LexPoMo Participants

Total poets:
Zoya Abbas
Photo of Zoya Abbas
Zoya Abbas is a high school writer who is in the SCAPA Literary Arts program. She has been writing since she was in 3rd grade and has her own blog.
Z.Z. Van Tappan
Z.Z. is descended from Dutch explorers
& has since not risen much.
Reason for signing up:
My great granddaughter put me up to it.
Stefan Delipoglou
Photo of Stefan Delipoglou
Yersinia P. is an anaerobic organism that may infect humans.
Reason for signing up:
Binary fission and resulting dissemination of chaos.
Wisteria is a trans poet from Lexington KY
Wilson is a research scientist at the University of Virginia. She considers herself more of a fiction writer than a poet (and is honestly more of a software developer). But a woman can dream!
Reason for signing up:
My friend asked me to.
Photo of wendyjett
Wendy is a long time fitness instructor, Improv junkie and attempts to write.
Reason for signing up:
Photo of Violet
Resides in North Carolina and studies at Naslund-Mann School of Writing.
Reason for signing up:
To keep me writing in a community I love to be a part of
Victoria Woolf Bailey
Photo of Victoria Woolf Bailey
Victoria Woolf Bailey’s work has appeared in a number of publications including: The Heartland Review, Kudzu, Alchemy Spoon and the Tipton Poetry Journal. She is the author of a chapbook, Dragging Gunter’s Chain, published in 2014 and her first full-length collection, Cannibalism and the Copenhagen Interpretation: a Love Story, was released by Finishing Line Press in March 2022. Her chapbook Under Glass is scheduled to be released in January 2023.
Reason for signing up:
I’ve heard about this in the past and always thought it would be fun to participate.
Victoria Gross
Photo of Victoria Gross
Victoria is an author, poet, and editor from Southeastern Kentucky. She has a BFA in Creative Writing from Morehead State University, as well as an MFA in the same from Southern New Hampshire University. She has three dogs and a cat, and currently resides with her husband and stepdaughter. Her debut novel, Zodiac Rising, will be released in 2022.
Reason for signing up:
I'm a regular! I love poetry. :)
Photo of Anesa
Vanesa is a 16yr old girl, who’s not quite ready to move on from May.
Reason for signing up:
I am a poet.
Photo of upfromsumdirt
dork af
Reason for signing up:
for fame & fortune
Photo of PBSartist
Trish is an artist, author and international instructor most recognized in the realm of encaustic painting. She publishes her poetry and essays via her blog on her site, and through her newsletter.
Reason for signing up:
because I get to! <3 lol
Toni Menk
Photo of Toni Menk
Toni lives in rural Casey County with her partner, Jerry Johnson, her dog, LaDee, and cats Tommy and Sweetie Pie. She is a retire telephone worker, a farmer, a Lampwork bead artist, and a long time member of the Kentucky Guild of Artist and Craftsmen. Toni had a BA in Anthropology from the University of Kentucky and an MFA from Spalding University.
Reason for signing up:
Kim Kayne Shaver made me do it.
Tom Hunley
Photo of Tom Hunley
Tom C. Hunley directs the MFA Creative Writing program at Western Kentucky University, where he has taught since 2003. His latest books are Adjusting to the Lights (2020 Rattle Chapbook Prize) and What Feels Like Love: New and Selected Poems (C&R Press, 2021).
Reason for signing up:
I suddenly have some free time, and this is a perfect time for me to focus on new poems.
Jennifer Gleason
Tillie the Toiler is trying not to till the soil and is sitting on her porch writing a poem or two while the birds cheer her on.
Reason for signing up:
Word play is one of my love languages.
the bluegrass warbler
I am just a singer in a rock and roll band.
Reason for signing up:
Reason for signing up:
accountability & community!
: t.m. thomson’s work has most recently appeared in Raw Art Review and Quillkeepers Press’s Halloween Anthology: Bare Bones and will appear in Lone Mountain Literary Review and Sunlight Press in the upcoming months. Three of her poems have been nominated for Pushcart Awards: “Seahorse and Moon” in 2005, “I Walked Out in January” in 2016, and “Strum and Lull” in 2018. She is the author of Strum and Lull (2019) and The Profusion (2019), which placed in Golden Walkman’s 2017 chapbook competition, and co-author of Frame and Mount the Sky (2017). Her full-length collection Plunge will be out in 2022. She has a writer’s page at https://www.facebook.com/TaunjaThomsonWriter/.
Reason for signing up:
To encourage myself to write & to see what other people are writing
Tania Horne
Photo of Tania Horne
Tania misses Virginia but is getting by in Ohio.
Reason for signing up:
It is something I do for myself each year that is not an obligation.I look forward to reading the poets I "see" here each year.
Tabitha Dial
Photo of Tabitha Dial
Tabitha Dial began calling herself a writer when she was growing up in Colorado. She became part of the Workhorse community four years ago. She’s moved to New Jersey, where she works as a substitute teacher, charmed by everything, including, still, Kentucky.
Reason for signing up:
Amy Camuglia invited me here one fine day outside High on Art and Coffee. This was a good decision.
Also, I swore an oath to the godds of poetry.
t. andry
Photo of t. andry
Reason for signing up:
bc habit is comforting sometimes.
T. Bartlett
Photo of T. Bartlett
T. Bartlett is a photographer and writer who lives in the Greater Cincinnati area. She’s had poetry published by Anthropocene: Poetry about Environment, SOS Art’s For a Better World 2020, 2021, and 2022, Kentucky State Poetry Society’s Pegasus, and The Voices Project. She also showcases poetry and fine-art photography on her website at www.tanyabartlett.com. In her free time, she enjoys cooking (some meals), reading, watching movies, and spending time with family and friends.
Reason for signing up:
I love reading and writing poetry, and I would again like to push myself to write more.
Sylvia Ahrens
My latest book is Reckless Pilgrims (Broadstone Books). I work at the Carnegie Center as a writing mentor.
Suzanne Gilmore
Poetry lover. Writing
Work in progress.
Reason for signing up:
I signed up for fun, fellowship and inspiration.
Susie Slusher
Photo of Susie Slusher
A libra who makes a mean latte and goes to too many concerts
Reason for signing up:
Who doesn’t need a creative outlet?
Susan M. Stephens
Photo of Susan M. Stephens
Susan is a mother, adventurer, ASL interpreter, and theatre enthusiast who is grateful for small moments and large miracles.
Reason for signing up:
Choosing to create and collaborate!
Susan L. F. Isaacs
Sue Neufarth Howard
Photo of Sue Neufarth Howard
Sue Neufarth Howard: Poet and visual artist, residing in Long Beach, CA. Former Cincinnatian. Past member of Greater Cincinnati Writers League (GCWL) and Linton Street Writers. See my poetry at Facebook/DanceOf WordsPoetryPage-Poems BySueNeufarth Howard. Participant in Ohio Poetry Day Contests and previously published. Contact: fhunt10jhkh@yahoo.com.
Reason for signing up:
It is fun and will be a creative challenge to do it again.
Sue Leathers
Photo of Sue Leathers
A hostage of the retirement system, Sue Leathers continues to teach in public schools. Lucky for her, she loves the kids and her occupation. She's also a college adjunct, a widow, and an avid disc golfer. She lives in Casey County, Kentucky.
Reason for signing up:
Time to flush the lines. Oh, how I've missed these folks! TGIJune!
S lax
Lives is Maysville KY
Storey Slone
A strange bird.
Reason for signing up:
A whim.
Steve Meadows
Photo of Steve Meadows
Steve Meadows has lived in the worlds of words as a teacher, writer, coach, student, and drama director for over half a century.
Reason for signing up:
It was fun last year. Let's keep moving forward for words.
Steve Cummings
Described by those who might have been his friends if he were different:
"Old and in the way"
Reason for signing up:
Guilt and sadism
stefani heller
Sonya Pavona
Photo of Sonya Pavona
Sonya Pavona is a former SCAPA Literary Arts student, having graduated at the end of May. In the fall, she will be attending Georgetown College to study Creative Writing and Arts Management.
Reason for signing up:
To challenge myself, build community, and write my silly little poetry!
Shelda Hale
Reason for signing up:
LexPoMo offers feedback from a wide swath of the community of poets who participate! I love the way I can track my posts and read those of all the others. This is an important part of my writerly life!
Shaun Turner
Photo of Shaun Turner
Shaun Turner writes fiction, nonfiction, and poetry, mostly in and about Kentucky. His writing has been published in Appalachian Review, Tin House, Bayou Magazine, and The Chattahoochee Review.
Reason for signing up:
I can't have June without LexPoMo.
Shanna Bowen
Photo of Shanna Bowen
Shanna is a flea market haunt. A barefoot gardener. Sometime poet.
Reason for signing up:
To encourage myself to reconnect with my love of creative writing.
Sean L Corbin
Sean L Corbin is the author of THE LEPER DREAMS OF SNOW (Finishing Line, 2018). He teaches classes in poetry and creative writing with the Carnegie Center, and is also all up in some medical simulation business. He lives in Lexington with his far better half, and two buffoons he has to feed and clothe.
Reason for signing up:
Time to come back home.
Ian Brenner
Photo of Ian Brenner
screamin'ian is a second Renaissance patron of female artists who occasionally puts pen to paper himself to communicate a complex thought or feeling that arises and is resistant to expression in less artistic prosaic form. he has never sought publication nor a wider readership.
Reason for signing up:
i was urged to by the best female poet ever.
Scott Wilson
Photo of Scott Wilson
Scott lives out by the county line, in the bluegrass outside of Lexington, Kentucky. He is a carpenter, blues harp player, hiker, poet, and a tutor at the Carnegie.
Reason for signing up:
To read of local poetry and try to write a poem or two.
Samantha M.
Photo of Samantha M.
