Karen George, a native Kentuckian, has published Swim Your Way Back (2014), A Map and One Year (2018), Where Wind Tastes Like Pears (2021), and forthcoming Caught in the Trembling Net (2024). She published her debut fiction, How We Fracture, a collection of short stories, in January 2024. She enjoys photography and visiting art museums, cemeteries, gardens, the woods, mountains, and historic river towns.
Reason for signing up:
Because I’ve been writing a poem-a-day in June with other LEXPOMO poets since the beginning. I've always found it inspiring. Having a daily deadline is a good thing for me. I work well under pressure.
Photo of kai
kai received her MFA in Poetry Writing from Sarah Lawrence College. Her poems appear or are forthcoming in: North American Review, Stone Highway Review, Lavender Review, The Ilanot Review, Anthem Journal, Almost Five Quarterly, Wilde, Sinister Wisdom, Wicked Alice, Roar and elsewhere. Her chapbook Speak So It Anchors You was published in 2016. She is a poet and photographer and resides in Florida with her a pair of dogs and a pair of cats, new plants shes humbly trying to care for well, and a grateful space, trying.
Reason for signing up:
Im from Lexington. Graduated 1999. MFA in poetry in 2011. Passion for poetry and a language-of-understanding has been the beat.
Photo of K.A
Karrington is an aspiring poet who lives her life telling the stories of others.
Reason for signing up:
K. Nicole Wilson
Photo of K. Nicole Wilson
K. Nicole spends the bulk of her time in a lil foxhole spilling paint n tossin round rhyme, or with close family and kin including her lil niblings (niece and twin nephews!). She believes love is everything, including the crystal goblet and (somehow) the wine--if billy collins inquires. Kdot is also certain resistance to fascism, genocide, and evil is love.
Reason for signing up:
I love being a verse in our grand poetic tradition.
K. Ka`imilani
Photo of K. Ka`imilani
K. Ka`imilani is a writer, a teacher, a parent, and a grandparent. She was born in Hawai`i, but has lived in many other places, including Lexington, Kentucky, which is where she met many fabulous friends and writers. She has found her place back in Hawai`i, on a 3-acre plot of land, working towards being off grid.
Reason for signing up:
K. Ka`imilani has joined the Writing Meca Community of the World in another round of making poetry, not war.
Photo of jstpoetry
Jeremy Stacy is a confessional poet exploring themes of dreams, nature, self reflection, and more. He is the author of two poetry collections which can be found on Amazon.
Reason for signing up:
Love LexPoMo!
Josie Angel
Josie is a transgender poet who also loves writing short stories, stage plays, and screenplays. She loves the escape of movies and the catharsis of theater. Her muse foods are jelly beans and bleu cheeseburgers. She’s a creative life coach because she’s passionate about creativity and helping others with their creative practice.
Reason for signing up:
This is always fun and cathartic and helps me generate content,
Josey Bryant
Poet eager to explore identity, and share poetry with readers.
Joseph Nichols
Photo of Joseph Nichols
Joseph Allen Nichols has been a LexPoMo participant long enough he doesn’t remember how long he has been a LexPoMo participant. He currently lives in Frankfort with his two sons, his mom, and a thousand pets and spirit guides.
Reason for signing up:
josephnichols.email@gmail.com 7067998718 Ig endymion.ink20
Jordan Quinn
Photo of Jordan Quinn
Since she learned to write, Jordan has been creating poetry. She is inspired most by lyrical poetry and melodies, poets she admires, her personal experiences and those influential people she is fortunate enough to call family and friends. Jordan is a working poet and mental health advocate.
Reason for signing up:
I'm honored to participate in another LexPoMo and look forward to reading samples of poetry from such a talented group of KY poets that show up every year in full force.
Jonel Sallee
Photo of Jonel Sallee
Jonel Sallee is a retired teacher, lover of learning, avid traveler, and poet.
Reason for signing up:
I signed up because I usually do. Besides, it is a good antidote to my increasing fondness for laziness and procrastination.
Jon Thrower
John W. McCauley
Photo of John W. McCauley
John writes non-fiction and poetry. His work has been published in Kentucky Monthly Magazine, KentuckyLiving.Com, The Martha's Vineyard Times, and other publications. Four of his poems are scheduled to be published later this year in Trajectory. His poem, "The Waldo Emerson Inn," about Ralph Waldo Emerson, is displayed at the historic inn, in Kennebunk, Maine. He is currently working on his first book. John serves on the Jesse Stuart Foundation Board of Directors and is a member of the Bluegrass Writers Coalition. He served in the administration of President Barack Obama, and on the Governor's Commission on Literacy, where he chaired the Local Issues Task Force. John and his wife Rebecca, with their Golden Retriever Siva, and cat Hal, live in Lexington and on beautiful Lake Cumberland.
