LexPoMo Participants

Total poets:
Reid Goins
Photo of Whitney.
Whitney is a just a girl who knows some words looking for ways to explain unspoken sentiments.
Reason for signing up:
This site serves as a spigot.
Whitney Collins
Photo of Whitney Collins
Whitney Collins’s short story collection, Big Bad, won the Mary McCarthy Prize in Short Fiction and will be published in March 2021 by Sarabande.
Reason for signing up:
I wanted to try my hand at poetry. I normally write fiction.
Photo of wendyjett
Long time fitness instructor, Improv junkie and writing newbie.
Reason for signing up:
Let’s be brave.
Vincent Houp
Reason for signing up:
james joyce shouldnt be the only one allowed to write nonsense
Victoria Gross
Victoria is from London, KY. She is currently pursuing an MFA at Southern New University and working on her first novel. She has been featured in LexPoMo several times and is looking forward to another great summer of poetry.
Venecia Proctor
Photo of Venecia Proctor
More than anything, Venecia loves to read and write.
Reason for signing up:
V. Joshua Adams
Photo of V. Joshua Adams
V. Joshua Adams is the author of a chapbook, Cold Affections (Plan B Press, 2018). Work of his has appeared or is forthcoming in Painted Bride Quarterly, Mud Season Review, Jet Fuel Review, Tupelo Quarterly, and elsewhere. He teaches literature and writing at the University of Louisville.
Reason for signing up:
Sublimity City!
Photo of upfromsumdirt
i fake names and haul asp.
Reason for signing up:
to fake name and haul asp? did you mot read my bio?!?
Tony Wheary
Tony now writes to share and learn more about others and self. The human connection is needed now more than ever.
Reason for signing up:
The poetry and encouragement of this community is inspiring on many levels. Contributing as a participant or witness creates joy and empathy as we bare our souls.
Tony Sexton
Photo of Tony Sexton
Tony Sexton is the creator of the writer's group Nomadic Ink, he served two years as the president of The Kentucky State Poetry Society and has two poetry collections published. Tony has helped several writers get their books published. His goal is to encourage writers of all ages to never give up their writing dreams.
Reason for signing up:
I want to participate because I am always encouraged when we share our writing.
Photo of Toko_bird
They are an artist, writer, and general goofball who is trying to turn chunks of a novel WIP into poetry.
Reason for signing up:
I want to write every day and my friends are signing up, so they can hold me accountable to submitting something and writing
Tina Parker
Photo of Tina Parker
Tina Parker is the author of Mother May I and Another Offering. Her new book called Lock Her Up will be published by Accents Publishing in the fall.
Reason for signing up:
I have been hooked on poetry since I was 8 years old.
Jennifer Gleason
Photo of Jennifer Gleason
Tillie the Toiler did not graduate from high school but she is still trying to pass through the school of life.
Reason for signing up:
For a communion of souls in word.
The Philosophical Physicist
the bluegrass warbler
Photo of the bluegrass warbler
the bluegrass warbler aims to be of service to the beauty of creation by pondering the spectacle of life with appropriate emotion. and stuff.
Reason for signing up:
super curious how better i can fail
Photo of teja
Teja Sudhakar is a poet originally from Chennai, India but currently residing in Lexington. When she's not writing, Teja enjoys singing, painting, and annoying her pet cat.
Taylor A. Armstrong
Photo of Taylor A. Armstrong
Taylor is a sociology graduate student at University of Kentucky and an Ohio State University alum. In her free time she enjoys walking her dog, writing, (making and viewing) art, reading, and spending time with family and friends.
Reason for signing up:
I signed up to challenge myself to get actively writing for fun again. Reading and writing poetry has always been a favorite hobby of mine, but I've been a little lost lately and let my hobbies fall to the wayside. This is a great way to get back into it!
Tania Horne
Photo of Tania Horne
Tania is a slacker and wishes she could report she writes daily and is diligent about revising her work, but alas, she tends to only pick up the pen for LexPoMo and the occasional Haiku challenge. She has an unwise number of cats, one dog and one child and lives in rural SW Ohio.
Reason for signing up:
This has been an inspiration to me for many years now, and several in the Old Washington Wordsmiths encouraged me to participate.
Tabitha Dial
Photo of Tabitha Dial
Tabitha Dial loves art, friendships, and birds. She's from Colorado and reads tea leaves, tarot, and a little astrology. Tabitha also published "Creative Divination: Read Tea Leaves and Develop your Personal Code" and soon the "Cheese Astrology Almanac".
Reason for signing up:
Participating in Lexington Poetry Month is bomb. I love and need it.
t.m. thomson writes, stares at art, watches murder shows, plays with cats, feeds wild birds, gardens in the rain, frolics in mud, & then some.
Reason for signing up:
A poem a day keeps the shrinks away. It's also a good excuse to shirk tedious tasks. And immersing oneself in poetry is sweet ecstasy.
t. andry
Photo of t. andry
t.l andry has been writing one book for her entire life, the bulk of which stuffed in a grocery bag living under her bed.
Reason for signing up:
i tell myself too many times
why don't you ever learn to keep your big mouth shut
-annie lennox
T. D. Worthington
Photo of T. D. Worthington
Tyler Worthington is from Lexington Kentucky and has been a regular contributor to the Lexpomo challenge and alumni of the University of Kentucky. Tyler is currently serving as an enlisted Airman Weather Forecaster assigned to Holloman Air Force Base producing forecasts for the Air Force pilots and local flying community and writing poetry in their off-duty hours.
Reason for signing up:
I've once again been bit by the poetry bug and the Lexpomo challenge is a great way to develop writing skills and meet others who can encourage, inspire and provide insight that I might otherwise miss out on.
T. Bartlett
Photo of T. Bartlett
T. Bartlett has had poetry published by The Voices Project, Kentucky State Poetry Society’s journal Pegasus, and SOS Art’s For a Better World 2020 . She posts photography and poetry on her website at www.tanyabartlett.com and feature articles on www.meetathuman.com. She enjoys cooking, watching movies, and spending time with family and friends.
Reason for signing up:
I was referred by Mary Allen through the Kentucky State Poetry Society.
Sylvia Ahrens
Suzanne Gilmore
Suzanne is a lifelong Kentuckian. She is a recently retired nurse practitioner and new to writing, but has loved reading all of her life.
She is excited to be a part of LexPoMo to share in the spirit of creativity, inspiration and to have some fun.
Reason for signing up:
I think participating in LexPoMo with be a fun new adventure. I am looking forward to reading others poems and to sharing a few of my own.
Susie Slusher
Susan M. Stephens
Photo of Susan M. Stephens
Susan is a professional listener, connection-maker, and believes in you. Yes, especially you.
Reason for signing up:
Sue Leathers
Photo of Sue Leathers
Sue has worked with words as a copy editor, reporter, blogger, high school teacher, and college adjunct, but she still has a lot to learn about writing. She lives in Casey County, Kentucky.
Reason for signing up:
I've looked forward to the challenge and camaraderie since participating last year.
Sue Churchill
Sue is a poet who lives and works on Thistle's End Farm in Woodford County. Her chapbook, Above the River, is being published this fall by Workhorse Writers.
Reason for signing up:
Chris invited me to the party! (And, a poetry party is irresistible!)
Steve Daugherty
Steve is a dairy goat farmer in rural Brown County Ohio, where he was born and raised.
He spent a lot of time in Harlan County, KY in the Appalachian Volunteers and a lot of his work reflects on this time.
Steve has completed 18 marathons, nearly all at the back of the pack. He is an unpublished poet and an unlicensed philosopher.
Reason for signing up:
A friend insisted.
Steve Cummings
For those who know him, the obvious answer is "none"
Reason for signing up:
Inherent Sadism
Stephanie Mojica
Reason for signing up:
Enjoy writing.
stefani heller
Shaun Turner
Photo of Shaun Turner
I'm a writer, poet, and teacher.
Reason for signing up:
This is my favorite time of year. I enjoy getting to be a part of the wider community of Kentucky poets.
Sean L Corbin
Photo of Sean L Corbin
Sean L Corbin is the author of THE LEPER DREAMS OF SNOW (Finishing Line, 2018). His work has been published places. He is the co-founder of the Milestone Art Collective with his wife, Amanda Corbin. He lives in Lexington.
Reason for signing up:
Poetry is good.
Scott Wilson
Photo of Scott Wilson
Scott is a carpenter, furniture maker, gardener, and hiker. A lifelong resident of Lexington, he graduated from Bryan Station High School and Knox College in Galesburg, Illinois.
Reason for signing up:
To share in a community of words and nuance.
Sarah Diamond Burroway
Photo of Sarah Diamond Burroway
Sarah Diamond Burroway is a writer based in Flatwoods, KY. She has an MFA in Nonfiction from Bluegrass Writers Studio at Eastern Kentucky University.