Samantha is a student at Lafayette Highschool, and a member of the SCAPA Literary Arts Program. An avid storyteller, novelist, musician, farmgirl, and lover of all things creative, she seeks to introduce her readers to the complex and colorful worlds that dwell inside her head.
Reason for signing up:
I was encouraged to join by my amazing teacher and classmates of the SCAPA Lit. Arts program, and I've regained a love of poetry in the last year.
Photo of sam
non-binary chemistry student living in louisville. cat lover. barista and rock climber on the side :)
Sabne Raznik
Photo of Sabne Raznik

Sabne Raznik is an internationally published poet, a former community theatre actress, and an award-winning artist with three full-length poetry collections - Following Hope, Linger to Look, and Rabbit Hole. She also released a collection of artworks titled Renaissance: Visual Art 2005 - 2019. Her latest book is an e-chapbook - Dreaming of Bono - from VoiceLux. She founded and co-edits AvantAppal(achia) ezine and co-edits North/South Appalachia. Raznik believes herself to be a supranational poet, in that she feels the arts transcend manmade boundaries. In view of that, her effort as part of the Appalachian Renaissance is to break stereotypes and showcase Appalachian poetry as a living part of the world-wide literary scene, as well as to encourage the underrepresented but thriving Appalachian avant-garde in the global context.
Reason for signing up:
I have been doing LexPoMo since I learned about it in 2017. It’s a good motivation to write and get ideas moving forward.
Sophie Watson
Photo of Sophie Watson
Watson is a high school writer in the SCAPA Literary Arts program.
Reason for signing up:
My teacher introduced me to this site.
Ryan Oppegard
Ryan Oppegard writes to free the words he does not speak
Reason for signing up:
To read other works and connect with folks that love to write
Ryan Eby
Ryan is a student at Lafayette High School in the Literary Arts program.
Ruby is a writer in the tenth grade who hails from Kentucky. She's not sure if she's actually any good in poetry.
Reason for signing up:
Ruby signed up because she had a couple ideas for poetry, and has to write over the summer.
Roni embraces art and creativity in many forms. She moves with the wind in her hair as she makes dandelion wishes for a more peaceful world.
Reason for signing up:
Because evolution is about adding more positive moments into daily life.
Robin Rahija
Robin LaMer Rahija
Photo of Robin LaMer Rahija
Robin LaMer Rahija lives in Lexington, KY. Her poems have appeared in Guernica, Fence, Diagram, and elsewhere.
Reason for signing up:
I miss Chris!
Roberta Schultz
Photo of Roberta Schultz
Roberta Schultz, author of four chapbooks, is a songwriter, teacher, and poet from Wilder, KY. She writes some of her songs on a mountain in North Carolina. She is co-founder of the Poet & Song House Concert Series with her Raison D’Etre trio mates.
Reason for signing up:
I enjoy this community.
Illustrator, writer, and designer (graphic, book, textile) since 1986. Publisher at Dragonfly Press Publishing. Editor-in-Chief at Kraft Paper Muse.
Reason for signing up:
Personal goals and much needed writing time.
Renee Rigdon
Photo of Renee Rigdon
Renee always tries.
Reason for signing up:
My husband died suddenly in October of 2021. I'm writing pretty much constantly to help myself process that. I'm also trying to re-engage with the Lexington writing community after being absent for a long time.
Rena Nutt
Photo of Rena Nutt
Sometimes I feel like a Nutt. I'm just a poet in Kentucky.
Reason for signing up:
I love LexPoMo!
Regan Strehl
Photo of Regan Strehl
Regan Strehl is an English major and Lewis Honors College student at the University of Kentucky. She enjoys reading, writing, and her many dragon stuffies.
Reason for signing up:
I have been participating since high school and always look forward to interacting with this community.
Rayny Palmer
Photo of Rayny Palmer
Rayny Palmer is alive
Reason for signing up:
This is what you do in June.
Rachel Bollman
Photo of Rachel Bollman
Rachel Bollman reads to kids by day at Storytime in a Kentucky public library then whisks across the river to write and paint and think about children’s books.
Reason for signing up:
To light up my eyes & enjoy the work of others, to make little poems that may dance in a book with my drawings one sunny day.
Photo of R.Rad
just a hockey playing writer who is also a fan of the show PAW Patrol and romance books :D
Reason for signing up:
my writing teacher told me about it and i was immediately hooked
Photo of R.Sexton
Rachel is from Letcher County, Ky. She mothers, writes, and grows.
Reason for signing up:
I hope to be challenged to make writing a priority and to gain some community
Preeti Gupta
Philip Corley
Photo of Philip Corley
Philip has been a lifetime resident in Lexington participating in his seventh Lexpomo. He just started a new job that is somehow worse than the one he just left, but at least he doesn't have coworkers who actively hate him. Yet. When not dealing with that mess, he writes when he can, enjoys his nephew's baseball games, and the occasional karaoke night!
Reason for signing up:
This is where I do a lot of my self-evaluating, and this last year has given me a lot to work out.
Pete Wallace
Photo of Pete Wallace
Releasing his first ever poetry album last year, Pete has been a poet since his early teens as well as a song writer. Pete continues to write monthly as well as do poetry classes/workshops with poets like IN-Q for example.
You can find this audio engraved album here
Reason for signing up:
Because last year was soooo fun and it's a great thing to do.
Photo of Pepita
Pepita is a writer and performance artist from Tanzania living in Lexington, Kentucky. Her primary genre is poetry - both page poetry and performance poetry, with a secondary focus on short stories. Her page poetry has been published in the Writers Space Africa Magazine and the Poetic Africa Magazine. Her performance poetry has been featured on different platforms such as the Youth Power Hack events hosted by the Youth Power Panel (as part of the Global Goals for Sustainable Development), the Women Advancing Africa Forum, and 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence with the Embassy of Sweden. She likes to write about her personal experiences and things that she strongly believes in. Pepita’s work also includes inspirational pieces combined with visual art to bring the poetry to life.
Reason for signing up:
I have just moved to Lexington and found out about LEXPOMO through the KBWC at the Carnegie. I am excited because it will encourage me to write as much as I can and interact with other like minds. I am also interested in the chance for my work to be published in the Anothology.
Pauletta Hansel
Photo of Pauletta Hansel
Pauletta Hansel’s newest poetry collection is Heartbreak Tree, an exploration of the intersection of gender and place in Appalachia. She was born and raised in eastern Kentucky and was guest editor for the 2021 LexPoMo anthology, "But There Was Fire in The Distance." Pauletta was Cincinnati’s first Poet Laureate and is 2022 Writer-in-Residence for The Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County.
Reason for signing up:
LexPoMo FOMO. It's a crazy busy June this year, but I will try to keep up with this amazing community.
Paula Dixon
Photo of Paula Dixon
Paula is a life long writer who particularly enjoys the flexibility of the poetic form. She is currently collecting poems for her first collection .
Patti Miller
Photo of Patti Miller
Patti is a Kentucky native and a hoarder of pens and journals.
Reason for signing up:
I love this community.
Patrick Walden
Photo of Patrick Walden
Grocery clerk to merchandising.Patrick has had two poems previously published. No other accomplishments to mention.
Reason for signing up:
Patrick Johnson
Photo of Patrick Johnson
Patrick Johnson lives and writes in Morehead, Kentucky. He is currently an instructor for Morehead State University.
Reason for signing up:
Poetry is undeniably, an important part of me and those that participate. I like to see what we expose to one another and applaud those that find themselves changed.
Pat Owen
Photo of Pat Owen
Pat Owen is the author of 3 books of poetry, Crossing the Sky Bridge, published by Larkspur Press, Orion’s Belt at the End of the Drive and Bardo of Becoming published by Accents Publishing.
Reason for signing up:
Most fun you can have with your clothes on
Pamela Dae
Photo of Pamela Dae
Pam is a writer.
Reason for signing up:
My writing group was signing up and I'm easily led.
Pam Campbell
Photo of Pam Campbell
Pam is a daughter of the Appalachian Mountains. Her work as a clinical social worker, community organizer, and teacher informs her writing. She favors the song-like qualities of poetic form and how form serves to contain human suffering and joy.
Reason for signing up:
This will be my second Lexpomo. Good community. good challenge to write a poem a day in the month of June, and read poetry of others striving to do the same!
Nollie Palmer
Photo of Nollie Palmer
Nollie is a visual artist and poet
Reason for signing up:
Lexpomo continues to make June the most creatively invigorating month of the year.
Noel Cagney
Photo of Noel Cagney
Reason for signing up:
Little therapy
Personal journey of art
Trying to be creative on the Fly every day
Nita Clarke
Photo of Nita Clarke
Nita Clarke is a 72 year old that also loves writing poetry. She is a native of the bayous of Opelousas, Louisiana but has lived in Lexington. Kentucky for the past 24 years. She is a Vietnam era veteran of the US Navy where she served as a journalist and in public. Affairs. She also spent 10 years as a radio announcer in Louisiana. She has two children, Michael and Michele; 9 grandchildren and two great granddaughters.
Reason for signing up:
I signed up so that my poem, "Black Pain" could get exposure.
Adyson Reisz
Photo of Adyson Reisz
Nicole is a writer in SCAPA Laffeyete's Literary Arts program. She writes just about everything and is pursuing a career as a novelist. She also has a gaming blog.
Reason for signing up:
Why not?
Nichelle Anyaeg
Nichelle is a licensed therapist in the Lexington area and enjoys traveling and writing poetry.
Reason for signing up:
I want to become a better poet.
Nettie Farris
Nettie Farris is the author of four chapbooks of poetry. The most recent, THE ALICE POEMS, is now available from dancing girl press.
Reason for signing up:
nel a
Photo of nel a
Reason for signing up:
lexpomo slays
Natasha Lee
Photo of Natasha Lee
Natasha Collier is a creative polymath living in Central Kentucky. She works in the nonprofit sector and is a public historian and arts administrator.