Reason for signing up:
I have been writing poetry for years but didn't submit any of my work until 17 months ago. I was inspired by Byron Crawford's Back Page article in Kentucky Living Magazine, "For Whom the Dinner Bells Toll." It was this story that encouraged me to submit a poem that I had written about my Great-Grandmother's 1889 dinner bell. Kentucky Living liked the poem and posted it on January 31, 2023. My poetry is inspired by former Kentucky Poets Laureate Jesse Stuart and Cotton Noe, as well as my Appalachian heritage.
Joey Renssalear
Jim Lally
Jim is a member of the Maysville writers group Old Washington Wordsmiths.
Reason for signing up:
is better than signing
Jessica Swafford
Jessica Swafford is a poet from Georgetown.
Jessica Stump
Photo of Jessica Stump
Jessica Stump, an Eastern Kentucky native, grew up amid the lore of the Appalachian Mountains. She is a senior editor and writer at Appalachian State University in North Carolina's Blue Ridge Mountains, where she lives with her husband, writer Matthew Hatfield, and their goofball tabby, Gus. She holds an MFA in creative writing, and among her most favorite things are Halloween and the em dash.
Reason for signing up:
2023 was my first year as a LexPoMo participant, and the experience reminded me that my poetic talents and voice aren't as far removed as I once thought. I joined this year's challenge to tap into the inspiration the event brings and to connect with other KY poets.
Jess Roat
Photo of Jess Roat
Jess is a Reading Specialist and Writer in the San Francisco Bay Area. He enjoys children, music and of course writing. He believes in the potential of creativity we all possess.
Reason for signing up:
I signed up to stimulate my poetry muscles and to connect with other writers.
Jess Bee
Photo of Jess Bee
Jess is a poet. She doesn't really know what else to write here but have a great day!
Reason for signing up:
To share my writing
Jerri Lynn
Jerri Lynn has always been a wordy person and one day she woke up and decided to make those words rhyme.
Reason for signing up:
I've heard good things and this has been recommended by a friend of mine for a while now. Plus, I thought this was a good way to get my poetry out there.
Photo of Jerielle
I grew up barefoot, on 50 acres of wooded land, handraising birds, learning and performing dance routines, harmonies, and going to the public library twice a week. I rode horses, did dance and gymnastics, diving lessons, skiing, piano and guitar, bass, drums and saxophone. My mom would wake me up at 5 am so as to write in a more unconscious state. I was also frequently walking in the woods, learning the names of everything and how to talk to the spirit in all things like the Native American people in many accounts. I am still as unconventional as I ever was, and making paintings which reflect a bit of my own soul back to me is my current profession. Art, music, spirit, love, are inseparable to me, and above all I believe my mission in life is to help others in the world to open their eyes a little wider to the beauty. I agree with Hiyao Miyazaki that any art created by AI is humanity losing confidence in itself.
Reason for signing up:
I always do
Jennifer Gleason
Jennifer is a farmer/soapmaker and propietor of Sunflower Sundries. She loves words since little and is lucky to be partner to a poet.
Reason for signing up:
to be part of the poet community that LexPoMo has created for the glorious month of June.
Jennifer Elam
Photo of Jennifer Elam
Jennifer has spent her life writing and is now part of the Coming of Age women’s writer’ s group. As a psychologist, dancer and writer, she is just completing her book called “Dancing through the Fires”; a personal narrative about healing grief and trauma through (co)creativity, together, with God, Self and Others.
Reason for signing up:
To share my writing and creativity with others in the hope that someone will find it helpful.
Jennifer Burchett
Photo of Jennifer Burchett
Jennifer is a fiction writer who likes to sign up for this just to confirm that she is indeed a fiction writer, and not a poet. (But it is good yoga for the creative mind, so there's that.)
Reason for signing up:
It's very humbling to ply a craft that exposes one's weaknesses.
Jennifer Beckett
Jennifer Beckett is a writer and teacher.
Reason for signing up:
This community is wonderful.
Jennifer Barricklow
Photo of Jennifer Barricklow
Jennifer Barricklow is a writer and freelance editor in Lexington KY. In addition to writing poetry, she studies tarot, putters in the garden, and makes stuff out of yarn. She participates in the literary ecosystem, locally and globally, as much as possible.
Reason for signing up:
I signed up because I love being part of Lexington's amazing poetry community!
Jeff Hoagland
Photo of Jeff Hoagland
Jeff is currently, momentarily, but not presently the Executive Director of the Lexington Writer's Room. He also makes films, sometimes.
Reason for signing up:
To support them arts!
Photo of Jazzy
Eugenia Johnson-Smith, owner and CEO of Positive Power, LLC. Training and Development is an Author, Coach, and International Speaker. She's a freelance writer for The Lextropolis Magazine and the author of Positive Power 31 Devotions To Help Unleash Your Positive Power. She teaches writing classes and enjoys encouraging other writers to pursue their writing dream.
Reason for signing up:
It's fun, I enjoy the challenge of writing a poem a day, and the satisfactions of knowing I stuck with it and completed my goal.