Reason for signing up:
To be part of this collective project.
Samantha Ratcliffe
Photo of Samantha Ratcliffe
Samantha Ratcliffe is an Appalachian songwriter and poet.
Reason for signing up:
This will be my 6th year with Lexington Poetry Month. At this point, it's a tradition.
Sam Showalter
Sam is a sophomore at Transylvania University, where he studies sociology, politics, French, and Spanish.
Reason for signing up:
I really enjoyed the challenge and joy of writing last year!
Photo of Sam
Sam is an artist who just wants to talk to beings in other dimensions on a frequent and casual basis
Reason for signing up:
Maddie said
Ryan Oppegard
Humbly presenting his work to you: Ryan Oppegard: Rarely eats breakfast. Loves breakfast foods.
Reason for signing up:
Two right better then last year. Starting now.
Roger Rabbit
Photo of Roger Rabbit
I'm a poet who thinks poetry should matter in the pursuit of social justice and social change, in the direction of a world that respects and embraces diversity, the environment, and the peace. Then again some poetry is just for the hell of it and I write that kind too. When I used to send poems out I used to get published but I don't see the point of name-dropping journals.
Reason for signing up:
I am also a prose writer and have mainly been writing prose for quite some time. I would like to get back into writing poetry and think lexpomo will be a good jump-start. I have also been out of touch with the work of other poets and look forward to reading quite a bit.
Roberta Schultz
Photo of Roberta Schultz
Roberta Schultz is a singer songwriter, teacher and poet originally from Grant's Lick, KY. Her poems and song lyrics have appeared in Motif, Still: the Journal, Riparian, Pine Mountain Sand and Gravel, The Main Street Rag and other anthologies. Her chapbooks, Outposts on the Border of Longing(2014), Songs from the Shaper’s Harp(2017), and Touchstones(2020) were published by Finishing Line Press.
Reason for signing up:
Many poets I admire take part in this challenge. I just finished a challenge to write a poem-a-day in April, so I feel somewhat rested up to try again.
Rob Smith
Photo of Rob Smith
Rob is a poet of that focuses on the human condition. Humor is the center of the motivation for most of her writing.
Reason for signing up:
Rob is unique in that she has kept a journal since she was 12 years old. Poetry is the center of her world.
Rivka can be found most often half asleep, bubbling up from a coffee carafe or at most any motley mug's hard, cream-caked and grounds-slathered bottom. Music's moved her a time or two. She currently fills out little leather shoes her sweetie found her and dresses as if to blend seamlessly with duckweed, bracken, and verdigris bog-skim.
Reason for signing up:
To crawl out from the cave and convene, at last, with others who like to weave rhyme and verse.
Might be the devil's daughter
Reason for signing up:
I love the challenge of pushing myself to write anything and the gift of the surprise that I get any time I complete a poem
Photo of Reva
Reva is a proud Kentuckian, cat mom, and hairstylist. She has always loved the Arts. She started writing and getting back to her creative roots over the past couple of years. Simultaneously, she started enjoying her life a little more:)
Reason for signing up:
I joined because it seems to be a creative, driven community. Writing has been a solo journey for me, providing a lot of healing and freedom. Now I have time and energy to dive deeper into my hobbies!
Renee Rigdon
Photo of Renee Rigdon
Reason for signing up:
I want to see what my writing is like sober.
Rena Nutt
Photo of Rena Nutt
Sometimes, you feel like a Nutt.
Regan Strehl
Photo of Regan Strehl
Regan Strehl graduated from Lafayette High School this year. "What are your future plans?" people ask her. This question is followed by Regan majestically staring off towards the horizon for several minutes, during which the people who asked the question slowly back away.
Reason for signing up:
It is time to WRITE!
Rebecca is a college student who admires the world around her and tries sometimes to put it into words.
Reason for signing up:
last time, for a friend. this time, for myself.
Rayny Palmer
Rayny Palmer is alive.
Reason for signing up:
This is what you do in June.
Ramsi Woodcock
Ramsi Woodcock teaches law at the University of Kentucky Rosenberg College of Law.
Photo of Rae
Savana Rae is originally from California but now resides in Kentucky. Her poems often bring awareness to mental illness.
Reason for signing up:
I really just wanted to share my notes that have been locked up in my phone for years
Rachel Dorroh
Rachel Bollman
Photo of Rachel Bollman
rachel bollman is a mother and maker of whimsical things, drawer & painter of kid-like stuff, writer for children, lover of nature, and her little dog too.
Reason for signing up:
to be motivated to write and share more, to observe new perspectives
Lydia loves to write. She has a dream of writing, and actually has several books published. She has been a veterinarian for 30 plus years, and she also enjoys music and movies.
Reason for signing up:
I love writing, it seems to help me focus.
Philip Corley
Photo of Philip Corley
Philip is a poet and aspiring author, living in Lexington. This is his fifth year participating in Lexington Poetry Month.
Reason for signing up:
I enjoy the challenge of it and seeing what comes out of it!
Pauletta Hansel
Photo of Pauletta Hansel
Pauletta Hansel has been writing with LexPoMo since 2013. Poems written in these many Junes have ended up in her poetry collections, most recently Coal Town Photograph and Palindrome, winner of the 2017 Weatherford Award for Appalachian Poetry. Her writing has been featured in Rattle, Still: The Journal, The New Verse News, The Writer’s Almanac, American Life in Poetry, Verse Daily and Poetry Daily. Pauletta was Cincinnati’s first Poet Laureate (2016- 2018). She is managing editor of Pine Mountain Sand & Gravel, the literary journal of the Southern Appalachian Writers Cooperative. https://paulettahansel.wordpress.com/.
Reason for signing up:
Now more than ever online writing communities such as LexPoMo are precious to me.
Paula Dixon
Photo of Paula Dixon
Paula is a life-long writer. Her preferred mediums are poetry, short prose and song lyrics. She currently works as an adaptive music teacher where she often finds inspiration.
Reason for signing up:
A friend posted it in her FB page. I am hoping that having a deadline and some pressure will help me put pen to paper.
Patti Miller
Photo of Patti Miller
Patti is a lifelong Kentuckian who reads and writes to make sense of the world.
Reason for signing up:
Patrick Morrissey
Patrick writes stuff sometimes
Reason for signing up:
I thought it would be fun to share work occasionally but to also see others' work
Patrick Johnson
Photo of Patrick Johnson
Patrick Johnson lives and writes in Morehead, Kentucky.
Reason for signing up:
I enjoy it.
Pat Owen
Photo of Pat Owen
Pat Owen is the author of two books of poetry, Crossing the Sky Bridge published by Larkspur Press and Orion's Belt at the End of the Drive by Accent's Publishing. She divides her time between Louisville and Sarasota.
Reason for signing up:
I love the writing community and motivation, Last year I submitted a poem every day in June. Let's see if I'm that devoted this year!
Reason for signing up:
To challenge myself to be more creative!
Nollie Palmer
Photo of Nollie Palmer
Nollie Palmer is a Visual Artist and Poet living in Lexington.
Reason for signing up:
LexPoMo has been a fun and interesting challenge for multiple years now.
Nettie Farris
Photo of Nettie Farris
Nettie Farris writes poems.
Reason for signing up:
Because I've been here from the beginning.
Reason for signing up:
To be involved in a community and to stretch my creativity.
Naomi Clewett
Nancy Jentsch
Nancy is a second-career poet who just wrapped up 37 years of teaching German and Spanish. From her front porch she sees a future of abundant poetic endeavors.
Reason for signing up:
I live for Lexpomo! And this year it's about the only thing that didn't get cancelled.
N. J. Clements
Photo of N. J. Clements
N. J. is a homeschooling mom of two, and lives with her husband of 11 years in Lexington, KY. With a background in theatre, music, and screenwriting, N. J. loves finding creative outlets of any kind. Since filling notebooks with angst-y poetry in high school, she’s excited to flex those muscles again.
Reason for signing up:
A friend asked for other to join her. I used to write and read lots of poetry, and I’d like to explore that side of me again!
Photo of mtpoet
author, poet, publisher
Reason for signing up:
It's an annual ritual.
Morghan Fuller
Morghan is a Lexington educator who has attempted LexPoMo many times before, but this is the year.
Reason for signing up:
With the climate of the world, I have more to say than ever before.
Morgan Evans
Photo of Morgan Evans
Raised in a small river town in Eastern Kentucky, Morgan Evans fought hard to overcome the obstacles that face too many young Kentuckians: poverty, misunderstood mental illness, and a pattern of generational abuse that writhes beneath the picturesque surface of rural Appalachia. At 18, Morgan left an abusive home to create a new life. She graduated from Morehead State University and has become a successful painter, writer, and business owner.