Reason for signing up:
To challenge myself!
Nancy Jentsch
Photo of Nancy Jentsch
Nancy is a second-career poet whose first collection will be published this summer. The title poem Between the Rows started out as a LexPoMo poem.
Reason for signing up:
I look forward to the community, the challenge and the poetry.
Nancy Gourde
Nancy is a retired teacher of English/language arts and Spanish. She is affiliated with the Red River Valley Writing Project in Fargo, North Dakota.
Reason for signing up:
It was recommended to me by Deanna Mascle, the leader of our writing group that meets via Zoom every Thursday evening.
Mya Sophia
Mya Sophia has been writing since she was nine years old. She has been published in a few anthologies including the Selections from LexPoMo 2019, Shelter in this Place, and BLUU Notes. She was a Teen Howl Poet, Young Women Writers participant, third place winner of the KSPS Student Poetry Contest and was in BCTC's Accolade literary journal. She now dreams of publishing an anthology of her poetry one day.
Photo of mtpoet
I am the editor and publisher of Old Seventy Creek Press and I have participated in every LexPoMo June writing. My writing credits are numerous in America, Great Britain, Spain, Australia and places I have forgotten. I beg forgiveness for not including Germany.
Reason for signing up:
I want to keep up with all old and new participants.
Morghan Fuller
Photo of Morghan Fuller
Morghan is an educator and foster parent in Lexington, and has been attempting Lexington Poetry Month since year one.
Morgan Adams
Morgan Adams is a bookstore manager and a rusty poet. She lives and works in Lexington, Ky.
Misty Skaggs
Photo of Misty Skaggs
Misty Skaggs lives and writes in the backwoods.
Miles Reding
Miles is a sometimes-poet living with their husband and cat. Besides writing poetry, they enjoy drawing, playing video games, and reading nonfiction.
Reason for signing up:
I wanted the motivation to write more often.
Mike Wilson
Photo of Mike Wilson
Mike Wilson is a Lexington native, author of "Arranging Deck Chairs on the Titanic," political poetry for a post-truth world, His poems, stories, and memoir have appeared in various magazines.
Reason for signing up:
It grounds me.
Michelle Knickerbocker
Michelle was born in 1976. She is a professional cook and an occasional poet.
She lives in Frankfort, Ky with her wife and their small menagerie of pets.
Reason for signing up:
It's LexPoMo 10!!!!
Michayla Gatsos
Photo of Michayla Gatsos
Michayla is a college student/local barista/guitar player. She likes playing video games with her friends and taking her cat on walks.
Reason for signing up:
Lexpomo is my favorite part of the summer.
Michael Griffith
Photo of Michael Griffith
Michael A. Griffith began writing poetry while recovering from a disability-causing injury. Three chapbooks: Bloodline (Soma Publishing), Exposed (Hidden Constellation Press), and New Paths to Eden (Kelsay Books). He lives near Princeton, NJ. Mike is a college educator and a teaching artist.
Michael Burnham
Michael is a 75 year old would-be poet who once a year used to stop by a certain cemetery in Bennington, Vermont, to apologize to the grave of Robert Frost for not having written enough/any poems since the last time he’d passed by that way.
Reason for signing up:
I’ve got a need to poetize one of my old prose pieces. This seems like as good a place as any to do that, not to mention that the other LexPoMo poets are lovely folks with whom to virtually hang.
Meredith Sunley
Photo of Meredith Sunley
Meredith is a long time bookseller turned psychotherapist, Naturally, she loves stories.
Reason for signing up:
For motivation, and to check out what other Lex writers are doing.
Meredith McCurry
Photo of Meredith McCurry
Meredith is happiest on the couch with Chris, Abra, Ivy and Wicket. She loves words best in the form of letters, vows, and poems.
Reason for signing up:
I like the accountability and am excited to spend my June days writing poems again!
Melva Sue Priddy
Photo of Melva Sue Priddy
Melva Sue's debut poetry book, The Tillable Land, includes six poems first published in LexPoMo.. Available from Shadelandhouse Modern Press and local bookstores.
Reason for signing up:
I love LexPoMo. The challenge to write everyday calls to me.
Melissa Olson
Photo of Melissa Olson
Melissa is a designer, photographer, and writer (among other creative pursuits) based out of Akron, Ohio where she lives with her husband Cory and their cat Novella.
Reason for signing up:
I forgot to sign up last year, so instead, I participated in a physical journal, which led me to more regular practice of writing.
McKenna Revel
Photo of McKenna Revel
McKenna Revel is a poet that never expected to be a poet. She prays for punctuation daily.
Reason for signing up:
I've been very lazy and haven't written new poetry in months and months. Maybe accountability will do me some good.
Maya Pemble
Maya can't believe that she's a college student. She loves to fool others into thinking she knows what's going on and is thrilled to be participating in LexPoMo this year.
Reason for signing up:
Matt Crum
Mary Nichols
Photo of Mary Nichols
Mary Nichols is a writer based in Central Kentucky. Along with writing, she enjoys nature, live music, painting, and photography.
Reason for signing up:
I’m signing up on a whim. I need to be forced to write!
Mary Allen
Photo of Mary Allen
Mary Allen lives in Lexington and celebrates each June with LexPoMo. Her chapbook "Cruising the Word Bar" is available at https://workhorsewriters.com/shop/allen/.
Reason for signing up:
To write with a great community of poets
Marta Dorton
Photo of Marta Dorton
Marta Dorton is visual artist and writer in central Kentucky. She enjoys painting large and writing small. Her studio in the NOLI district in Lex gifts her with space and place for an assortment of colorful creative processes. She recently completed her first poetry manuscript.
Reason for signing up:
I signed up to write, share, and read in community; to support creative work of others; to write new poems I may not have otherwise written.
mari leet
Mari is a member of Old Washington Wordsmith under the leadership of Jim Lally
Reason for signing up:
The desire to shine light and sprinkle salt are Mari's motivators to join LexingtonPoetry month!
Manny Grimaldi
Photo of Manny Grimaldi
Manny Grimaldi is from Louisville. He works as managing editor for Yearling, the annual literary journal from Workhorse. He keeps busy with this and other good things: seeing his babies, helping others, and writing. Manny obsessively practices Tsundoku - the Japanese fine art of hoarding books one might never read.
Reason for signing up:
To write poems, to rub elbows with good people, and to make new friends!
Malinda O’Quinn
Photo of Malinda O’Quinn
Malinda is a human being who lives in Lexington, KY and spends her time caring for her child and absurd number of cats.
Reason for signing up:
Bronson makes me
Maira Faisal
Photo of Maira Faisal
Maira Faisal is a rising college freshman spending her summer trying out new hobbies before her next semester of stress starts.
Reason for signing up:
I participated last year due to my AP Lit teacher's recommendation. Since I enjoyed the experience, here I am again.
Photo of Magnolia
an enthusiastic soul with a disturbing past
Reason for signing up:
We’re all just trying to heal in our own ways.
Maggie Ruth
Photo of Maggie Ruth
Maggie Ruth is a freshman at Bellarmine University. She is an occasional gardener, an experimental cook, and a musician. She gets a little too invested in fictional characters and probably spends too much of her time daydreaming.
Reason for signing up:
I need to let go of my perfectionism and LexPoMo allows me to do so in an environment where I feel comfortable and safe.
Maggie Brewer
Maggie Brewer lives in Frankfort with her wife and pets.
Reason for signing up:
Because it's June and it's time to write poetry.
Born and raised in Queens, New York. Moved to Kentucky in 1990 and I am now retired.
Madison Miller
Photo of Madison Miller
Madison (they/she) is a social work graduate student living in Lexington with their partner and two pups. This work is dedicated to their holy trinity: Zoloft, Vyvanse, and Dogs.
Reason for signing up:
It’s that time of the year!
madison maxfield
Photo of madison maxfield
Madison is a writer who attends Lafayette highschool.
Reason for signing up:
I wanted to
Maddie Coleman
Mackae has a lifelong love of poetry. Verse is thought provoking and fun.
Reason for signing up:
Mackae signed up because she was with her grandchildren and wanted to do poetry with them.
M. Wells
M.Wells is an English and social studies teachers who dabbles in poetry, novel-writing, and a thousand other things. She lives in Lexington, KY and has participated in LexPoMo for many years now.
Reason for signing up:
Because I've enjoyed it every year and I like seeing my poem published in the anthology.
M R Heltzel
Photo of M R Heltzel
An educator, a baker, an outdoor enthusiast, and, sometimes, a writer.
Reason for signing up:
Tradition and a desperate need to write again
M L Stephens
I am a mother, grandmother and Pastoral Care Coordinator at Baptist Health Richmond
Reason for signing up:
LexPoMo is always a healthy and rewarding challenge for me
Luke Brannon
Photo of Luke Brannon
Luke focuses on micropoetry inspired by magical realism and the moment.
Reason for signing up:
A friend recommended #lexpomo to me
Lucy James
Lucy is a poet from the rolling hills of Eastern Kentucky. She writes what she knows, feels, and dreams.
Reason for signing up:
I’ve signed up for LexMoPo several times, but only actually participated last year. It was a great experience and couldn’t wait for this year’s start.
Photo of Lucy
Louise Tallen
Photo of Louise Tallen
Louise is a recovering academic and a spiritual realist. She believes in the magic of nature, the bliss of a beloved's kiss, and the wonder of a dog running in a field.
Reason for signing up:
I had so much fun last year, I decided to do it again.
Lori Taylor
Photo of Lori Taylor
Reason for signing up:
It’s fun and a great way to exercise the brain!