Jay St. Orts
Photo of Jay St. Orts
Husband, Father, Son, Brother, Uncle, Cousin, Friend, Musician, DJ, Homebrewer, Cook, Editor, Writer. Not necessarily
Reason for signing up:
Seeking shelter from the storm.
Jay McCoy
Photo of Jay McCoy
Jay writes poems & essays and cuts & pastes images into collages.
Reason for signing up:
For the community
Jason Williams
Photo of Jason Williams
Jason is a technologist and poet originally from Catlettsburg, Kentucky, but now residing in Lexington.
Jasmine Robinson
Photo of Jasmine Robinson
Jasmine Robinson is a writer living in Lexington, KY.
Reason for signing up:
June is for poetry.
Jacob Hempel
Jacob is a poet and scientist born and raised in Lexington. Jacob is now residing in Texas to continue doing postdoctoral research at Texas A&M.
j.l taylor
Photo of j.l taylor
j.l taylor is a poet from lexington, ky. her cup overfloweth with family, friends, dogs, cats, and community. now only if she could find time to just sit, read, and write. if she did, may i dare say, life would be perfect.
Reason for signing up:
to do the damn thing
J. Acker
J is a lover of words and gardens.
Reason for signing up:
To bring some inspiration and discipline to my writing!
Photo of IE
Ingrid is a gardener and educator in Kentucky.
Reason for signing up:
trying some form poetry on for size
Ian Brenner
One foot in the grave and I need six
Reason for signing up:
a girl
Hunter Nelson
Photo of Hunter Nelson
Hunter is scared
of writing biography.
Instead it's haiku.
Reason for signing up:
Personal morals
oblige me to keep writing
lest I forget how.
hunter e. westenhofer
(they/he) hunter e. westenhofer is a graduate of Georgetown College with a Bachelor's of Arts degree in English and a minor in women, gender, and sexuality studies. They are a resident of central Kentucky and read and write for the love of words and the spread of hope.
Reason for signing up:
It's my favorite time of the year! Plus, I'm excited to try my hand at writing 30 poems that explore love in its myriad forms this month.
Hillary Tucker
Photo of Hillary Tucker
Hillary is a fledgling writer, searching for her voice in the wild places of Kentucky. She is aided in her creative endeavors by her husband, two children, five cheeky dogs, and two literary cats.
Reason for signing up:
hfo is a teacher and writer in the bluegrass.
Reason for signing up:
To motivate myself to write and share.
Haven Coleman
Haven is just a silly girl
Reason for signing up:
I love poetry!
Photo of Hat
I have been in every moment a thousand times before and will be in them a thousand times again. 🏳️‍⚧️
Harold Sherman is a freelance musician and has been for most of his adult life. He is also a Donovan Scholar at UK, having previously received his MM in Composition in 1999. He once taught piano lessons to rising standup comic star Ariel Elias and recorded a Christmas CD with Laura Bell Bundy. He did not, however, invent the internet--nor has he ever dated Taylor Swift.
Reason for signing up:
I heard about it at Writing Practice at Carnegie Center.
Hannah M
Photo of Hannah M
Hannah is a teenager whose talented writer friend made her sign up.
Haley Biddle
Haley is a creative with expertise in media and marketing. Most of all, she is a dreamer, a humble dreamer with a lust for the present. Without an ethereal mix of soul, r&b, and alternative music, her head would be uninspired. Haley has been pen pals with Juliet in Verona, written love notes in Lexington, and buried letters in Nicholasville. For it is the ceremony of pen and paper that sends her into a honeymooned bliss.
Reason for signing up:
I believe a lot of people like to hide behind their writing. Sometimes so much so that the fire meets it first. Sometimes I see that fire dance on my walls in the candlelight. Where fragrance meets fear, cement meets roadblock, and heat meets headache. This act of choosing is a waterfall. I have a voice, and I want to be heard.
Hailey Small
Photo of Hailey Small
Hailey Small is a poet and Kentuckian. She is a member of the 2024 Poetry Gauntlet cohort. Find her writing elsewhere in The Linden Review, Kentucky Monthly, and Anthrow Circus.
Reason for signing up:
I'm always working towards writing more consistently
Photo of H.A.
H.A. lives and loves boldly. She enjoys finding quiet moments among the chaos of existing on this little blue pebble in the vast universe.
Reason for signing up:
LexPoMo is a wonderful community of writers, thinkers, readers, and adventurers. The poets in this community inspire me.
Gwyneth Stewart
Gwyneth is a retired lawyer and practicing poet.
Reason for signing up:
I have participated for several years and love the challenge to write daily and the community of poets.
Gregory Friedman
Photo of Gregory Friedman
Greg is a Franciscan friar, living in the Southwest, working as a retreat director, pilgrim guide, as well as accompanying the Pueblo People in several mission parishes, where he is a learner and seeker.
Reason for signing up:
LexPoMo is a needed jump-start to my writng every year. This June I am living in Rome, Italy--lots of prompts all around me!