Reason for signing up:
An artistic outlet for summer!
Morgan Adams
Photo of Morgan Adams
Morgan Adams is a lapsed poet who lives in Lexington, Ky., with her husband, her dog, and a great quantity of dust.
Reason for signing up:
What else do I have to do?
Misty Skaggs
Mike Wilson
Photo of Mike Wilson
Mike’s work has appeared in magazines including Cagibi Literary Journal, Stoneboat, The Aurorean, and The Ocotillo Review, and in Mike’s book, “Arranging Deck Chairs on the Titanic,” (Rabbit House Press, 2020). He resides in Central Kentucky, summers in Ecstasy, winters in Despair, and can be found at mikewilsonwriter.com
Reason for signing up:
A reason to write, a chance to share, and a way to enjoy the writing life of others
Michelle Knickerbocker
Photo of Michelle Knickerbocker
Michelle is a cook, wife, and pet-mom, who lives in Frankfort, Ky. She is a graduate of Kentucky State University (B.A. English) and Sullivan University (A.S. Culinary Arts). She loves colorful, vivid imagery, ingredients, and experiences, as well as dragons, dumplings, real and imagined magic, music, passion, and naps.
Reason for signing up:
I want to use this as a vehicle to document and process current events. And my wife made me.
michelle johnson
Meredith McCurry
Meredith loves apples with peanut butter.
Reason for signing up:
Because I am a secret poet who is trying to do brave things.
Melva Sue Priddy
Melissa Olson
Melissa is based out of Akron, Ohio, where she lives with her husband, Cory, and their two feline companions: BMO & Novella. Melissa is a designer and photographer who spends her days assisting students with pretty much whatever they might need at the art school where she earned her BFA.
Reason for signing up:
Last year was an affirming and eye opening experience, reminding me why I write and that I do love it. I'm hopeful this year will bring about similar outcomes, even if it's just to get me to focus on something non-virus / work related for more than 5 minutes.
Melissa Helton
Photo of Melissa Helton
Melissa Helton lives and teaches in southeast Kentucky, having migrated from Toledo, Ohio a decade ago. Her work has appeared in Still: The Journal, Anthology of Appalachian Writers, and more. Her chapbook, Inertia: A Study, was published by Finishing Line Press. She is currently working on two books, one a poetry collection about queer polyamory in Appalachia, and the other a nonfiction global study of women and girls through the international postcard exchange Postcrossing.
Reason for signing up:
I thrive when given a deadline. And we always need more poetry in our lives, yes? ... Yes.
Photo of Megyn
Megyn has been writing poetry for only a few years. She found it to be healing to her spiritual, mental, and physical health. Megyn also dabbles in knitting, vegan cooking, herbalism, growing food, reading, resisting the patriarchy, and drinking coffee.
Reason for signing up:
I want to share my words with others.
Meghan Goins
Meghan is a sophomore at the University of Kentucky. She is majoring in political science with a minor in music performance.
Reason for signing up:
I have recently re-discovered my love for writing and poetic expression.
meadow dawn
Photo of meadow dawn
Meadow was here.
Reason for signing up:
no better time to start a treasure hunt with a bunch of friends and strangers.
Maya Pemble
Maya is a current college freshman who loves languages, soba, tree climbing, and noticing the little things.
Reason for signing up:
I’ve been doing lexpomo for years and no year needs to be documented quite like 2020. Let’s share our experiences and try to find a source of stability.
Matt Spencer
Photo of Matt Spencer
Matt writes poems when he can't do anything else.
Reason for signing up:
I signed up because I need to get back in the saddle.
Mary Allen
Mary Allen is a late-blooming poet. She lives in Lexington.
Reason for signing up:
It wouldn't be June without LexPoMo.
Marta Dorton
Photo of Marta Dorton
Marta Dorton is a Lexington artist and writer working with painting, mix media, poetry and memoir. Color and texture, layers and connections form the basis of Marta’s work and help describe the view from her life.
Reason for signing up:
Creation of new work and building better writing habits are my goals.
Margaret Russell
Photo of Margaret Russell
Margaret Russell is a musician and filmmaker. She is one half of the Lexington queer industrial duo BRALETTE.
Reason for signing up:
I signed up because my friend Sam reminded me to :)
M R Heltzel
Photo of M R Heltzel
Margaret Heltzel spends much of her time in pursuit of life’s small wonders. She finds the sun to be energizing, words to be enlightening, and people to be inspiring - common discoveries that connect a world of optimistic observers. She quotes Kurt Vonnegut as often as opportunity allows and reads Mary Oliver in every trice of silence.
Reason for signing up:
The joy of creating
Manny Grimaldi
Photo of Manny Grimaldi
manny jg is a lifelong louisvillian. traveler, recovering person, father, actor, medical professional, passionate lover of magic in life and the page, poet, musician, and audioblogger. have a wonderful day, enjoy the great kentucky voices, and warm community we have here.
Reason for signing up:
my new friend deanna told me about it.
Photo of Mani
Mani is a 23 year old Afro-Latino man who has lived in Lexington for 8 years. He still hasn’t figured out if he’s living in the North or the South. He still doesn’t get the whole “horses” thing.
Reason for signing up:
It’s been a minute since I last spoke up about what’s really on my mind. It’d be a shame to stay hushed at a time like this.
Malinda O’Quinn
Photo of Malinda O’Quinn
Malinda O’Quinn is a wife to Bronson, Mama to Scout and cat mom to 6 weird fur creatures. She is also sometimes her own person, but most of the time she’s cleaning, baking sourdough bread and caring for others. Sometimes she even attempts to write poetry.
Reason for signing up:
My husband made this website and told me I should. Damn it, Bronson.
Maggie Ruth
Maggie Ruth is a rising junior. When she is not writing, she enjoys cooking, singing, gardening, and reading.
Reason for signing up:
I want to believe I can convince myself to write everyday but I know that's not the case. However, I tend to follow through if there's some sort of structure to hold me accountable so I decided that this would be a great opportunity to get me writing seven days a week. I also tend to write more if there's social interaction around it.
Maggie Rue Hess
Photo of Maggie Rue Hess
Maggie Rue Hess is a Pennsylvania native turned Southerner. She is an educator in between states, at the moment.
Reason for signing up:
I have a claim to a Kentuckian, and I was told that's a good reason to join.
Maggie Brewer
Maggie is a high school social studies teacher in central Kentucky.
Reason for signing up:
Because it's June. It's what we do.
Madison Miller
Madison is a senior at the University of Kentucky. She is finishing up her undergraduate degrees in Psychology and Gender Studies with a certificate in undergraduate social science research. She is a staff advocate at Ampersand Sexual Violence Resource Center. Outside of these educational and professional pursuits she spends most of her time training and obsessing over her perfect pup, Corndog. She enjoys documentaries, pretending she can keep a plant alive, and Diet Coke.
Reason for signing up:
I remembered to take my Vyvanse today.
Madeleine Hamilton
Maddie Coleman
Maddie is just living life
Reason for signing up:
I did this last year and wanted to do it again!
M. Wells
Photo of M. Wells
M.Wells is a teacher in Lexington and has been participating in LexPoMo for at least five years.
Reason for signing up:
I need to write more.
M.L. Burt
M.L. is a graduate of the University of Kentucky, who is pursuing a PhD in psychology. She is a big fan of reading, traveling, eating, and contemplating existential questions.
Reason for signing up:
I wanted in on all the fun.
M L Stephens
Photo of M L Stephens
Mary Lou is a mother, grandmother, Chaplain and extroverted introvert who loves music, art, drama and dance.
Reason for signing up:
I love the challenge of investing myself in the reflective and creative expression of poetry.
lynn winter
Photo of lynn winter
Lynn is forever on the hunt to tackle and name elusive feelings that blow through her. The meat of her matter is her average daily life.
Reason for signing up:
a friend invited
Lucy James
Lucy is a poet from the hills of Eastern Kentucky.
Reason for signing up:
I’ve been a closet poet for several years. I published a few pieces many years ago, then lost my nerve to submit. I signed up last year and chickened out so I’m determined to participate this year.
Lori Taylor
Photo of Lori Taylor
Lori Taylor writes everything from notes to poetry to NaNo WriMo novels to family history for sheer pleasure. She suppressed the urge to write until her mid to late thirties. She enjoys reading, puzzling, and being creative for fun and for problem solving. Her favorite genre is Historical Fiction. Lori celebrates her Appalachian heritage in writing and table conversations with coffee. She wears many hats and feels all the feels all the time. She lives in Georgetown, Kentucky with her husband, Mark, their three daughters, 2 Shelties, and a black torby cat named Kitty (who demands a seat at the table on top of Lori’s desk invited or not.) Lastly, Lori encourages anyone who has something on their mind and heart to write it down. If you don’t feel like it, do it anyway (just like she tells her daughters when it’s time to do the dishes!)