Lonormi Manuel
Born & raised in Appalachia, Lonormi Manuel now calls central Kentucky home. Her published short fiction and creative nonfiction can be read on her website, www.lonormimanuel.com. Having spent years denying she could ever be a poet, she threw caution to the winds with the onset of the Russian invasion if Ukraine. Her work often addresses social issues and injustice. She has seven grandchildren and an equal number of dogs and cats.
Reason for signing up:
Invited by a friend!
This is Logan Ward's second year doing Lexington Poetry Month. He is a junior at Lafayette High School, approaching his fourth year this fall with the SCAPA Literary Arts program. He enjoys all forms of writing, and poetry's no exception.
Reason for signing up:
Might as well go for round two.
Liz Prather
Photo of Liz Prather
Liz Prather teaches writing at Lafayette High School.
Reason for signing up:
It's June!
Photo of LittleBird
Compelled to write, Jen is a newly single, mom of teenagers, middle aged woman just trying to rediscover who she is. But she is enjoying this chrysalis of a life and looks forward to what will emerge.
Reason for signing up:
I enjoy writing and appreciate being a part of this creative community
Photo of lhmartin
Lisa is a retired 8th grade ELA teacher, Reading Specialist, and K-8 librarian. Lisa has always written for herself. The last several years has given her the gift of a place to write, share and grow with a group of fellow writers she met online through the NWP Write Across American during the pandemic.
Reason for signing up:
I wanted the challenge of trying to write one poem a day.
Linda Freudenberger
Photo of Linda Freudenberger
Linda is returning for another round of writing and interacting with poets.
Reason for signing up:
To challenge myself.
Linda Caldwell
Linda Caldwell is poet and playwright.
Reason for signing up:
I would like to participate in the ten year event.
Linda Bryant
Photo of Linda Bryant
Linda Bryant is a journalist and poet from Berea, Kentucky. She runs Owsley Fork Writers Sanctuary in Berea. She is a co-host (with Kevin Nance and Jay McCoy) of Kentucky Writers Roundtable on RadioLex. Her chapbook, Swingset Confessional, was published in 2022 by Act of Power Press.
Reason for signing up:
I'm a poetry geek. It's easy for me to obsess about writing a poem a day. It's good disipline and I always make a few friends.
Linda Angelo
Photo of Linda Angelo
Linda began writing 5 years ago as a new adventure. Since then, she has become captivated by the craft, attached to her new writing community, and hopelessly addicted to self-expression.
Reason for signing up:
For a big dose of writing, sharing, experiencing others' work.
Libby Falk Jones
Libby Falk Jones' poems have been published in more than 25 journals and anthologies. Her most recent poetry book is Yakety Yak (Don't Talk Back) (Workhorse, 2022). She lives and writes in Berea, KY, where she co-directs a writing project for Kentucky women over 60.
Reason for signing up:
Enjoyed last year's month -- my first!
l. jōnz
Photo of l. jōnz
LeTonia is a poet and death penalty abolitionist who lives in Lexington, KY. She uses her words as witness and testimony. LeTonia also loves her Boston terriers, Peggy and Mojo!
Reason for signing up:
To continue.
Leslie Davis
Photo of Leslie Davis
"too low for a high praise, too brown for a fair praise. were she other than she is she were unhandsome...being no other but as she is I do not like her." --much ado about nothing
Reason for signing up:
"words words words!" -hamlet
Lennart Lundh
Photo of Lennart Lundh
Lennart Lundh is a poet, photographer, short-fictionist, and historian. His work has appeared internationally since 1965.
Reason for signing up:
spiro ergo me creare
Leif Erickson
Photo of Leif Erickson
Leif Erickson thinks language is a tightrope over meaning, and poetry is like the bubble of oxygen under a capsized canoe.
Reason for signing up:
Writing is life!
Lauren Myfelt
Photo of Lauren Myfelt
Lauren only writes poems during the month of June, it seems. But she loves that she writes any at all.
Reason for signing up:
Because I love LexPoMo!
Laurel Fox
Reason for signing up:
I have enjoyed Lexpomo for the past three years and look forward to participating this year, as well--just off to a very late start.
Laura Foley
Photo of Laura Foley
Underachieving overachiever
Reason for signing up:
You talkin' to me? Huh?
Why did YOU sign up? Huh? What--nothin' to say now?
Photo of laney
just an astrology enthusiast that loves having a platform (if you’re my ex or my parents mind your business)
Reason for signing up:
here to slay poetry month another year
Ladetra Morgan
Ladd Dingley
Ladd is a poet in Lexington attending the University of Kentucky.
Reason for signing up:
A fun way to be involved with the Lexington community while simultaneously pressuring myself to write something small every day.
Photo of KW
Kelly Waterbury is a veteran educator, a life long nature lover and the mother of four amazing human beings. She enjoys visual art, literary art, voice and drama. Ms. Waterbury has been writing since the age of eleven and finds the arts to be the best way to communicate truth and emotion while grappling with the reality of being human.
Reason for signing up:
The challenge of writing every day is invaluable, as it demands a level of self discipline and introspection that is cathartic. How can I ask my students to take risks and produce writing if I do not also demand it of myself?
Kristi Maxwell
Photo of Kristi Maxwell

Kristi Maxwell is the author of seven books of poems, including My My (Saturnalia Books, 2020); Realm Sixty-four, editor’s choice for
the Sawtooth Poetry Prize and finalist for the National Poetry Series; Hush Sessions, editor’s choice for the Saturnalia Books Poetry Prize; and Re-, finalist for the National Poetry Series.
Reason for signing up:
For the fun
Kris Gillis
Photo of Kris Gillis
Kris teaches high school English and writes often with his students.
Reason for signing up:
Lexpomo is great!
Kim Kayne Shaver
Photo of Kim Kayne Shaver
Kim often thinks of occupations she might have pursued—sycronized swimmer, pet groomer, children’s librarian, floral designer, folklorist—but did not. As a poet, however, she is all these talents and persons.She lives in Louisville with lots of people, a cat and Prince H. the dog.
Reason for signing up:
Lex poetry month is my zen board of poems! Writing a new something everyday keeps my mind snappy and reminds me to be in the poem moment!
Kevin Nance
Photo of Kevin Nance
Kevin Nance is a co-host (with Linda Bryant and Jay McCoy) of Kentucky Writers Roundtable on RadioLex. He’s also the author of two collections of photographs and haiku, EVEN IF (University of Kentucky Arts in HealthCare) and MIDNIGHT (Act of Power Press).
Reason for signing up:
Liberté, égalité, fraternité.
Kerfoot is…
Reason for signing up:
Community, legacy
Kendall Brooke
Photo of Kendall Brooke
Kendall Brooke is 25 years old and works as a PICU nursing care technician. In her free time, she loves to read, write, and play with her dog Goose. Her family and friends are most important to her, and she is thankful for all their support.
Reason for signing up:
I am hoping to practice and strengthen my poetry skills
Katrina Rolfsen
Photo of Katrina Rolfsen
Katrina is an avid reader and storyteller who believes finding adventure in the great, wide somewhere is as easy as opening a book.
Reason for signing up:
My English teacher recommended that I register, and I'm excited to make my Lexpomo debut!
Katrin Flores
Photo of Katrin Flores
is a writer!
Reason for signing up:
I can never stay away!
Katie Hughbanks
Katie Hughbanks’s poetry and narrative writing have appeared in Trajectory, Calliope, Kentucky Monthly’s Penned Literary Edition, Kudzu Literary Magazine, The Courier-Journal, KSPS's Pegasus, and the Louisville Eccentric Observer’s Literary LEO as well as online on Dodging the Rain (Ireland) and Flight Writing (Ireland). Her poetry chapbook, Blackbird Songs, was published by Prolific Press in 2019. She teaches English and creative writing in Louisville.
Reason for signing up:
I need a little bite of a motivation sandwich.
Katie Hassall
Katie has been writing poetry for most of her life. She is a wife and mom and often finds inspiration in the mundane, everyday life.
Reason for signing up:
I love the inspiration and challenge of lexpomo. I can't wait to get started!
Kathleen Gregg
Kathleen is the author of "Underground River of Want",
her first chapbook. She lives in the country with her husband and one cat, who she secretly thinks is her muse.
Reason for signing up:
LexPoMo is a once-a-year opportunity to commune with so many other poets in one place!
Katherine Paisley
Katherine is a Kentucky poet masquerading as a Florida lawyer.
Reason for signing up:
For inspiration.
Katerina Stoykova
Photo of Katerina Stoykova
Katerina Stoykova is an award-winning poet, actress, teacher, publisher, world-traveler and a mid-career adventurer. Born in Bulgaria and having lived in the USA for over twenty years, she thinks and lives in two languages.
Reason for signing up:
How could I not?
Katelyn Weldon
Photo of Katelyn Weldon
Katelyn studies Biology pre-med and Spanish at Thomas More University as well as being an officer for their competitive dance team. In her free time she teaches dance at a local studio, works in the lab at a local hospital, and loves writing poetry. Katelyn has published pieces through various websites including those of The October Project (winning best teen poet in 2020), Pauletta Hansel, and in her schools literary magazine—which she was able to help produce the past two years as a copy editor and recently as publicity manager.
Reason for signing up:
To read and share in such a welcoming community!
Kate Fadick
Photo of Kate Fadick
Karen George
Photo of Karen George
Karen George, a native Kentuckian, has published five chapbooks and three poetry collections from Dos Madres Press: Swim Your Way Back (2014), and A Map and One Year (2018), and Where Wind Tastes Like Pears (2021). Her work appears or is forthcoming in Slippery Elm as winner of their poetry contest, Adirondack Review, Valparaiso Poetry Review, Indianapolis Review, Salamander, and Poet Lore. She enjoys photography and visiting art museums, cemeteries, gardens, the woods, mountains, and historic river towns—particularly any place near a body of water. Visit her website is: https://karenlgeorge.blogspot.com/.