Photo of Goldie
Rifka Goldwyn was born of a coconut, or so her mother confessed at her brother's funeral. Legend has it that her mother's mother, Mary, had been stolen from Hazard, KY in '48, in the wake of her parents' untimely deaths (her father succumbed to a mining incident, her mother dismissed from life by a juggernaut grief no more than a harrowing fortnight later), abducted by distant relatives—the Feathers, in from Florida; they snatched her and her twin baby sister, leaving their three older brothers with who knows just how big a sack of fresh-plucked coconuts.
Rifka can be found come inclement Tuesdays in a farrow of ravenous hagfish sleaved from cigarette tinder, awash in a hog trough riddled with coffee and clotted cream. Her one lone tome, Sweet Briar and Firebrands of the Indigo Village (admonished in birdsong), can be found in paperback via (all apologies, really, she's sorry) amazon.com. She resides in Lexington, albeit years ago buried something deep in Arroyo Seco—makes ends meet cobbling pizzas together, and, in her down time, gayly parades downtown with a duck umbrella the color of chipperly chilblained gingkos.
Reason for signing up:
Because it seemed important, like protecting the bees or watching the sunrise shudder and blush and twist into tack-pale, lachrymose morning.
Gillian King
Photo of Gillian King
Gillian is a journalist and has always been a lover of writing and poetry, which she got from her mother.
Reason for signing up:
I was encouraged my close friend and poet, Karrington Aliyah Garland
Geoff White
Photo of Geoff White
Geoff is a poet from Lexington, KY. He wants to learn and grow as a poet by being in community with other like-minded individuals.
Reason for signing up:
To stretch myself and trying new things.
Gaby Bedetti
Photo of Gaby Bedetti
Gaby continues to maximize the haiku.
Reason for signing up:
I signed up because it's June and that's what I do, even though this June my daughter is also getting married.
Frankie A.
Photo of Frankie A.
Frankie is a Lexingtonian screenwriter/filmmaker
Reason for signing up:
Fanny H. Salmon
Photo of Fanny H. Salmon
Fanny is Kentuckian from Normandy; a poet, a translator and filmmaker. She’s travelled the world telling stories about horses, spends her spare time digging up stories and naming humans.
Reason for signing up:
For the community and challenge.
Evyn Weaver
Photo of Evyn Weaver
Certified yapper, saxophonist, and accidental poet.
Reason for signing up:
To document all the cool things out there and live a creative life.
Esme Morris
I am a student at Lafayette High School in the literary arts program.
Reason for signing up:
To share poetry.
Esme is a student in the literary arts program at her school in Lexington.
Reason for signing up:
I love to write!
Eric W. Willis
Photo of Eric W. Willis
Eric W. Willis is a writer, reader, sometimes editor, visual artist, traveler, and caretaker of two lively fish and two even more lively felines. He is a graduate of the Bluegrass Writers Studio at Eastern Kentucky University. He lives and works in the heart of Kentucky.
Reason for signing up:
The challenge of it.
Emily Withenbury
Photo of Emily Withenbury
Emily Withenbury lives in Roanoke, Virginia where she is deeply thankful to be working on her MFA in Creative Writing while teaching poetry and short fiction on fellowship at Hollins University. Currently, she is in her cocoon phase. Each poem she writes is another silver thread toward her own quiet emergence.
Reason for signing up:
I love being a part of this community. Our support for each other's writing is the best!
Emily Brown
Photo of Emily Brown
Emily loves to write about nature. She will be attending college in the fall and obviously loves poetry!
Reason for signing up:
My teacher and friends and doing lexpomo, of course!
Ellen Austin-Li
Photo of Ellen Austin-Li
Ellen Austin-Li’s first full-length poetry collection, Incidental Pollen, will be out in May 2025 from Madville Publishing. Finishing Line Press published her two chapbooks, Firefly and Lockdown: Scenes From Early in the Pandemic. She lives in a newly empty nest in Cincinnati and co-hosts “Poetry Night at Sitwell’s.
Reason for signing up:
I want to be in the orbit of the LexPoMo poets again!
Elizabeth Beck
Photo of Elizabeth Beck
Elizabeth is a poet who writes fiction. Come air your poems at Poetry at the Table at Kenwick Table.
Reason for signing up:
Inspiration, move me brightly- Grateful Dead
Reason for signing up:
Hey..look for interested
Photo of EDL
Reason for signing up:
Manny told me to sign up, and it sounded like fun!
dustin cecil
Photo of dustin cecil
dustin cecil is dustin cecil. he is as dustin cecil as dustin cecil is dustin cecil.
Reason for signing up:
to share and read some poems.. :) hit me up if you wanna do any dada style collabs. mr.dustincecil@gmail.com
Douglas E. Self
Photo of Douglas E. Self
Douglas E. Self is a father, military/combat veteran, and a poet. His debut collection Blast Radius was published in February of 2024.