Reason for signing up:
LexPoMo invites participants and readers alike to celebrate life through verse no matter what level of expertise, and I love that about this community.
Lorelei Watson
Lorelei is a writer who enjoys writing experimental
fiction and poetry.
Reason for signing up:
Local poets are awesome.
Liz Prather
Photo of Liz Prather
Liz Prather teaches writing at Lafayette High School.
Reason for signing up:
It's June.
Photo of LittleBird
Just a regular person. A mom, a wife, a career girl, a friend, a sister, a lover, a Goddess, a Queen. But I digress. She has deep roots in the Bluegrass state and currently lives in Texas.
Reason for signing up:
The words in my head ache to get out and poetry is the language the speak.
Lisa Miller Henry dabbles in writing when she isn’t teaching high school English, hiking, or cheering for her son at hockey games.
Reason for signing up:
I love spending the first month of summer reading and writing with the LexPoMo community.
Lisa Miller Henry dabbles in writing when she isn’t teaching high school English, hiking, cheering her son at hockey games, or plotting the next stamp for her passport.
Linda Freudenberger
Linda is a new poet. She began 3 years ago @ Carnegie Center by being challenged by poetry classes and is presently enrolled in the Poetry Gauntlet 2020.
Reason for signing up:
To grow as a poet and share my work with others.
Linda Bryant
Photo of Linda Bryant
Linda Bryant worked as a journalist for 30 years before deciding to write poetry full-time. She moved to Berea, Kentucky, in 2019 and established a sanctuary for artists and writers.
Reason for signing up:
I participated for the first time last year and really enjoyed the experience. I love Kentucky's warm and supportive writers community.
Linda Angelo
After decades as a psychologist and painter, Linda found her poetry voice later in life. She is having a great time with writing and with her poetry community.
Reason for signing up:
I like the idea of having the intention to write often, maybe daily!
Leslie Workman
Photo of Leslie Workman
Leslie is a high school English teacher, mother, video game fanatic, and amateur poet.
Reason for signing up:
A writing group I'm part of informed me of the event and I thought it sounded great.
Leslie Davis
Photo of Leslie Davis
Leslie is a lover of complex female characters, Liverpool FC, and Milton's "Sonnet 23." She finds joy in meandering long runs through horse country and reading good books on park swings.
Reason for signing up:
As an English teacher, I believe it's important to practice what I preach: 1) be willing to fail and then grow through the process, 2) be an active and compassionate member of a writing community, and 3) never stop learning. Huzzah!
Lennart Lundh
Photo of Lennart Lundh
Lennart Lundh is a poet, photographer, short-fictionist, and historian. His work has appeared internationally since 1965.
Reason for signing up:
Because the words are waiting to be said.
Photo of Lee
Lee is a professional in cinema & television, a musician in the military, and a family man.
Reason for signing up:
My wife’s doing this too, thought it would be a fun exercise.
Leatha Kendrick
Leatha Kendrick is the author of five poetry collections, most recently And Luckier, from Accents Publishing. She has led community-based workshops in poetry and life writing and mentored writers for more than twenty years in Kentucky and Appalachia. Her poems have appeared or are forthcoming in Tar River Poetry, New Madrid Review, the Southern Poetry Review, the James Dickey Review, Appalachian Journal, Still: An Online Journal, the Baltimore Review, The Southern Women’s Review, and in anthologies including The Southern Poetry Anthology, Volume 3—Contemporary Appalachia; and What Comes Down to Us – Twenty-Five Contemporary Kentucky Poets. She lives and writes in Lexington, Kentucky.
Reason for signing up:
I signed up to have the chance to write my way through June with Lexington's community of poets, who never fail to inspire me.
i like to write
Laura Foley
Photo of Laura Foley
Larry Wheeler
70 years of bullshit was worth it. I'm a grandpa!
Reason for signing up:
Again, Jim Lally's fault.
Laurel Fox
Photo of Laurel Fox
Traveler, scribbler, keeper of dogs, cats, and horses, and aspirant to a tidier life
Reason for signing up:
New poems will be something to show for this strange,lost June, spent hiding from a deadly virus.
Lauren Myfelt
University of Kentucky student. Outdoor enthusiast. Lover of coffee table books.
Reason for signing up:
l. holley
Photo of l. holley
Kristina Erny
Photo of Kristina Erny
Kristina Erny is a third culture poet who grew up in South Korea. Her poetry has appeared in The Los Angeles Review, Tupelo Quarterly, Yemassee, Bluestem, and elsewhere. She holds an MFA from the University of Arizona, and her work has been the recipient of the Tupelo Quarterly Inaugural Poetry Open Prize and the Ruskin Art Club Poetry Award. After many years of teaching internationally, she now lives in Kentucky with her family.
Reason for signing up:
Because it will be a good challenge!
Kristi Maxwell
Photo of Kristi Maxwell
Kristi Maxwell is the author of seven books of poems, including My My (Saturnalia Books, 2020) and Bright and Hurtless (Ahsahta Press, 2018). She is an Assistant Professor of English at the University of Louisville, where she teaches creative writing and literature.
Reason for signing up:
I had such a good month doing the NaPoWriMo challenge and wanted to give it another go
Kris Gillis
Kris teaches high school English (mostly from his dining room table these days). He recently used money saved during the pandemic to buy a surfboard. He knows that’s weird, so you don’t have to tell him.
Reason for signing up:
I love getting up to poetic shenanigans.
Kimi Hardesty
Photo of Kimi Hardesty
Kimi Hardesty is originally from Dallas, Tx and has had a career as an RN for over 3
decades. She also writes creative nonfiction and poetry.
Reason for signing up:
I signed up because honestly, I really love poetry and would like to write more.
Kimberly Barton
Photo of Kimberly Barton
Kim is a writer who was born in southeast Kentucky, but raised split between Kentucky and Michigan. She writes both freeform and spoken word poetry. She has also started to dabble in fantasy writing. Her inspiration for her writing comes from fellow writers, past trauma, and everyday life. When she isn't writing she can be found hiking in the Kentucky wilderness, cooking something sweet, or most likely curled up reading with her dog Rusty.
Reason for signing up:
I thought it could be a good outlet for my writing and I've been wanting to become more involved in the Kentucky writing community.
Kimber Gray
thanks for having me on the show guys it was really fun
Kim Kayne Shaver
Photo of Kim Kayne Shaver
Kim is alive and well during this pandemic pandemonium and thanks her lucky stars. Poetry portrays our humanity and compassion. Read a poem now.
Reason for signing up:
The poetic voice needs to be heard and continually practiced.
Kendall Brooke
Photo of Kendall Brooke
Kendall Brooke is just a girl who loves to read poetry, and sometimes attempts to write it.
Reason for signing up:
I am hopeful that this will help me grow as a writer and be a good way to express myself.
Ken L. Walker
Photo of Ken L. Walker
Ken L. Walker lives in Kentucky, is the author of Twenty Glasses of Water (Diez, 2014) and Antworten (Greying Ghost, 2017), and has work in the anthologies, Oil & Water (Typecast, 2010) as well as Devouring the Green (Jaded Ibis, 2015). Additional prose and poetry can be found in Boston Review, The Poetry Project Newsletter, The Brooklyn Rail, The Seattle Review, Atlas Review, Lumberyard, and Tammy. He is translating the complete work of the German poet, Georg Herwegh.
Reason for signing up:
Sublimity City!
kelly casey
Photo of kelly casey
kelly once won the richard taylor poetry award and has been chasing that high ever since.
Reason for signing up:
because i find i’m more productive creatively when i have eyes on me.
Kelley Tennille
Photo of Kelley Tennille
Kelley is a distiller & a dog mom
Katrin Flores
Photo of Katrin Flores
plain college student, loves Jesus, accidentally murdered her impulse-buy lithops plant last october and is still sad about it
Reason for signing up:
Because this community is kind and it's an honor to see this community create. And also it feels compulsory after all this time!
Katie Hassall
Katie is a wife and mom. She homeschooled her boys and continues to teach in the homeschool community. She has written poetry on and off since childhood.
Reason for signing up:
I like a challenge.
Katie Cross Gibson
Photo of Katie Cross Gibson
Katie is a Lexington expat who misses that place something terrible, but she’s keeping the faith and gettin’ by through poetry, video games, and other assorted media, ranging from dumpster-fire trashy to 100% wholesome content.
Kathleen Gregg
Kathleen Gregg lives in the country with her husband and one cat, who she secretly thinks is her Muse.
Reason for signing up:
LexPoMo is a terrific poetry forum that I wouldn't miss for anything!