Reason for signing up:
Because I’ve been writing a poem-a-day in June with other LEXPOMO poets since the beginning. I learn from, and am inspired by, reading the work of other poets. Having a daily deadline is a good thing for me. I work well under pressure.
Karah Stokes
Photo of Karah Stokes
Karah lives in Frankfort in an old house festooned with cats. She loves to garden, paint, and make things.
Reason for signing up:
I love this community, and I want to jump start my poetry writing.
K. Ka`imilani
Photo of K. Ka`imilani
I am a writer, a teacher, a parent, and a grandparent.
Reason for signing up:
I like to be challenged. And though I am signing up late, I hope to put in the work and try to put in some writing time this summer.
K. Nicole Wilson
Photo of K. Nicole Wilson
K(dot) Nicole: AKA Ferocious Tomato, AKA Sportspoet, AKA Coley, Cole, 5Cents, Nickel, Half-a-Dime, Peach, Nicola (sing song like Gricola commercial), Cola, Colanut, Auntie Cole, Aunt Sis, Tomato, Mato, Spicy, Red, Snow Red, Lollipop the Raspberry Unicorn.
Reason for signing up:
Poets’ve gotta stanza together.
K. Bruce Florence
Newspaper columnist, narrative poet, Appalachian exile etc. describes this writer.
Reason for signing up:
Being a part of this writing community is a true joy, and I love the discipline of the activity.
Justin Littrell
Photo of Justin Littrell
Justin is a goofball with a serious side who sometimes gets lost in the dark. He graduated from the University of Kentucky and has gone on with a bunch of ignorance ever since, but sometimes some serious stuff too.
He's alright, but sometimes can be a little abrasive. We've all got our faults, and he's sure got his. Every woman and man is molded by the forces applied against them over time and the force they've applied against everything else as well. Justin ain't no different.
Reason for signing up:
I signed up to force myself to write more and see if people who didn't know me or care about me thought I was good at it. I need to read more from others too. I've never been a big reader, and I know that probably isnt a good thing.
Jus Jaszie
Jus Jaszie is a poet. She enjoys life. She hopes to inspire, encourage, and shed positive light in the world one poem at a time
Reason for signing up:
I signed up to be inspired by others and potentially develop new poetry friends. I signed up in hopes of sharing my work, to learn and grow becoming the best poet I can be!
Photo of Julia
Julia is trying to be a poet, mostly learning and studying.
Julia Anne Miller
Julia Anne Miller is a writer from Louisville, Kentucky. She has taught undergraduate philosophy at the University of Cincinnati and Stony Brook University, lectured at Northern Kentucky University and the University of Kentucky, and taught a memoir writing workshop at Miami University. She has an MA in Philosophy from Stony Brook and a PhD in Humanities and Culture from Union Institute & University.
Julia Anne’s dissertation, “Speaking in Bipolar Tongues: A Personal Memoir and a Scholarly Analysis of Creativity and Madness” has been nominated for the Marvin B. Sussman Award. She has published poetry and creative nonfiction in a variety of journals and anthologies, including the Jack Walker Press anthologies Corners: Voices on Change (2018) and Friends: Voices On The Gift Of Companionship (2020).
Reason for signing up:
I have been waiting for such a personal writing challenge to find me. I hope I have not missed the registration deadline!
Jules Unsel
Photo of Jules Unsel
Jules is a retired teacher and lives among family and friends in Estill County. She writes poetry, fiction and the occasional country music howler. She enjoys involvement in several writing communities in Lexington, Irvine, and Berea.
Reason for signing up:
To explore writing and writing community.
Photo of jstpoetry

Jeremy Stacy is a confessional poet, who expresses his inner world via poetry. Often writing to music or art he can be found on Instagram @jstpoetry.
Reason for signing up:
To get to know other writers in the Lexington area
Joy Kreves
Photo of Joy Kreves
Joy Kreves is a visual artist/poet working in central NJ. She received her graduate and undergraduate degrees in art from Illinois State University before moving to the east coast. She has created award-winning sculptures and mixed media artworks, which often include language and poetry, exhibited in numerous juried and solo exhibitions. She has work in the permanent collections of Rider University, Illinois State University, and Queens College. Her drawing was published in vol. 140 of The Paris Review. Kreves is a current member of DVP/US1 Poets.
Reason for signing up:
I have poems yelling at me to let them go out unchaperoned, so I'm trying to be a more lenient poet mom and let them roam.
Josey Bryant
Josey Bryant is a student at the University of Kentucky. He has been writing for most of his life, and uses poetry to understand himself and the world around him.
Reason for signing up:
To be a part of a fantastic community of poets.
Joseph Nichols
Photo of Joseph Nichols
Joseph Allen Nichols is a Lyric Essayist and has had poetry and short stories staged across the U.S. His first chapbook was published by Workhorse Writers just as covid set in across the world. He is currently completing his first novel. He lives in Lexington, KY with his two sons, two cats, and a yorkie.
Reason for signing up:
LexPoMo continues to be his favorite community and is a rich, annual outlet for experimentation and inspiriation.
Jordan Quinn
Photo of Jordan Quinn
Jordan is a working poet who resides in Paris, KY with family. Her favorite days are spent outside with her kittens, Mork and Mindy, and a cup of strong coffee. She is blessed to be able to participate in another year of Lexington Poetry Month.
Reason for signing up:
I can't pass up an opportunity to push myself to write more poems, and I absolutely can't wait to read submissions from other KY poets in the area.
Jim Lally
Jim Lally meditates beneath the American hackberry tree (family: Cannabaceae) that shades the soul of his yard.
Jesus is Victory
jesus is victory is an accountant from kentucky. he has a mother a father and a brother.
Jessica Swafford
Jess Roat
Photo of Jess Roat
Jess has been writing since grade school. He is a Education Specialist in California.
Reason for signing up:
I believe poetry is the basis for good writing. Great poetry inspires!
Photo of Jerielle
I play piano, saxophone, act, direct, design and sew clothes, paint pictures, dance, cook, write, teach, appreciate and in general try to narrow down what I'm focusing on, at the moment.
Reason for signing up:
I look forward to this every year!
Jennifer Whitten
Jennifer is a poet, fiction writer, and theologian who has lived in 12 States, loves community, is addicted to visual arts, and will work tirelessly on behalf of any project that will help people.
Reason for signing up:
A friend recommended it, and I love writing poetry every day!
Jennifer Elam
Jennifer is a retired psychologist who has studied deep spirituality and done social justice work most of her life. Her creativity: writing, movement and art blossomed in the Pendle Hill art studio. PH is a Quaker study center in Wallingford, PA. A writer is one who has to write; Jennifer is a writer.
Reason for signing up:
To post poems and read the work of others. Others in my CoA writer’s group said it was great.
Jennifer Burchett
Photo of Jennifer Burchett
Jennifer is a fiction writer living in Lexington, Kentucky. Her favorite genre is Literary Fiction with an Appalachian accent. She also writes about food through the eyes (and tastebuds) of YA/MG characters.
Reason for signing up:
Poetry is not my strong suit, so this is a great stretch for me. And I enjoy the community!
Jennifer Beckett
Jennifer Beckett is a teacher and writer who graduated with a B.A. from Georgetown College and an M.A. from the University of Kentucky. She teaches creative writing and French. She has been published in The Heartland Review, Accents Publishing’s anthology Bigger Than They Appear, Still: the Journal, Kentucky Monthly, Her Limestone Bones, and more.
Reason for signing up:
I appreciate this community of writers and wonderful humans.
Jennifer Barricklow
Photo of Jennifer Barricklow
Jennifer Barricklow lives and works in Lexington, Kentucky. She enjoys gardening, working with the Tarot, and crocheting. One of her dreams is to become a wandering fortune teller.
Reason for signing up:
to be an active part of the rich and diverse literary ecosystem of this place
Photo of Jazzy
Eugenia Johnson-Smith, owner and CEO of Positive Power, LLC. Training and Development. She is an Author, Coach, Inspirational and Motivational Speaker. In 2008 she started the Positive Power Movement and in 2018 wrote the affirmational poem “I Am A Man Child” to inspire men and boys. She shares positive power in her writings, community events, and speaking engagements. She creates personalized commemorative poems in recognition of special occasions, events, and milestones. She offers positive power through cards, posters, t-shirts, bookmarks, and inspirational posters as well as her Positive Power LLC Facebook Page.
Reason for signing up:
I signed up to improve and polish my poetry. This will give me an opportunity to write more poetry, to learn from others in this community and to have fun. I hope to publish my collection of poems soon. I look forward to this experience.
Jay St. Orts
Photo of Jay St. Orts
Husband, Father, Son, Brother, Uncle, Cousin, Friend, Musician, DJ, Homebrewer, Cook, Editor, Writer. Not necessarily in that order. Sometimes exactly in that order.
Reason for signing up:
As the world shrunk two years ago, I hunkered down to ride all the storms out. I realized that the storms never stop coming, really.
Jay McCoy
Photo of Jay McCoy
Jay is a poet and visual artist, a proud Appalachian. His writing has appeared in several journals and anthologies.
Reason for signing up:
I couldn't miss the community and joy of LexPoMo!
Jasmine Robinson
Photo of Jasmine Robinson
Jasmine is a teacher and poet living in Kentucky. She picked poetry up again at the start of the pandemic, and it felt like a homecoming.
Reason for signing up:
For the lovely community here!
Janelle M.
Janelle is a wife and mother who enjoys health, play, and learning.
Reason for signing up:
To support my brother and exercise written expression.
Jamie Mann
Lauren Lax
Photo of Lauren Lax
Lauren's writing has been published in Connotation Press and Sphere Magazine. She lives in Maysville, KY.
Reason for signing up:
The challenge to write daily!
j.l taylor
Photo of j.l taylor
j.l taylor is happy to be here, there...anywhere, really. A space cadet at heart, poetry gives her direction among the clouds.