Reason for signing up:
To share poetry.
Donna Ison
Photo of Donna Ison
Donna Ison is an author, journalist, playwright, and performance poet who explores the world through words.
Reason for signing up:
To be part of this wonderful community and share in the creative process.
Dennis Preston
Dennis likes to read, write, & travel.
Reason for signing up:
I work better with a challenge.
Delmar Reffett
Delmar lives in Lexington and is spending his summer reading, writing, and growing herbs and hot peppers.
Reason for signing up:
I like the experience of having some structure for writing.
Dee Taylor
Photo of Dee Taylor
Diana Worthington hails from Lexington, Kentucky. Beginning in 2013, she has been contributing poetry to the LexPoMo anthologies as a working poet. She now works as a meteorologist, community radio volunteer and LGBTQ+ community organizer. In her spare time she enjoys reviewing her favorite films, painting and podcasting where she
currently resides in the desert south west with her two pets and
growing book collection
Reason for signing up:
To stay connected to this awesome writing community. To grow as a writer and a reader.
Debra Glenn
Photo of Debra Glenn
Debra has published two poetry collections, "a pretty, long walk" and "light moves". Debra participated in the Carnegie Center's Poetry Gauntlet in 2020 and is a frequent reader at open mic events.
Reason for signing up:
I have participated the last few years and find it a good challenge to write a poem a day!
Debbie Cooper
Photo of Debbie Cooper
Pleased to write amongst all these talented poets again!
Reason for signing up:
It's June soon!
Photo of Deanna
Deanna teaches writing at Morehead State and leads the Morehead Writing Project.
Reason for signing up:
To stretch my poetry muscles
Dani Lou
Photo of Dani Lou
Dani Lou is an all-around artist (at heart), who loves to read, write, paint, and dance in her "free" time.
Dangerfield Yella
Photo of Dangerfield Yella
The rest to be determined
Reason for signing up:
Its what I do
Dana Wangsgard
Photo of Dana Wangsgard
Reason for signing up:
To get encouragement from friends
Dana Grinstead
Dana is a writer at heart who lives in Lexington, Kentucky. This is her first year participating in LexPoMo.
Reason for signing up:
Because life's too short to live in fear.
Photo of D'Rose
Darlene is a Board Certified Educational Therapist in the San Francisco Bay Area. She loves to listen as she walks on the soft ground beneath the California Redwoods & breathes next to the crashing waves. She grows from the wisdom of the children's pure love and insights. These are some of the nuggets she paints into her poetry.
Reason for signing up:
To play with words, have fun with other poets & listen to my heart.
D.R. Howard
D.R. Howard is an artist and lover of words. They prefer endeavors involving paint and music most, but they try their best at the printed word as well.
Reason for signing up:
I am full of words and seemingly good reasons to express them, so therefore I am doing just that, despite my better judgment.
Courtney Music
Photo of Courtney Music
Courtney is poet of Eastern Kentucky and a past winner in the Kentucky Monthly Magazine.
Reason for signing up:
This is a tradition that my husband and I do together every year.
Corey Kirby
Photo of Conundrum
Cynthia is a native of Louisville, Kentucky, currently residing in Lexington. Cynthia is a veteran of the US Navy. Cynthia has been writing poetry all her life and has FINALLY decided to share her gift with the world.
Reason for signing up:
I signed up because this is a God-given gift that I'm supposed to use to heal those it reaches.
Connor Reed Bates
Connor is a Louisville poet.
Reason for signing up:
A friend told me about this. I’m interested because I wanted an external pressure to write.
Colette Crown
Colette is a “words on the page” poet. She is delighted when the muse inspires. She lives in Lexington where she takes advantage of the rich literary scene to work on improving her craft.
Reason for signing up:
To continue putting words on a page in a bid to reach someone who might need to read those particular words at a specific time.
Coleman Davis
Photo of Coleman Davis
Coleman spends most of his time in a world made of poetry.
He splits his time between Lexington and Berea taking care of multiple buildings, and pets and plants.
Reason for signing up:
To be in a community of poets for a month. It's fun :-)
Cody Evans
Photo of Cody Evans
Cody is a teacher, a PhD student, and an action figure enthusiast. He occasionally writes poems and songs when time allows.
Reason for signing up:
To support the best poet I know, Morgan Evans! And maybe do some writing of my own along the way.
CJ is a first-year participant in LexPoMo. She loves writing, journaling, and leaving love notes for friends and family on Post-Its.
Reason for signing up:
I've found it challenging to sit with my creative self the last few years, so LexPoMo will serve as a trailhead for re-engaging that part of me. Also, I have a rule: if something feels scary, I have to try it.
Christopher McCurry
Photo of Christopher McCurry
Christopher McCurry lives in Lexington, Kentucky with his wife, daughter, and two dogs. With a baby and new book of poetry on the way this year, Chris is nearly full to the brim with gratitude and anticipation.
Reason for signing up:
Because I'm a poet at heart!