Kathleen Crosmer
Photo of Kathleen Crosmer
Kathleen recently returned to Lexington after a too-big adventure, living in Oxford, England for 8 months. She is excited to settle back into her hometown, and LexPoMo seems a great way to start.
Reason for signing up:
A poem a day is just the right size of adventure...
Katerina Stoykova
Katelyn Weldon
Photo of Katelyn Weldon
Katelyn Weldon is a recent high school graduate and will attend Thomas More University in the fall studying Biology and Spanish. She also hopes to continue writing poetry and continuing to improve her writing.
Reason for signing up:
To read the work of others as well as to share my own.
Kate W
Kate Welsh is from Louisville, KY. Most recently Kate Welsh was published in Four Quarterly. She got her MFA from Sarah Lawrence College.
Reason for signing up:
To prod me to write every day
Karen George
Photo of Karen George
Karen George, a native Kentuckian, has published five chapbooks and two poetry collections, Swim Your Way Back, and A Map and One Year. She reviews poetry at Poetry Matters blog: http://readwritepoetry.blogspot.com/, and is co-founder and fiction editor of the online journal, Waypoints -- http://www.waypointsmag.com/. She enjoys photography and visiting museums, cemeteries, gardens, parks, the woods, mountains, historic river towns, and bodies of water. Visit my website at: https://karenlgeorge.blogspot.com/.
Reason for signing up:
I signed up because this will be my seventh year of writing a poem-a-day with other LexPoMo poets in June, and I've always found it inspiring. Also, for me, having a daily deadline is a good thing. I work well under pressure.
k.d. white
k.d. white. Mother of two, lover of nature.
Reason for signing up:
Felt inspired
K. Nicole Wilson
Photo of K. Nicole Wilson
k. nicole effervesces art: painting and poeticizing prolifically, loves hyperbole but tastes mostly irony, touched with hypergraphia and rainbow vision. her other super powers are currently classified.
Reason for signing up:
not even a pandemic can pull me from our community of poetry where our connectivity and voices are becoming more vital every day. i raise my voice with all y’all in a toast of love and protest.
K. Bruce Florence
Bruce is a retired college administrator,grandparent,freelance columnist and erstwhile poet. She finds this opportunity to participate both challenging and enriching.
Reason for signing up:
This opportunity makes me feel a part of the Kentucky writing community. Writing by its very nature is isolating and all these writers go out of the way to be inclusive and helpful.
Josey Bryant
Josey is a student at the University of Kentucky. He uses poetry to understand himself, and the world around him.
Reason for signing up:
I signed up, to be a part of a great community of poets.
J.A. Gross
Joseph is a teacher from Lexington, who has served students in schools all around the community since 2003.
Reason for signing up:
I signed up because of peer pressure; the good kind. More accurately, I needed to get back to something I’d lost along the way and, as is often the case, I needed a nudge to spur me along. Thankfully LexPoMo and it’s members are here to provide that nudge.
Joseph Nichols
Photo of Joseph Nichols
Joseph Allen Nichols likes to think he is a child of the Romantics, a modern day minstrel and druid, and lives with his two sons in Lexington, KY. He is overly fascinated with international folklore and melding the classical and modern voices.
Reason for signing up:
There is no community like this community. Wouldn’t miss it for the world.
Jordan T. Swift
Photo of Jordan T. Swift
I live in Lexington, Kentucky and I love to write words.
Reason for signing up:
I thought it would be fun
Jordan Quinn
Photo of Jordan Quinn
Since LexPoMo was born, Jordan starts each year looking forward to June. She holds a B.A. in English with a Spanish minor from the University of Kentucky. In her final semester, she rediscovered poetry and fell in love. Jordan has been published in campus literary magazines, as well as contributing poetry to the LexPoMo culminating anthologies. She now resides in Paris, KY with her family and is so grateful for the chance to submit again this June.
Reason for signing up:
I've desperately missed reading local poetry from names I have begun to recognize, and I'm excited to read submissions from those I don't know yet. It's been shamefully too long since I've produced poems on even a semi-regular basis, so I really needed something to kick-start the creative process.
John McCurry
John is a Kentucky native who enjoys time with his family and friends, writing, reading, and the great outdoors when he gets the chance.
Reason for signing up:
To add to and support written expressions.
John Lackey
Photo of John Lackey
John is a painter, printmaker, and writer of poems, songs and fiction.
Reason for signing up:
I lost my public studio and gallery due to the pandemic, which is fine, I can work at home, but the transition was very hard work and left me without a place to paint for a while. That, plus the fact that the novel I have been working on for ten years has become a little cumbersome to keep up with (not to mention everything being on fire), has forced my flow into unexpected bursts of poetry, mostly during tri-weekly bouts of insomnia. I’m ready.
Jo Manczyk
Photo of Jo Manczyk
Jordyn Manczyk is a native of Lexington, Kentucky, an exhausted graduate student, and a new mom of a beautiful baby boy. She currently lives with her husband, son, and their droopy-eared Bagle-hound in Lexington. She is a graduate of the University of Kentucky MFA program in Creative Writing, and she is currently a PhD student at UK studying Higher Education Policy. She teaches Developmental Reading and Writing at UK. She loves to write about family, nature, and small, quiet moments of meaning. When she isn't writing, she's probably listening to a podcast, cooking or baking, attempting to finish homework, or playing Dungeons and Dragons.
Reason for signing up:
This is my fourth year signing up with Lexington Poetry Month, and now, more than ever, I find that poetry is not only a comfort but is also a much needed platform with which to try and open hearts and minds to real pain, injustice, hope, and truth in our society. I have found that LexPoMo gets me connected with writers in my area, keeps me writing, and reminds me that there is always a path to bringing light into a dark world.
JK Elias
JK Elias lives in Kentucky.
Reason for signing up:
I enjoyed myself last year and produced some work I am fond of for once.
Jim Lally
Jessica Swafford
Jessica Swafford is a poet from Georgetown, Kentucky.
Jessica Farquhar
Photo of Jessica Farquhar
Jessica Farquhar is the author of Dear Motorcycle Enthusiast, a chapbook forthcoming from The Magnificent Field in summer of 2020. She holds an MFA from Purdue, where she was the assistant director of Creative Writing. You can find her work in recent issues of Western Humanities Review, cream city review, and Bear Review.
Reason for signing up:
In solidarity with my writing group, Sublimity City, in Louisville!
Photo of Jerielle
Jerielle sees the world sometimes as a painting, sometimes as a poem. She's 37 years old and has lived in Lexington for nearly 20 years. Her other interests include nature, textiles, teaching, music, theater and food.
Reason for signing up:
I love this community
Jennifer Burchett
Photo of Jennifer Burchett
Jennifer is a wife, mom, maker of soup, and writer of words living in Lexington, KY. A former restaurateur, her food writing has been featured in Nougat Magazine, M.D. Update, and Country Living Magazine. Her current passion is Appalachian fiction.
Reason for signing up:
Think about this, y'all: We all have the same 26 letters to work with. Just like Wendell Berry and Ernest Hemingway. I am not a poet -- so I hope my *real* poet friends go easy on me. But this is a great stretch for my fiction writing brain. (And I can't do anything without a deadline.) Also, I love the community. We need it always, but especially in these times.
Jennifer Beckett
Jennifer Beckett lives in Kentucky with her husband and daughter. She graduated with a B.A. from Georgetown College and an M.A. from the University of Kentucky. She teaches English and French.
Reason for signing up:
I love this community of poets. Being part of it brings me joy.
Jennifer Barricklow
Photo of Jennifer Barricklow
Jennifer Barricklow lives in Lexington, Kentucky. She enjoys gardening, tarot, crochet, and tea. One day she hopes to become a gypsy fortune teller.
Reason for signing up:
Anything that pushes me to write more poetry is a good thing.
Jesus is Victory
Photo of Jesus is Victory
j jebson is a writer from kentucky, based in illinois
Reason for signing up:
i enjoy homework and writing feels like homework
Jean -Marie Welch
She has been a teacher, a counselor,
an Arts Resource teacher specializing in creative dramatics for children, and after embracing her muse after retirement-a writer of poems, memoir, fiction, opinion, and essay. When her muse goes into hiding she journals until something jolts the muse back into being. She is old now, thinks young and feels strangely out of synch with today's society. She wants to write poetry to address this dichotomy.
Reason for signing up:
I'm not sure. The idea of joining other poets in writing a poem a day feels hopeful The strange new world emerging from the pandemic compels us to" look at everything" as though seeing it for the first time", and as Sister. Corita Kent said in the sixties, it "takes courage". I hope I am up to the challenge.