Reason for signing up:
Paying tribute to the poetry gods has become a necessary practice in this writing religion of mine.
I. Urso
Some of the things that Isabel does in her free time include robotics, acting, programming, and writing.
Reason for signing up:
I signed up because I really enjoy writing poems and creative writing in general. Also, I think it's a great challenge that encourages people to write more poems and allows them to share their ideas.
Hunter Nelson
An "essential worker" of the pandemic, Hunter has kept busy by slinging pizzas and stocking up on stories. With each day passing faster and faster he hopes to catch up to his own aspirations.
Reason for signing up:
I've really slacked on writing in the past few years. Could pin it on all sorts of reasoning, but since reigniting teen howl, the poetry group that made me passionate for the art, I feel a need to throw myself back into it. I look forward to fitting poetry back into my life, no matter how hectic I may see it to be.
hunter e. westenhofer
Photo of hunter e. westenhofer
(he/they) hunter e. westenhofer is a poet and student residing in central Kentucky.
Reason for signing up:
I've participated in Lexington Poetry Month since 2019, & it is one of my favorite times of year.
HB Elam
Photo of HB Elam
HB might be a person, or might not, depending on who you ask. This might just be the only proof of his existence, depending on which books they find to burn.
Reason for signing up:
To hear the clickety clacks of my keyboard as I type my silly little words.
Harold Sherman is a Donovan Scholar at the University of Kentucky, majoring in English with a concentration in Creative Writing. He received his MM in Composition from the UK School of Music in 1999. Born and raised in Lexington, KY, he played on the road and lived in New York City before returning to Lexington in 1983. He and his wife Marianne play in the local band The BATs.
Reason for signing up:
I heard about it in Writing Practice at the Carnegie Center.
Haley Biddle
Haley is a creative with expertise in media and marketing. Most of all, she is a dreamer, a humble dreamer with a lust for the present. Without an ethereal mix of soul, r&b, and alternative music, her head would be uninspired. Haley has been pen pals with Juliet in Verona, written love notes in Lexington, and buried letters in Nicholasville. For it is the ceremony of pen and paper that sends her into a honeymooned bliss.
Reason for signing up:
I believe a lot of people like to hide behind their writing. Sometimes so much so that the fire meets it first. Sometimes I see that fire dance on my walls in the candlelight. Where fragrance meets fear, cement meets roadblock, and heat meets headache. This act of choosing is a waterfall. I have a voice, and I want to be heard.
Hailey Scudder
Hailey enjoys to write poetry and this is her first time sharing her poems with anyone.
Reason for signing up:
I love to write poetry and would love feedback.
Photo of H.A.
H.A. finds joy in reading, writing, and running. Her written works primarily fall in the non-fiction genre. When she isn't writing, she is likely running before sunrise and hiking to admire the sunset. Her childhood dream to catch a falling star keeps her moving forward. Follow her on Twitter @HolSpinny
Reason for signing up:
Poetry is my greatest challenge. I like to learn from and with those who write it.
H. James
Photo of H. James
Reason for signing up:
Gwyneth Stewart
Photo of Gwyneth Stewart
Gwyneth is a retired lawyer and practicing poet.
Reason for signing up:
Participated last year and loved it,
Greg Friedman
Photo of Greg Friedman
Greg is a Franciscan priest, living and writing in the Land of Enchantment. He's a journalist, radio host and video producer who migrated from the East to New Mexico, and now works in Albuquerque.
Reason for signing up:
Encouraged by fellow poets and challenged by last year's LEXMOPO.
Chipped from the stump of a sunken ash and swoln with the syrupy spittle of lumberjacks, Goldie makes its way spelunking in crazing cracks of decrepit china, dredging up “others”, the moldering orts, the germs and grains, those fringes scuttling squirrels unknowingly nudge from louring lichens; always assembling some strange cut of karass or cadre bent on tickling kittens, always convinced some gold and emboldening day that they may just catch a kitten giggling. ‘Twas a kitten that taught the Kikimora all of its lordly indifference, all of its smug and dismissive grandeur, all its ill-gotten esteem and disturbing gibes. So should they make a kitten laugh, well, maybe they’d finally usher in some of that change you must hear about, gab of the murmurous scree, thrawn gossip of pockmarked stones, the strident slosh of pendulous purses... or maybe they’d just have something to gas about.
Reason for signing up:
Presumably, it’s becoming a habit, though more so, I rather enjoy this forum, believe it to be quite culturally important to Lexington and Kentucky abroad, and relish any excuse to share some dithering scribbling, like it or not.
Ginna Wilkerson
Photo of Ginna Wilkerson
Ginna Wilkerson has a Ph.D. in English from the University of Aberdeen. She has published two poetry collections and a YA novel.
Reason for signing up:
I signed up to find out about other local poets and read their work - also, to push myself to do some new work...
Gaby Bedetti
Photo of Gaby Bedetti
Gaby enjoys taking pictures and polishing her haiku.
Reason for signing up:
It's a one-of-a-kind community of poets who are also great people.
Frankie A.
Photo of Frankie A.
Mellor is a world famous comedian that no one has heard of.
Reason for signing up:
I signed up because a teacher of mine told me about it, and because I did it last year and enjoyed it very much.
Eden is a perpetual aspiring creative, and had decided she's ok with that.
Reason for signing up:
I got overwhelmed the last time, but maybe this year is my year!
Erin Mathews
Erin Mathews is a Lexington native and Cincinnati transplant. She performs the unending task of working at the local library, and always shows up eventually. She writes for herself, family and friends.
Reason for signing up:
At this point LEXPOMO is part of my summer circadian rhythm.
Eric W. Willis
Photo of Eric W. Willis
Eric Willis is a writer, reader, traveler, pharmacist, artist, and avid amateur pickleball player. He is the Editor-in-Chief of Jelly Bucket, a literary journal produced by the Bluegrass Writers Studio and Eastern Kentucky University, where he is pursuing an MFA in creative writing.
Reason for signing up:
To support local poets and to force myself to practice poetry.
Eric Scott Sutherland
Photo of Eric Scott Sutherland
Eric is a poet and arborist based in Lexington, KY. His latest book is Earth Is My Church from Accents Publishing.
Reason for signing up:
To keep the pen moving
Emma D
Emma is an undergraduate student studying history. She enjoys browsing the internet, learning trivia, and playing video games with her friends.
Reason for signing up:
My wonderful Lexington friends introduced me to Lexpomo a couple years back and I finally decided to participate!
Emily Withenbury
Photo of Emily Withenbury
Emily is a poet, baker, artist, and entrepreneur based in Lexington, KY with another foot each in San Francisco, New York City, and Northampton, MA. Her work is shaped by her professional dance background and years owning a cafe and arts space in western Mass. She runs on cappuccinos, the color yellow, and every flower she sees.
Reason for signing up:
I'm doing the Gauntlet and Chris recommended it!
Emily Nugent
Emily is a destroyer of kitchens and grower of plants.
Ellen Austin-Li
Photo of Ellen Austin-Li
Ellen Austin-Li’s work has appeared in Artemis, Thimble Literary Magazine, The Maine Review, Pine Mountain Sand & Gravel, Rust + Moth, and other places. A Best of the Net nominee, she’s published two chapbooks with Finishing Line Press: Firefly and Lockdown: Scenes From Early in the Pandemic. She earned an MFA in Poetry at the Solstice Low-Residency Program. Ellen lives with her husband in a newly empty nest in Cincinnati, Ohio. Find her work @ www.ellenaustinli.me.
Reason for signing up:
I started a 100-day creativity project on April 1st and would like the last 30 days to be new poetry (as the first 30 days will be). I know several poets who do LexPoMo every year and have spoken highly of this group. While I was too busy the past 2 years with school work, this year I am ready! I'm excited for the challenge—and to be forced to "dig deeper" in my work.
Elizabeth Thiery
Full-time public employee, part-time grad student, very sometimes burlesque dancer, and every-once-in-a-while-when-the-mood-strikes writer.
Reason for signing up:
I might not be good, but it’s always fun!
Elizabeth Burton
Photo of Elizabeth Burton
Elizabeth Burton's fiction and nonfiction have appeared in various literary journals and anthologies, but she is just beginning her poetry journey. She lives in Hopkinsville, KY, with a bevy of animals and one perplexed husband.
Reason for signing up:
To encourage me to write more poems!
Eli Trainor
Eli is a high school student in the SCAPA Literary Arts program.
Photo of Elaine
Elaine Olund likes to ponder and wonder and meander. Sometimes this wiggly path leads to a poem.
Reason for signing up:
I did this last year and enjoyed it!
Dwight Myfelt
Photo of Dwight Myfelt
Afoot and light-hearted I take to the open road.
Reason for signing up:
I am the Fates’ lieutenant; I write under orders.
dustin cecil
Photo of dustin cecil
I'm in Olive Hill, KY. anyone interested in some back an forth add/pass writing hit me up via email. mr.dustincecil@gmail.com lets have some dada style fun..
Reason for signing up:
I like to see what people are up to.. and to have a place/urge to get more work wrangled into a more completed form.
Douglas E. Self
Photo of Douglas E. Self
Doug Self is a poet. You don't realize how much of a win that is for him to believe it. IG soy_el_poeta_del_metal
Reason for signing up:
That's what Lexington poets do.
Donna Ison
Photo of Donna Ison
Donna Ison is an author, playwright, poet, performance artist, editor, and producer who loves cats, Christmas, cheese, creepy cinema, and The Cure.
Reason for signing up:
Because I would suffer from that nefarious feeling called FOMO if I did not.
Dick Westheimer
Photo of Dick Westheimer
Dick Westheimer has—with his wife and writing companion Debbie—lived on their plot of land in rural southwest Ohio for over 40 years. His most recent poems have appeared or are upcoming in Rattle, Paterson Review, Chautauqua Review, RiseUp Review, Minyan, Gyroscope Review, and Cutthroat.