Christina Joy
Photo of Christina Joy

Christina is a tree-hugging, dirt-worshiping, take-no-$**t hippie; really from Woodstock, NY but has lived in KY almost as long now as there. She reads Runes, cooks ancestral foods, and posts poems on her FB page occasionally (aka 'shouting into the void')
Reason for signing up:
LexPoMo is still here,and I'm still here, so it's tradition now.
Chelsie Kreitzman
charlie bill dahlenburg
this is Charlie Bill's second year with Lexpomo
Reason for signing up:
I enjoyed last year both reading and writing
Cathy Perkins
Cathy Perkins, broke and broken multi-talented human whose part-time jobs include horse-crossing guard, zero-turn mower operator and a small business general partner, spends many hours a day writing poetry and comedy, going down internet rabbit holes, staring out the window in a total state of mindless meditation. Cathy is the author of Udder Uproar, 2024 Accents Publishing. https://accents-publishing.com/udderuproar.html
Reason for signing up:
I signed up because I am part of the Lexington Poetry family. I wouldn't miss LexPoMo for any reason except for illness or death and I would try to figure out how to be part of the LexPoMo community from the bed or from the grave.
carter skaggs
Photo of carter skaggs
a storyteller at heart, carter is a poet slash photographer slash journalist originally from northern kentucky | she/her
Carrie Elam Spillman
Photo of Carrie Elam Spillman
Carrie likes to walk around barefoot and be by herself. While she is a recluse she enjoys the company of good people, family and animals. Carrie will remain in the EKY hills till death and beyond that. If you need her she can be found baking, chasing her babies, or sitting quietly watching the sunset.
Reason for signing up:
Following my dreams one year at a time
Carrie Carlson
Photo of Carrie Carlson
Carrie, a lifetime lover of words, hails from the hills and hollers of Mason County, Ky. She left home to attend college at the University of Louisville, and then settled down in Lexington, where she has lived for the past 18 years. She's a busy wife and mother, and a seeker of all things true, good, and beautiful.
Reason for signing up:
I signed up because Lexpomo is fun, it helps me grow as a writer, and I enjoy reading other people's work.
carolyn Pennington
Photo of carolyn Pennington
She is a retired teacher and counselor. She has always loved reading and writing. After retirement, she writes; has a published novel, has some published poems and has won some writing contests in short story and poetry writing.
Reason for signing up:
I enjoyed all the feedback from the writers on line after each poem was posted. The positiveness of the experiences spurred me on to write more and more often.
Also, having a poem published was a nice result of having done the work and faced the challenge of a daily post.
Carole Johnston
Carole Johnston writes poems to please herself and will always be pleased and surprised if anyone else enjoys them.
Reason for signing up:
I love the diverse and various voices.
carole johnston
Carole Johnston writes poems because she can't stop.
Reason for signing up:
I enjoy the diverse voices.
Photo of camden
Camden has been writing poetry for the past decade, primarily as a way to express his emotions, observations of beauty, trials of life, and deep love for Jesus. He enjoys the creative, spiritual, and philosophical journeys a few simple words can explore.
Reason for signing up:
I am in a bit of a draught with writing and figured this would be a great way to get back into it.
Callie Budrick-Gough
Photo of Callie Budrick-Gough
Callie Budrick-Gough wears many hats. Poetry is one of them sometimes.
Reason for signing up:
Tradition and inspiration.
Cadence Perman
Cadence is a queer and nonbinary upcoming senior in high school, and a writer who often focuses their writing on oppression and hopes for equity. They write to inform and hopefully inspire others to stand up for all people who need it.
Photo of BUF
I love to create music, lyrics, lovely rooms, yummy meals, pretty gardens. Anything meaningful, authentic and artful brings me joy.
Reason for signing up:
Always wanting to grow and learn from creative souls.
Bronson O'Quinn
Photo of Bronson O'Quinn
Reason for signing up:
In the immortal words of my favorite film character:
"It's TIME to SLIME!"
- Ray Ghostbuster, aka "Slimey"
Brigit Truex
Impressions, emotions, viewpoints are all aspects that inspire Brigit Truex in her poetry as well as her paintings.
Reason for signing up:
I definitely need the impetus of LexPoMo to get me focused on my writing, and what a great opportunity to see what other posts are sharing!
Brian McCarty
Brian McCarty is an English instructor at Western Kentucky University. When he's not writing poetry, he enjoys hiking, reading, watching horror movies and films noir, and just hanging out with his awesome kiddos.
Reason for signing up:
I'm part of a summer poetry book club and was offered the wonderful opportunity to participate in this challenge.
Brent White
Photo of Brent White
Brent is a native Kentuckian and has been part of the bourbon industry for the past decade. He hopes to share his experiences with growing up on a family farm with brothers and animals in central Kentucky in a manner that’ll resonate nostalgia, understanding, and love for this amazing land.