Jay St. Orts
Photo of Jay St. Orts
(L)expatriate; partner, father, writer, disc jockey. “They look like weeds, but they're really flowers/And they'll soon be gone.” —“Dennis” by Badfinger (Wish You Were Here, 1974)
Jay McCoy
Photo of Jay McCoy
Jay McCoy is a Lexington-based poet and visual artist with deep roots in Eastern Kentucky. His family has lived in Pike County for generations; he grew up in Perry County. Currently, he fills his days as a contract writer, editor, and instructor. Jay holds degrees from Transylvania University, the University of Akron, and earned his MFA in creative writing from the Bluegrass Writers Studio at Eastern Kentucky University.  Jay’s poetry has appeared in several anthologies and journals. His chapbook, The Occupation, was published by Accents Publishing in 2015.
Reason for signing up:
In past years, LexPoMo has proven an effective and enjoyable exercise to move my writing practice to a new level. Participants provide valuable feedback and encouragement throughout the month, building a strong writing community that can continue throughout the year.
Jasmine Robinson
Photo of Jasmine Robinson
Jasmine Robinson is the author of various notebooks full of poetry, songs, and beginnings of novels—none of which ever see the light of day. She is a transplant to Lexington, KY from Indiana by way of Nashville, TN.
Reason for signing up:
This is a challenge to myself to both keep writing and also to share what I write. I am participating also out of curiosity to read the work of other local writers.
Janelle M.
Photo of Janelle M.
Originally from the Chicagoland area, Janelle has lived in central Kentucky for fifteen years. She enjoys time with family, homeschooling, wood working, and so much more.
Reason for signing up:
I signed up because I love my brother and to practice my written expression.
Jamin Waite
Jamin is a master procrastinator who should write more.
Jamie Mann
Photo of Jamie Mann
Jamie Mann is a Junction City, KY girl who has degrees in English and Philosophy from Berea College, but somehow finds herself spending her days as an IT and Interactive Media director for a medical company. She doesn't know how this happened either. For as long as she can remember she has loved two things - getting lost and words.
Reason for signing up:
I love all the words and want to read yours.
j.l taylor
Photo of j.l taylor
j.l taylor is a native Lexingtonian who has established her love of writing poetry through attending community open-mics. her passion of the arts in all forms propelled her to be an arts administrator and is currently the grants manager at the kentucky arts council. before the pandemic hit, she also started a local poetry open mic, "Poets Down Yonder" and hopes that LexPoMo will encourage her and others to get back on the stage to share when the world is ready.
Reason for signing up:
I signed for the same reason I do every year: motivation. as much as I think and sleep and dream about poems there seems to be less and less time i spend writing them. i hope i will use this space as meditation for my words, to write without judgement, and breath in and breath out my words composedly as possible.
Josie Angel
J.F. Angel is a transgender/bi-gender author with a BA in English and a certificate in screenwriting. She loves fairies, mermaids, and movies.
Reason for signing up:
I want to dance with the muse.
I was inspired by friends and mentors.
J. Wise
Photo of J. Wise
J. Wise is a person. She went to a few schools and she has a job [thumbs up emoji]
Reason for signing up:
I need to work less and write poems more.
j. hope
Photo of j. hope
17 year old activist. Dancer, musician, follower of Christ.
Reason for signing up:
Poetry is my greatest escape.
hunter e. westenhofer
Photo of hunter e. westenhofer
Hunter Westenhofer is a student and writer of both prose and poetry residing in central Kentucky. He has a profound passion for spreading empathy through words and travel. He exists for the love of words, and the spread of hope.
Reason for signing up:
I participated in the 2019 Lexington Poetry Month event and it was by far the highlight of my year, so here I am again.
Helen Feibes
Photo of Helen Feibes
Helen is a young poet and college sophomore studying brains and always writing.
Reason for signing up:
Keeps me inspired
I am visual artist who dabbles in poetry.
Reason for signing up:
Love doing this! It inspires me to write.
HB Elam
Photo of HB Elam
Perpetually enraged for the last four years. Terms and conditions may apply, see inside for details.
Reason for signing up:
Catharsis and connection.
Harold is a Donovan Scholar, majoring in English with a concentration in Creative Writing. He received his MM in Composition from the UK School of Music in 1999. Born and raised in Lexington, KY, he played on the road and lived in New York City before returning to Lexington in 1983.
Reason for signing up:
I heard about it from Bronson O'Quinn at Carnegie Center's Writing Practice.
Photo of H.A.
H.A. is a public school educator in the Hudson Valley, New York. She is a non-fiction writer whose contributions focus on issues of racial, social, and cultural equity and representation across classrooms and other educational spaces. H.A. is new(ish) to creative writing, and finds inspiration in others' creative works.
She is an avid tea drinker, a distance runner, an animal lover, and an overall outdoors enthusiast.
Reason for signing up:
I enjoy being part of a writing community. It's such an honor to read others' creations.
Gregory D. Welch
Photo of Gregory D. Welch
Gregory D. Welch is a Kentucky poet who writes about life through many lenses. He writes poetry about nature, the moon and stars, the mystical and surreal and the rhythms of the tiny moments in between.
His favorite spot to sit and think is on the front porch in the porch swing. There are few better machines ever made for thinking and writing than the porch swing.
Reason for signing up:
I had a blast writing poetry everyday for the National Poetry Month Challenge, and really miss the daily rhythm it helped me shape.
There's nothing better than the excitement of finding a new poem waiting to be discovered each morning.
I want to tap back into that, see if I can find new ways to challenge myself to grow and experience life as a poet.
A poet once, perhaps again.
Reason for signing up:
I need a community of writers and a reason to try writing again.
Garkus Sprunk
Gaby Bedetti
Photo of Gaby Bedetti
A longtime teacher at Eastern Kentucky University, Gaby Bedetti and three students are leading a Collecting Memories Circle at a local retirement home.
Reason for signing up:
I love the variety of voices and miss them when June ends.​
Finna Moon Michaels
Photo of Finna Moon Michaels
Finna is an accomplished wife and mother who has been writing since, well, kindergarten. She's new to journalism and is excited to give poetry another go.
Reason for signing up:
A writing coach and mentor threatened to make us eat worms if we didn't try. I'm only over-exaggerating a little.
Elizabeth Thiery
Photo of Elizabeth Thiery
Erin Thiery is a standard-issue office worker and free-time fiction writer, temporarily posing as a poet for the month of June 2020.
Reason for signing up:
Because Bronson said to, and also I'm not totally convinced June is real at this point. Update: it turns out June is real, which is very rude of it.
Erin Mathews
Photo of Erin Mathews
Erin Mathews is a Kentucky native and Cincinnati transplant. A surefire storyteller, poet, and librarian in-progress, she writes for herself, family and friends.
Reason for signing up:
Traditionnnnnnnnn! (sung like a brief performance of Fiddler on the Roof)
student of life
Reason for signing up:
i'm bored af and i need drama
Eileen Rush
Photo of Eileen Rush
Eileen Rush is a queer Appalachian poet, writer, and narrative designer. She lives in Kentucky.
Reason for signing up:
I love a challenge!
47 yr old Newspaper оr Periodical Editor Kevin fгom Angus, spends time with hobbies and intereѕtѕ such as fencing, suspension insulators and greeting card collecting. In the ⅼast few montһs has visited to locations ⅼike and Environs.
Eden likes to write and thought she’d try to actually do it. Aside from writing professional words for dysfunctional situations, she has little practice writing for herself, save the unsolicited angry political response on someone’s FB post.
Reason for signing up:
Instagram challenged me, and I am not one to shirk an internet request be it Nigerian Princes or Re-posting what the media won’t talk about.
E. VanWinkle-Johnson
Photo of E. VanWinkle-Johnson
Emily VanWinkle-Johnson is a high school English and theatre teacher at Estill County High School. When not working on curriculum or directing Blue Train Theatre (Estill Co.’s student theatre), she spends her time at home drinking coffee, reading books, being mesmerized by her toddler daughter, and wrangling her two dogs.
Reason for signing up:
I signed up because I find myself needing an outlet and hope to inspire my students to use writing as an outlet themselves. I rarely share my work with an audience- aside from the Haiku’s I write on the white board for my students’ amusement- but want to be more open with my work, regardless of how “good” it really is.
Dwight Myfelt
Photo of Dwight Myfelt
Dwight is the Fates’ lieutenant; he writes under orders.
Douglas E. Self
Photo of Douglas E. Self
Doug Self is a poet who, over this past year, had forgotten he is a poet. He finds that fact unacceptable.
Reason for signing up:
I've participated in LexPoMo every year now. I have no intentions of stopping.
Donelle Dreese
Donelle Dreese is a poet, novelist, essayist, and Professor of English at Northern Kentucky University where she teaches Multicultural and Environmental Literatures, American Women Poets, and writing courses. She is the author of several collections of poetry including Sophrosyne, published by Aldrich Press. Her poetry, fiction, and essays have been published in a wide variety of journals and magazines.