Ruthie May
Diana started wordsmithing as a teenager, finding much relief to sorting daily life.
Now, at a much latter stage in life, words coming to rescue, again.
Reason for signing up:
To give and receive pros, words from others who strive to express life in words...
Dennis Preston
Dennis Preston likes to read, write, and travel. He enjoys his church work and spoiling his grandson.
Reason for signing up:
I need to be challenged in my writing. I look forward to LexPoMo every year.
Delmar Reffett
Delmar Reffett is a professor, critic and writer living in Lexington, Kentucky and teaching at Kentucky State University in Frankfort.
Reason for signing up:
I can always use an extra bit of motivation to get writing
Dee Taylor
Photo of Dee Taylor
Diana is a transgender-woman, a meteorologist, an active duty service member and a poet who currently resides in New Mexico.
Reason for signing up:
Lexington Poetry Month has become a yearly tradition for me. It helps me to stay in touch with my roots and a growing community I found 9 years ago. Even though I live far away, I enjoy coming back every year and getting inspired by so many others, some new some not so new, it's something organic and unique.
Debra Stuart
Photo of Debra Stuart
Debra has loved poetry and art since childhood. It is her life’s passion.
Reason for signing up:
To share my works.
Debra Glenn
Photo of Debra Glenn
Debra Glenn wrote what she referred to as “other writing” for years, before finally admitting it actually is poetry. Debra enjoys the challenge of reading at an occasional open mic night and her paying gig, working with middle school students.
Reason for signing up:
I love to write...I've participated the last couple years so why not?
Debbie Cooper
Photo of Debbie Cooper
Debbie is a native Appalachian who now resides and writes in central Kentucky.
Reason for signing up:
Because it is June!!! and this is my 10th year writing with all these lovable people!
Photo of Deanna
Deanna is a poet from Mt. Sterling, Kentucky, who teaches writers and the teachers of writers at Morehead State University and with the Morehead Writing Project.
Reason for signing up:
Continuing my journey and growth as a poet.
David Flynn
Photo of David Flynn
David Flynn is a Graphic Artist, University Professor of Art, Short Story Writer, Poet, Public Speaker on Creative Thinking, Idea Guy, Car Guy and Funk Music Fan.
Reason for signing up:
I was encouraged to join by my trusted friend and colleague Melissa Olsen. I think I have something to offer everyone, and I know I will benefit greatly by being in the group.
Photo of D'Rose
Darlene Rose DeMaria is a poet and creative Educational Therapist in the San Francisco Bay Area, She has fun writing with students at Edu-Therapy Learning Center!
Reason for signing up:
I LOVE expressive writing and poetry is a form that speaks to my writing style. I also love being a part of a creative common+unity = community!
Dangerfield Yella
Photo of Dangerfield Yella
From parts unknown.
Reason for signing up:
It's what I do this month.
Sawyer Mustopoh
Photo of Sawyer Mustopoh
Last to arrive first to leave
Reason for signing up:
I'm a SCAPA student that needs to touch grass and write poetry
D.R.C. is not a poet.
Reason for signing up:
A new friend convinced me.
D.H. Worsch
D.H. Worsch is a writer and poet from Eastern Kentucky. Worsch studies English literature and creative writing at Morehead State University located in Morehead, KY. Worsch enjoys getting inspiration from his upbringing in Appalachia and his spiritual journeys through nature.
Reason for signing up:
I signed up to LEXPOMO to advance my writing capabilities while discussing and critiquing works with other writers.
Dani Lou
Photo of Dani Lou
Dejah is an all-around artist (at heart). She works at Lexington Children's Theatre as their Marketing and Patron Services Coordinator. She loves to write, paint, and dance in her "free" time.
Reason for signing up:
Having such an incredible experience with Lexpomo in 2019 has inspired my return this year!
David is a photographer, filmmaker, and writer from Lexington, KY.
Reason for signing up:
I try to never miss a chance.
Courtney Music
Photo of Courtney Music
Courtney Music resides and writes in Morehead, Kentucky.
Reason for signing up:
My significant other ask me to sign up and be a writing partner.
Colette Crown
Reason for signing up:
Love the encouragement to create every day.
Coleman Davis
Photo of Coleman Davis
Coleman is the resident forest elf and chief cook and bottle washer at Owsley Fork Writers Sanctuary.
Reason for signing up:
My wife made me do it.
Cayla is a full-time librarian and part-time poet. She graduated with her Masters in Library Science in 2021, and has loved books and poetry her whole life.
Claudia Love Mair
Photo of Claudia Love Mair
Claudia Love Mair is the Coordinator for the Kentucky Black Writers Collaborative. She is the author of 11 books, and currently working on two nonfiction works. Claudia frequently teaches classes at the Carnegie Center. She lives in Lexington.
Reason for signing up:
A friend and colleague thought I would enjoy it.
Corey Kirby
Photo of Corey Kirby
cl kirby is a graduate of the University of Kentucky College of Social Work. She is currently working as a school social worker at a charter school in Cincinnati, Ohio.
Reason for signing up:
It is something I look forward to every year.
Christopher McCurry
Photo of Christopher McCurry
Christopher McCurry is the Willy Wonka of LexPoMo. Catch him this summer on the disc golf course, at the pool, or playing board games with his fiancee Meredith and his daughter Abra.
Reason for signing up:
"We are the music makers and we are the dreamers of the dreams."
Christina Joy
Photo of Christina Joy
Christina is a tree-hugging, dirt-worshiping, take-no-$**t hippie; really from Woodstock, NY but has lived in KY almost as long now as there. She reads Runes, cooks ancestral foods, and posts poems on her FB page occasionally (aka 'shouting into the void').
Reason for signing up:
Because I'm still here, and #LexPoMo is still here, sooooo....
Chaiya Miller
Reason for signing up:
Cathy Perkins
Photo of Cathy Perkins
Catherine Perkins is a poet and comedian, as well as a Thoroughbred training business owner. She enjoys writing about nature, life experiences and the things twirling around in her head. After a serious head injury she began to think in rhyme all the time which didn't bode well with "conventional" teachings, but fit right in with humor writing. Catherine is poems appear in many local KY publishers (Accents, Workhorse) anthologies and most recently, in the online journal, Jerry Jazz Musician, https://jerryjazzmusician.com/ Catherine is currently in the final stages of compiling a humor collection manuscript. She has found a publisher and hopes to have everything ready for a 2023 rollout of the funniest collection ever written, by her.
Reason for signing up:
Writing is a passion. I kind of like challenges, but I love the community of LexPoMo poets.
Cathy Cultice Lentes
Photo of Cathy Cultice Lentes
Cathy is a poet, essayist, and children's writer living in southeast Ohio a few winding miles from the Ohio River.
Reason for signing up:
I signed up last year thanks to a mention by Pauletta Hansel, and of course if Pauletta is involved, it has to be good. The practice in 2021 got me through a challenging month while beginning to clean out my childhood home, also helping me remember the writer I have become.
Carrie Elam Spillman
Photo of Carrie Elam Spillman
An Appalachian poet trying to spread her backwoods gospel.
Reason for signing up:
Still following so many dreams
Carrie Carlson
Photo of Carrie Carlson
I came from the hills and hollers// Left home to become a Louisville scholar// Settled down in the cool Bluegrass// Where many things have come to pass// Now, a wife and mother// Seeker of Truth// Rich Kentucky soil bears and nurtures// All my roots and shoots
Reason for signing up:
I'm signing up because Lexpomo is fun, it helps me grow as a writer, and I love reading other people's work.
Carole Johnston
Carole Johnston writes poetry as a neurodivergent ,outlaw. Many people find it weird.
Reason for signing up:
It’s fun.
Callie Budrick-Gough
Callie is an out-of-practice writer currently moonlighting as a bartender at a circus-themed brewery. Mother of two cats.
Reason for signing up:
A creature of habit and tradition.
Cadence Perman
Cadence is a nonbinary poetry writer and activist. They love to write and be playful and creative, except when their poetry needs to be a bit darker.
C. Taylor
Creed is a Scapa literary arts major who was born and raised in Lexington.
Reason for signing up:
A teacher of mine introduced me to it.
Bronson O'Quinn
Photo of Bronson O'Quinn
Fiction writer, web developer, dad, husband, brother, neighbor, friend (if you’re nice.)
Reason for signing up:
10 years ago this started and it’s still going. Why not?
Brigit Truex
Poet Brigit Truex has been interpreting her natural surroundings through her writings and art for many years. Her work can be found in many journals and anthologies. Her most recent book is "Sierra Silk," available through Amazon.
Reason for signing up:
I definitely need the "discipline" of LexPoMo to get me back into writing again! I have been focused on visual art for the past two years, now it's time for written expresssion.
Bonnie Proudfoot
Photo of Bonnie Proudfoot
Bonnie Proudfoot moved to WV in 1979, then crossed the Ohio River to work on a PhD in Creative Writing at Ohio U. Before completing her degree, she began teaching at Hocking College in Nelsonville. She came to recognize that students gave her as much, if not more, than she could give them. Though she no longer teaches, she still resides outside Athens. She writes fiction and poetry, creates glass art, and enjoys playing blues harmonica.
Reason for signing up:
I am excited to participate in this challenge!
Patrick Miles
Photo of Patrick Miles
Miles is a humanoid
Reason for signing up:
To write more poems .
  • Poems:
  • June 08, 2022 H2O
Bob Rouse
Photo of Bob Rouse
Bob is a Midway writer and editor, author of a collection of Christmas stories set in his hometown. Bob turned to poetry in 2020 as a mechanism for processing the pandemic and social upheaval ... while discovering the beauty of his backyard. His Facebook friends will be glad he found another outlet for his poems.