Reason for signing up:
An amazing poet named Jessica Taylor recommended that I take part in the June challenge and see/read all the other amazing poets here in the bluegrass and beyond!
Brady Cornett
Photo of Brady Cornett
Brady is a Crematory Operator, writer, musician, and multimedia artist currently located in his birth city of Columbus, Ohio.
Reason for signing up:
I wanted to push myself to do something different and advocate for my work instead of just making it and casually putting it out there.
bk is having an unprecedented summer. the only thing to do is write about it.
Reason for signing up:
my life is changing a lot and i expect to have something to say about it. this space has been safe for me for four years now and i’d feel lucky to have at least one more.
Bill Verble
Photo of Bill Verble
Bill writes to create maps leading to lost treasure.
Bill Brymer
Photographer and writer from Louisville, Ky.
Reason for signing up:
Love this community. It's a beautiful thing.
Bethany Robinson
Photo of Bethany Robinson
Bethany, Beth, is a short story writer and poet originally from Eastern Kentucky. She is a researcher, a lover of nature, a yoga instructor, and an advocate/council member of the Bluegrass Survivors Council and volunteer for multiple organizations in Lexington, Kentucky. Finally, Beth is a freelance sports writer with Queer KY and a burlesque dancer with BurLex.
Bernard Deville
Photo of Bernard Deville
Bernie is a retired middle school teacher, currently designing role-playing games. Known for Post-Pomo trainwrecks.
Reason for signing up:
Haven't missed one yet.
Beatrice Underwood-Sweet
Photo of Beatrice Underwood-Sweet
Beatrice is a displaced Kentuckian who looks forward to LexPoMo every year. She is a high school teacher of English Language Learners. In her spare time, she is a book dragon, writes poetry and prose, and studies various languages.
Reason for signing up:
I sign up every year because I sometimes need accountability to encourage myself to write on a daily basis. I also love being a part of an amazing, supportive community of writers.
Barbara Kinnett
Reason for signing up:
To write more poems
Ayden Ray
Photo of Ayden Ray
Liv always has writer's block, but when she cooks, she cooks talking Walter White style.
Reason for signing up:
I signed up because I love writing and want to get my work out there so people can see it, whether it be good or bad opinions they have.
Autumn Cook
Photo of Autumn Cook
Autumn writes poems, songs and stories centered around whatever.
Reason for signing up:
If I don’t write I’ll die so I might as well.
Austin Rogers
Austin is a former writer of rap and hip hop lyrics from Shelby County Kentucky. He took his high school interest in poetry and adapted himself to more musically inspired content before eventually returning to his roots in general poetry.
Reason for signing up:
Having not written a single line in some time my niece inspired me to pick back up where I left off and let some creativity flow.
Austin Rathbone
Austen Reilley
Photo of Austen Reilley
mom, teacher, poet, singer, house plant and house cat enthusiast, recreational ukulele player, raised in CA, rehomed to KY in 2002.
Reason for signing up:
Is it even June if I don’t?
Reason for signing up:
i want to get back into writing :)
Ashley N. Russell
Photo of Ashley N. Russell
Ashley is a moonlighting poet currently residing in Lexington, KY. After a long hiatus from the world of creative writing, her soul craves diving back into it once more. Ashley spends her days working as a trauma psychologist and chasing around her little ones.
Photo of Arwen
Arwen is a mother and a business owner in Lexington, KY. She writes because she can't not.
Reason for signing up:
I signed up because it's fun to see what other people are writing, and I like the community.
Ariana Alvarado
Photo of Ariana Alvarado
Ariana Alvarado is a graduate student pursuing her Masters in English at the University of Louisville. When not writing, you can find her spending far too much money on vinyl records, getting tinnitus from concerts, or wishing she lived in a Tim Burton film.
Reason for signing up:
To be in community with other poets and encourage others in their work.
Arabella Lee
Photo of Arabella Lee
Arabella Sole Alexis Lee is a student at Lafayette and SCAPA Literary Arts. She enjoys writing poems and occasional essays. In her free-time, she loves fashion, music, pretending to be a mermaid in secret, and blogging on instagram.
Reason for signing up:
Ann Haney
Photo of Ann Haney
Ann is a painter who also loves poetry. She taught studio art for many years and now takes time to experience and explore art forms that she finds of interest.
Reason for signing up:
I learned about LexPoMo from Deanna Mascle and it has been a great expereince!
Photo of Anesa
Reason for signing up:
For fun!
Andrea Lawler
Photo of Andrea Lawler
Reason for signing up:
To write poetry, of course!
Photo of Anais
Anais is just doing her best
Reason for signing up:
i have for the past 4ish years!
Amy Le Ann Richardson
Photo of Amy Le Ann Richardson
Amy Le Ann Richardson was born and raised in Morehead, KY and holds an MFA from Spalding University (‘09). Amy works for Community Farm Alliance and is a farmer, writer, artist, and teacher who has received grants and fellowships from the Kentucky Foundation for Women. She is the author of Who You Grow Into, Finishing Line Press 2024, and her work has been featured in multiple journals. She lives and works on her Kentucky farm.