Devan Watson
Devan is a poet from Lexington who is desperately seeking enough poems to meet their Gauntlet goal of 100 poems in 2020.
Reason for signing up:
What else is there to do?
Dennis Preston
Photo of Dennis Preston
Dennis J. Preston lives in Owensboro, Kentucky. He taught elementary school language arts for twenty-five years, but now enjoys being semi-retired. He is a minister, and enjoys reading, writing, traveling, and spending time with his family. He has published seven books of poetry including Cloaked Moon: Women of the Bible.
Reason for signing up:
I'm just the type of person who works better with deadlines and challenges.
Delmar Reffett
Delmar Reffett is a writer and critic. He is currently an adjunct professor of English at Kentucky State Univ. in Frankfort, and lives in Lexington with his wife Morgan and their dog Annie.
Reason for signing up:
It's always good to have something to hold your feet to fire!
Debra Glenn
Photo of Debra Glenn
Debra wrote what she referred to as "other writing" for years, before finally admitting it actually is poetry. She writes from personal experiences and her emotions. Debra is a 2020 Poetry Gauntlet participant and enjoys the challenge of reading at an occasional open mic night. Debra's paying gig is working at a local non-profit where she assists youth and families.
Reason for signing up:
I am a Poetry Gauntlet participant and heard about the #lexpomo opportunity. I decided being a part would help me meet my writing goal, plus provide for a challenging experience. And...maybe meet some new people. Basically I think it will help me grow as a writer so why not?
Debbie Cooper
Photo of Debbie Cooper
Debbie Adams Cooper lives and writes in central Kentucky.
Reason for signing up:
Because it is a "poetry party."
Ladetra Morgan
Deat is an Appalachian prodigal daughter, returning to Eastern Kentucky after ten years of living in both Lexington and Louisville. She is a mother to two beautiful little boys, and teaches Middle School ELA at Mountainview Elementary in Hyden, KY.
Reason for signing up:
Writing is therapy, and the way the world looks right now... we could all use some.
Photo of Deanna
Deanna teaches writing at Morehead State University and leads the Morehead Writing Project. Her pandemic project was MWP's Writing Retreat 2.0 which included bringing together writers from around the world to write and share their writing during the quarantine season.
Reason for signing up:
LexPoMo always challenges me to grow as a poet.
David Perry
DP is an aging student of our toughened regional writing and authors. He began school with only 48 stars on our red white and blue flag. Working up a degree from UK he then worked a career through KY Div of AML. Words matter as well, having split some years in journalism at smaller papers in SE Ky. Still working as a medical courier in Ky.
Reason for signing up:
Been here before after some seasons with Old Washington Wordsmiths and the Poet’s Supper group out of Springfield, Ky.
A senior in High School and film lover.
Reason for signing up:
I would like to challenge myself to create.
Dangerfield Yella
Photo of Dangerfield Yella
Dangerfield Yella from parts unknown. Ashy Larry is my cousin. Drink Water.
Reason for signing up:
Cody Evans
Photo of Cody Evans
Cody is a middle school teacher and former journalist. Since his high school days, Cody has written songs. He started as a lyricist and singer in a punk band, then transitioned gradually to acoustic music as he began to age and tire more easily. Since he is a teacher, and not a famous rock star, he is beginning to suspect the music thing probably won’t work out. He has a BA in journalism and a master’s in teaching, both from Morehead State University.
Reason for signing up:
My wife is an excellent writer. She signed up and said, "Cody, I'm not doing this alone...plus, you have to do something this summer besides sit there and read Batman comics."
Colette Crown
Coco is the alter ego for a shy writer. Go easy on her.
Reason for signing up:
Structure and motivation are my weak spots. LexPoMo provides both.
Cathy Perkins
Catherine Perkins, aka Cleo, used to be a performing, unpaid stand-up comedian and has been and still is a poet of little renown. She has been published in local, Lexington, KY published, anthologies, Clea believes she has 6 maybe 7 poems in print for the world to see. Catherine, aka Cleo, does not like to submit.
Reason for signing up:
I love the community of Lexington writers, artists, poets and want to be a part of every event that involves them. My peers are talented, open minded and accepting humans. I am blessed with unbelievable wealth to call many of them, friends. Plus I like the challenge of writing a poem a day better than I like to edit and complete a poem a day, or submit 1 a day.
Corey Kirby
Photo of Corey Kirby
cl kirby is a social worker living in Cincinnati. She has been writing poetry since her time at the University of Kentucky.
Reason for signing up:
To continue my journey as a poet.
Christopher McCurry
Photo of Christopher McCurry
Christopher McCurry teaches English at Lafayette High School. He is passionate about poetry, board games, skateboarding, and loving people. He lives in Lexington with his daughter Abra, their hamster (Alexander Hamsterton), and their dog Wicket.
Reason for signing up:
This is the safest place I know to write and grow in my poetry. All my friends are here. It's a party. A poetry party. And I love it.
Christina Joy
Photo of Christina Joy
Christina is a tree-hugging, dirt-worshiping, take-no-$**t hippie; really from Woodstock, NY but has lived in KY almost as long now as there. She reads Runes, blends herbal teas, and posts poems on her FB page occasionally (aka 'shouts into the void').
She's mostly hoping this month caps a year of recovery instead of portending worse happenings than last July.
Reason for signing up:
Tabitha Dial's constant encouragement.
Chelsea Jordan
Photo of Chelsea Jordan
fat feminist in love with chaos and romance
Reason for signing up:
i want to be pushed to finish one of my poems every day this month! i have an absolute vault full of unfinished beginnings!
Chayton Ragsdale
Photo of Chayton Ragsdale
Chayton Ragsdale is a rising college freshman. He has always enjoyed writing ever since he was in middle school. He is new to writing poetry, but is excited to start
Reason for signing up:
Upon my breakup with first love I started trying new things. I remember that she had an account here last year and I loved reading the poems that she and everyone else wrote. So, it was already familiar to me when my teacher Christopher McCurry posted sign-ups on his Instagram story. I figured I would give it a shot as a new poet
Chappy Chapuk
Chappy Chapuk is a visionary communicator. He uses prose to share his message and poetry to attempt to share his feeling of the joy and sorrow of mindful presence without judgement in God's world.
Reason for signing up:
To write. It's what I do.
Chaiya Miller
Casey Vázquez
Casey is a graduate student at the University of Kentucky working toward a PhD in Developmental Psychology. She is a dungeons and dragons enthusiast and will always ask to pet your dog.
Reason for signing up:
Madison Burt told me about Lexington poetry month and encouraged me to sign up.
Carrie Elam Spillman
Photo of Carrie Elam Spillman
Carrie spends her time thinking of all the things she wants to say. Luckily her words don’t shake when written.
Carole Johnston
Carole Johnston writes short poems, usually in the Japanese tradition, haiku or tanka. She makes her own rules.
Callie Budrick-Gough
Her life is in upheaval, just like everyone's.
Reason for signing up:
To share words and continue challenging myself.
Photo of Odin
Chuck Bukowski is a brilliant fiction writer but a poor poet. He is also a very ugly man and a bad alcoholic.
Reason for signing up:
My teacher told me too, or I'd get a D minus in summer school remedial English.
Bronson O'Quinn
Photo of Bronson O'Quinn
Bronson writes cross-genre fiction with a humorous, often satirical, slant. He solves web problems for Mediocre Creative and enjoys adventures with his wife and 3¾-year-old weirdo, Scout.
Reason for signing up:
Accountability keeps me writing.
Brigit Truex
It seems so long ago, but just last year her latest book, Sierra Silk, came out. It is available through her website as well as on Amazon. Additionally, she's working as poetry editor for Hopper Journal, a delight and stimulus at the same time.
Reason for signing up:
Definitely the time to have some virtual companionship and a place to process what's going on now. Indeed, a "new world" that we must navigate through poetry.
Patrick Miles
Photo of Patrick Miles
Body Baghdad is for the chillen
Reason for signing up:
To take part in the inspiration
Just another Black girl that won't keep quiet.
Bill Verble
Photo of Bill Verble
Bill lives and works in Lexington. He also attempts wresting poems from the whispering around him.
Reason for signing up:
This is a fun community. We need communities. I need community. Thank you all for having me here.
Betsie Phillips
Betsie is an online English teacher to students in China. She loves small town life, sweet tea, and good friends. Betsie writes poetry from time to time.
Bethany Robinson
Photo of Bethany Robinson
Bethany is a writer from southeastern Kentucky. Her work is primarily in short fiction though she has had a love of poetry since high school. Bethany draws inspiration from nature and her southern roots; as well as, her favorite poet e.e. cummings. Bethany has been a Lexington resident for three years.