Reason for signing up:
My son's girlfriend badgered me.
Dwayne E. Parker AKA "BlackTree" is a(n) Father, Son, Brother, Disabled Army Veteran, Poet, Artist, Play Writer, and a lover of words. He began his journey into the arts in the year of 2010 while residing in EL Paso, TX with the Barbed Wire Open Mic Series. Dwayne reflects his craft from his experiences looking into the contrast from his life. While contracting Sarcoidosis while serving in the U.S. Army 1995. He would later find out he would need a Heart Transplant in 8/22/2019. Having relocated back to his home roots in Kentucky in 2017 from El Paso, TX, Dwayne again found himself rescued by the love of writing words of poetry and visual stories on canvas. While teaching himself abstract art and photography. Suffers from trimmers and muscle spasms Dwayne has painted such pieces as: Traveling Through My Organic Blues, The Way the Flag Waves, Ain’t She Beautiful and Adam's, Atom. But the most profound piece is Dalton’s Heart. Moreover, he has written such poems as: Sand Man, A Wave Paved, It’s all about Letters & Numbers 2 Words to be an Up Right Man, and I Ain’t yo’ Rasin winning second place of the Carnegie Literacy Center Inc. “Harriett A. Rose Legacies Contest. He has also had the honor of being recognized of his works to have won (First Place) College Literary Poetry Contest at (Mountain View College of Dallas, TX April 2005), League of Innovation Literary Competition (Second Place2005) and has had literary work published in the Dallas Weekly for a poem title: “Autumns Dusk”.
Reason for signing up:
To learn how to expand my thoughts and words of poetry.
Bill Verble
Photo of Bill Verble
Bill looks for poems in the crevices of time. He's grateful for this community of wanderers.
Reason for signing up:
Let's do this thing again!
Beverley Byers-Pevitts
Photo of Beverley Byers-Pevitts
Reason for signing up:
Participated last year and loved it; wonderful poets participated.
Bethany Robinson
Photo of Bethany Robinson
Bethany is a short story writer and poet originally from Southeastern Kentucky. She is a lover of nature, a yoga instructor, and an advocate/council member of the Bluegrass Survivors Council and volunteer for multiple organizations in Lexington, Kentucky. Finally, Bethany is a freelance sports writer with Queer KY.
Reason for signing up:
As I’ve grown and evolved as a person, my voice has also become stronger. The events of my life that have shaped me are worth sharing.
Bernard Deville
Photo of Bernard Deville
Retired English Teacher. Cranky old poet on the front porch who waves at people going to work on Monday mornings while drinking coffee with an evil grin.
Reason for signing up:
Poetry. Best positive forum around for a community of poets to create, give, and receive feedback.
Photo of bk
Beck Turney is a sustainability major at UofL living with her partner and their two cats. Beck hopes that her work in sustainability may one day positively alter the timeline we somehow ended up on.
Reason for signing up:
This is my fourth year of LexPoMo and every year I love being more involved and learning from others' poems.
Beatrice Underwood-Sweet
Beatrice lived in Kentucky for the first 21 years of her life, then took off for great adventures. She currently lives in the St. Louis area and works teaching English language learners. Currently mired in novel writing, she always loves to come back to her first love, poetry.
Reason for signing up:
Because I love poetry, a good challenge, and keeping my connection to Kentucky.
Autumn Cook
Photo of Autumn Cook
Autumn likes to write. She doesn’t know what.
Reason for signing up:
I like to write. I don’t know if anything I write is worth reading, but it was all certainly worth writing.
Austin Rathbone
Photo of Austin Rathbone
Austin grew up in North Carolina hating poetry. Now he lives in Kentucky and loves it. Never believe that people aren't capable of change.
Reason for signing up:
To stay in practice and keep the juices flowing. Also to help process this increasingly dispiriting world.
Austen Reilley
Photo of Austen Reilley
Austen is a mom, a teacher, a Poetry Gauntleteer, and a shower blues songstress. Born in Brooklyn, raised in LA, educated in Boston and Cincinnati, lost ‘n’ found in Lexington.
Reason for signing up:
I love reading everyone’s poems and I need motivation to make time for my own.
Photo of atmospherique
tired and sad. gonna try to write some poems about it
Photo of Arwen
Arwen is from Martin County KY.
Reason for signing up:
For curiosity and community
Annie Griggs
Photo of Annie Griggs
Annie is an environmental educator with a deep love for nature.
Reason for signing up:
I love challenging myself to write more poetry!
Ann Haney
Photo of Ann Haney
I am a painter and a retired Studio Arts teacher. As for writing, I have attended the New Orleans Writing Marathon once, written with Write Across America for two summers and currently enjoy writing with a group of writers--Just Write Virtual Writing Group. It was designed by and is continuously inspired by Deanna Mascle of Morehead State University.
Reason for signing up:
Deanna was the reason I signed up!
A. J. Knight
Angela Knight has been writing stories since her first-grade series about a purple wish-granting hippo. She has since also published poetry and academic articles about teaching writing.
Angela Bari
Photo of Angela Bari
Writing is Angela's safe place and a way to make sense of a world that goes too fast for her to keep up.
Andrea Lawler
Photo of Andrea Lawler
Dreamer by day- teacher by profession, event designer & planner on the side, and a hopeless romantic always.
Reason for signing up:
Because writing is therapy.
Amy Le Ann Richardson
Photo of Amy Le Ann Richardson
Amy Le Ann Richardson was born and raised in Morehead, KY. She grew up running barefoot through the hills and gardens letting her imagination run wild. Her love of stories led her to earn a Bachelor’s in English from Morehead State University (’07) and MFA from Spalding University (’09). She currently resides and works on her farm in Carter County.
Reason for signing up:
Motivation to keep writing and sharing, and I love being part of this wonderful community.
Amy Figgs
Photo of Amy Figgs
Amy is a case coordinator in Therapeutic Foster Care by day and a poet in her free time. She lives in Lexington, KY with her teen son and pets. When not working or writing, you will find her somewhere in the woods.
Reason for signing up:
I loved doing this last year. It keeps me on my toes and writing for a month!
Amy Cunningham
amani kajtazovic
Amani is a student at the University of Kentucky with a double major in English and History. Her primary focus is literary theory and historical analysis. Creative writing, such as poetry, short stories, playwriting, and personal essays, is a form of escapism for her, as often she is plagued with the ennui of life.
Reason for signing up:
Heard about it through a friend.
Amanda Holt
Photo of Amanda Holt
Amanda is an English teacher in Lexington, KY. Poetry is the love she doesn't nourish enough but that stays with her nonetheless.
Reason for signing up:
I'm completely inspired by this literary community, and it reminds me to practice my art.
Amanda Corbin
Photo of Amanda Corbin
Amanda Corbin holds an MFA in fiction from the University of Kentucky and a BFA in creative writing from Morehead State University. Her work has appeared in Inscape, Kentucky Monthly’s Writers’ Showcase, JMWW, Eunoia Review, Fried Chicken and Coffee, American Book Review, Madcap Review, and several LexPoMo anthologies. She also served as co-editor of the Summer 2017 issue of UK's literary magazine.
Amanda works as an evaluation analyst at the University of Kentucky Human Development Institute where she has written about the needs of individuals with disabilities, post-secondary opportunities for students with disabilities, and an op-ed on disability and employment which appeared in The Lane Report.
Amanda lives in Lexington with her husband and sons.
Reason for signing up:
I signed up this year to celebrate 10 years of LexPoMo!
Amanda Jatta
Photo of Amanda Jatta
Alvera Lisabeth
Alvera herds cats professionally, chases peace with a surprising degree of success for such a comically slow runner, and delights in exploring a variety of creative outlets.
Reason for signing up:
It is a joy to interact with other authors in this way.
Allen Blair
Photo of Allen Blair
Writer, dulcimer player, dad, late-night cat wrangler. And soon-to-be published chapbook poet (thanks Workhorse!)
Reason for signing up:
To celebrate all things wordy with some of the finest poets around, and discover daily truths.
Alissa Sammarco
Photo of Alissa Sammarco
I am a writer and attorney who was drawn home to the Ohio River Valley after years in both the West and the South. I love the greater Cincinnati's open mic scene and have had poems published in Sheila Na Gig Online, Black Moon Magazine, Lexington Poetry Month Anthology (2021 to be released in 2022), the online arts journal, AEQAI, and elsewhere. Additional work is anticipated to be published in The Orchard Street Press' Quiet Diamonds, Change Seven, Evening Street Review, and Turning Point.
Reason for signing up:
Let's go! a poem a day - now that's a challenge.
Photo of ajam
AJ (they/she) studies Opera Performance at the University of Louisville. They live with their amazing partner and her two cats. She wants to travel the world and they hope to use their art to make a difference.
Reason for signing up:
My partner suggested it :)
Abby Kane
Photo of Abby Kane
Abby Kane is a soon-to-be freshman at DePaul University who doesn’t write nearly as much as she wants to.
Reason for signing up:
I loved participating in Lexpomo last year and it is always a great way to help me keep writing over the summer.
Aaron Reding
Aaron throws words at things. At screens, onto pages, and, on occasion, they fall in a pleasing order.
Reason for signing up:
I’m hoping to write more. I’m always hoping to write more. If all goes well, this time the hoping will turn to doing.
A.R. Koehler
Photo of A.R. Koehler
Ayla is a junior at the University of Kentucky studying Sustainable Agriculture. Notable achievements include owning a rad dog named Auggie and making a mean molasses cookie.
Reason for signing up:
I've always loved poetry and I want to push myself to write more and learn from others.
A. E. Bryant
Photo of A. E. Bryant
Anna is a visual artist and is growing in the realm of writing.
Reason for signing up:
I have been a part of this event in years past and love the community which surrounds it.