Reason for signing up:
Community and accountability.
Amy Figgs
Photo of Amy Figgs
Amy currently lives in Lexington with her son, Leo. She travels whenever possible and runs to nature when she can't. She is the author of Upgraded To Chronic, Almost Dying Taught Me How to Truly Live, a collection of poetry and essays on finding beauty and meaning within the life you've already got.
Reason for signing up:
Keep writing!
Amanda Jatta
Amanda is a mostly feral lady, looking for beauty in the world.
Amanda Corbin
Photo of Amanda Corbin
Amanda Corbin holds an MFA in fiction from UK. She has received Artist Enrichment Grants from the KY Foundation for Women and is at work on her first novel. She and poet Sean L. Corbin live in Lexington with their two sons.
Reason for signing up:
I signed up to write some more Tarot poems!
Alvera Lisabeth
Alvera is a mother, a teacher, a cashier, a friend, a reluctant dog owner and a sister, but most importantly a beautifully flawed human trying to get through and grow through this thing called life.
Reason for signing up:
I enjoy the opportunity and encouragement to be creative in community.
Alora Jones
Photo of Alora Jones
Alora Jones, on the surface, plays the roles of sibiling, child, grandchild, reader, gamer, teacher, and friend. Below the surface, they are a worrier, an empath, and a dreamer. They hope to inspire people with their writing and dream of publicising their work. They are very excited about this year's LexPoMo and can't wait to read the amazing poems that will be written this year!
Reason for signing up:
I participated in LexPoMo last year and really enjoyed it, so that's why I signed up this year!
Allen Blair
Writer, poet, journalist, dad, and beer-making dabbler from Kentucky. Still owns a calculator and a typewriter. Find him most places @TheTinpoet.
Reason for signing up:
As an exercise in nostalgia, the future, and cognitive dissonance. Enjoy.
Alissa Sammarco
Photo of Alissa Sammarco
Alissa Sammarco is a writer and attorney. She lived in the West and South before coming home to the Ohio River Valley. Through sharp imagery, much of which is drawn from the oceans, rivers and forests where she lived. Her work has appeared in Sheila-Na-Gig, Black Moon Magazine, Change Seven, Quiet Diamonds, Main Street Rag, Stone Canoe, VIA: Voices in Italian Americana, Rat’s Ass Review, But There was Fire in the Distance (Workhorse Press) and elsewhere. She is the author of four chapbooks, Beyond the Dawn, I See Them Now, Moon Landing Day, and coming soon, Cupcake Day (December 2024). www.AlissaSammarco.com.
Reason for signing up:
So much depends upon that red wheelbarrow.
AK is grateful to be here!
Reason for signing up:
A friend recommended it :)
AJ Kline
Photo of AJ Kline
Anna Johnson Kline is a poet, musician, and songwriter who makes her home in Mt. Sterling. She grew up in small town Mississippi between the Chickasaw Bluffs of Memphis and the furrowed rows of Delta farmland. She was raised on a steady diet of hymns, three-part harmonies, and Memphis soul. Her writing is directly influenced by the redemptive strains of gospel, the drawling tremolo of rhythm and blues, and the raw twang of the mountain landscape. She is currently immersed in the Poetry Gauntlet at the Carnegie Center and is working on a collaborative songwriting project called "Thinking Like a Mountain."
Reason for signing up:
Poetry Gauntlet—and I am interested in connecting with more Lex-area writers.
Adyson Reisz
Photo of Adyson Reisz
Adyson Reisz is a rising senior at Lafayette High School in the SCAPA Literary Arts program. When not writing she can be found playing the guitar or collecting CDs and records.
Reason for signing up:
To dedicate some time to poetry before spending my senior year working on my manuscript.
Abelucia Ponzo
Photo of Abelucia Ponzo
Abelucia is a visual artist expanding her creative energies into the world of words
Abby Kane
Abby Kane is a sophomore at DePaul University studying animation with a minor in screenwriting. In her limited free time, she loves writing anything from stories, to songs, to poems, and beyond. She recently published her first novel, "Song of the Stars," and is working on the sequel.
Reason for signing up:
I don't write poetry nearly as often as I would like to, so I always love a way to hold myself accountable!
Aaron Reding
Reason for signing up:
Consistency is important and is something I struggle
with. This is the time of year where even if my attention has wandered, I can come back to a welcoming environment and just start writing again.
Aaron Hawkins
Photo of Aaron Hawkins
Aaron isn't a poet despite loving words. The sentence is what drew him to writing and fueled his desire for a Master's in Fiction, which he now uses quite infrequently.
Reason for signing up:
Another member invited me to try. I know I've missed a few days.
A.R. Koehler
Photo of A.R. Koehler
Ayla is your typical existential twenty something with a dash rhymes and an amateur obsession with soil.
A. J. Knight