Reason for signing up:
Bethany signed up to explore and become more familiar with poetic writing styles as a way to help explore varied writing techniques.
Bernard Deville
Photo of Bernard Deville
Bernard Deville teaches English & Humanities at Providence Montessori Middle School. Poet, Father, husband, generally embarrassing court jester.
Reason for signing up:
Gives me a chance to start every summer with a fresh writing mind.
Beatrice Underwood-Sweet
Photo of Beatrice Underwood-Sweet
Beatrice is a wandering Kentuckian. She is a teacher, and is influenced by her students, her travels, culture, nature, love, loss, the mundane, and the extraordinary.
Reason for signing up:
I wouldn't miss it for the world any more. I love being a part of Lexington's amazing community of writers, and even though I don't live in Lexington any more, I feel like I do every year in June.
Brendan is a 26 year old fun loving kid in an adult body. He likes to write, jump rope, listen to music and crack jokes at any given opportunity. His aloofness is often the spark of his own works and ideas for his writing.
Reason for signing up:
I was referred by a friend who is a poet and wanted to challenge myself to something new.
B. Elizabeth Beck
Photo of B. Elizabeth Beck
Elizabeth is the author of three books of poetry published by Accents Publishing, Finishing Line Press and Evening Street Press. Her debut work of fiction, "Summer Tour" was published June 2020.
Reason for signing up:
For inspiration and community.
Austin Rathbone
Photo of Austin Rathbone
Austin is a North Carolina native, Kentucky resident and occasional writer who doesn't understand poetry at all, but loves to try his hand at it.
Reason for signing up:
To write one more poem than last year, until I catch em all!
Austin Green
Photo of Austin Green
Austin is a Senior at the University of Pikeville, where he majors in English with a minor in Theatre.
Austen Reilley
Photo of Austen Reilley
Mom, wife, teacher, poet, singer, newbie uke player.
Reason for signing up:
I like reading others' work, and it helps me be accountable. Anything to help myself generate more poems! Also, peer pressure from McCurry.
Whoa, I love poetry.
Reason for signing up:
Because yay poetry!
Ashley Taylor
Photo of Ashley Taylor
Ashley Taylor is a special education teacher from Hindman, Kentucky. Her work has previously appeared in Hazard Community and Technical College’s literary magazine, Kudzu, and Full: An Anthology of Moon Poems, as well as the 2019 LexPoMo anthology. She was the student editor of Kudzu in 2007, and literally needed a Xanax to get up and speak in front of people about it. She has since evolved into a semi-competent public speaker.
Reason for signing up:
I had fun with the challenge last year, even though I only succeeded in writing 8 poems. I like the accountability and motivation.
Arianna McCurry
Photo of Arianna McCurry
Significantly more hippie than last year :)
Anne Hayden
Anne has always been in the arts - performing as an actress in New York or singing/songwriting in Nashville. Of late, she was teaching classical piano to young children here in Lexington-
Since the world has changed, she has had to reinvent herself - and is now teaching online.
Reason for signing up:
signing up for this always makes me less lonely.
Photo of anndevil
Ann V. DeVilbiss has work published or forthcoming in Columbia Journal, Crab Orchard Review, Gertrude, The Maine Review, Painted Bride Quarterly, and elsewhere. Her chapbook, When the Wolves Stay Quiet, is available from dancing girl press. She lives and works in Louisville, Kentucky.
Reason for signing up:
Having community and encouragement around daily writing seems like it might motivate me to work toward more finished daily pieces. Plus it sounds like fun!
Anna Walsh
Anna is a wife, mom, teacher, and wannabe writer.
Reason for signing up:
A friend encouraged me to participate last year, and although I was intimidated at first, I loved it! It's not very often you get an excuse to be creative :-)
Andrew Depew
Andrew is not to be taken seriously.
Reason for signing up:
To be continued
Andrea Lawler
Photo of Andrea Lawler
Andrea has been writing for years, but only found the courage to share with others through LexPoMo! She is a nomad at heart, but for now lives in the heart of Kentucky with her husband, 5 children, 3 dogs, 3 cats, 11 chickens, and one duck. She is a dreamer, deep thinker, and hard core romantic at heart.
Reason for signing up:
Because words (poems) are made to be shared & we all need community— especially as creators.
Anastasia Z. Cunningham
Photo of Anastasia Z. Cunningham
Amy Le Ann Richardson
Photo of Amy Le Ann Richardson
Amy Richardson was born and raised in Morehead. She grew up running through the hills and walking barefoot through her parents’ garden, letting her imagination go wild. Her love of stories led her to earn a Bachelor’s in English from MSU and MFA in Writing from Spalding University. She currently resides and works on her farm in Carter County.
Reason for signing up:
Motivation to write and courage to share.
Amanda Jatta
Photo of Amanda Jatta
Amanda is part fragile flower, part dandelion. Thriving on kindness and your mom jokes.
Amanda Holt
Photo of Amanda Holt
Amanda is a High School English teacher in Lexington, KY who gives all her time to her students and doesn't spend near enough time practicing her own art (poetry). She is thankful for Lexington Poetry Month every year.
Reason for signing up:
To garner continued inspiration from my fellow Lexington-area poets and bask in the relief poetry provides.
Alvera Lisabeth
Alvera is a teacher, mother, and sometimes artist and writer, originally from the mountains of southwestern Virginia, currently residing in Berea, Kentucky.
Reason for signing up:
I love to create and to write poetry and some people I know with beautiful creative energy invited.
Allen Blair
Photo of Allen Blair
Allen Blair's a writer, poet, journalist, and dad from eastern Kentucky. His family make their home in Mt. Sterling, where they try to make a difference. You can follow Allen online @TheTinpoet.
Reason for signing up:
To create my better self.
Alex Simand
Alex Simand lives and works in San Francisco, though he was born in Russia and
grew up in Toronto, which means he exists in a state of constant cultural confusion.
He holds an MFA from Antioch University Los Angeles. Alex writes fiction, creative
nonfiction, poetry. His work has appeared in Split Lip Magazine, North American
Review, Matador Review, Hippocampus Magazine, Apogee, and other publications.
His short story, Election Cycle, was a winner of the 2017 Best Small Fictions Prize.
Alex is an editor at Meow Meow Pow Pow, a graffiti broadside press.
Reason for signing up:
I just wanna write poems.
Addison Moore
Addison Moore is a teen poet from Central Kentucky that lives on Hippo Campus, Veronica Mars, and iced coffee. Her work has been previously published in FEMSzine out of Boston, MA, and she is known for her chapbook "BEAST & other creatures that live with the trees". She currently serves as an editor for The Bookshelf Mag, a literary magazine out of Los Angeles, CA. She is KY Governors School for the Arts Creative Writing and Slam Camp alumni. She will be attending Vassar College and plans to graduate in the Spring of 2024 with a major in English and minor in Art History. ​When not writing, Addison embraces her life as a Kentucky girl by spending time on her farm with her horses, cows, and her dog, Jack.
Reason for signing up:
I signed up to join a community of artists like myself, all from the place that I consider home. I believe that poets see the world in a way that o one else does, and I think this lens tis especially valuable when I am seeing how other artists see the place that I call home and see how their lives fit in to the various communities that exist here in Central Kentucky.
Photo of ABW
A guru with a spreadsheet, Austin is learning how to turn formulas into free verse.
Reason for signing up:
Maggie invited me!
Abra McCurry
Photo of Abra McCurry
Abra McCurry is a cat🐈 lover who loves to read and play with her dog Wicket🐶 and her hamster Alexander Hamsterton🐹. She also loves to write and play video games. But she loves her family, friends, and pets the most. She lives in Lexington KY and has two houses full of pets (5 cats Sila, Fada, Pudden, Scardy, and Scraggs. 3 dogs: Merry, Pippen, and Wicket. 2 hamsters: Chaussette (socks in french) and Alexander Hamsterton (known as Alex or Alexander Hamilton)). She is also a brave girl 😈
Reason for signing up:
Because I love poems and when I think of too many I get a headache.
Aaron Reding
Aaron is a Lexington-based poet returning to the craft after a long-standing absence. He hopes you like his writing half as much as his cat enjoys standing on his page demanding adoration.
Reason for signing up:
This is a challenge to myself. I’d like to stop waiting and start writing.
A. Lawrence
Photo of A. Lawrence
A. Lawrence is a poet who writes to express emotion and hopes that her poetry will help others feel comfortable expressing their own.
Reason for signing up:
To become more confident in writing
A. A. Kate
A. A. Kate is a high school student living with chickens, honeybees, and more. She enjoys writing while sitting beside the chicken coop.
Reason for signing up:
It's LexPoMo time!